Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fever! ❯ The Girls Are Coming! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


By an ebony flame

Chapter Two: The Girls are Coming!

A bowl of mush flew across the room in the confusion. Officers ran around the mess hall, trying to mollify the calamity. Tired young soldiers assaulted each other with "food" and drink during the dinner hour. Shouts filled the humid air as the campers painted the walls with gray globs of chowder and red splashes of condensed juice. This was the only time that all of the young men in the encampment were happy. Well the boys in Cabin 9 weren't, for the ones who had to clean up the mess weren't very happy. Or least one boy wasn't, Wufei.

Augh! The one night there is a food fight, we are left with the chore to clean it up. And where the hell is everyone? he thought unhappily. We're at a military camp and there isn't any justice at all. He wondered where his cabinmates were, and began to search with his eyes. However, at that precise moment, a bowl of cold mashed potatoes hit him in the face. So of course, 'twas war.

If Wufei had a chance to search any further, he would have seen Quatre and Trowa under the table. Quatre's head rested on Trowa's chest, his eyes closed. He could feel Trowa's hands rub his back as they sat there, enjoying their own kind of peace. Love is hard at a military camp, especially homosexual love. But they believed it to be true love, and so they persevered. With training becoming harder everyday and the weather becoming gloomier by the second, living was hard. But when you're with a loved one, a storm rage outside, but inside all that matters is love. And soon spring would come.

"Wake up," Trowa said gently to his sleeping lover. "It's time to wake up."

Quatre yawned and looked up into Trowa's deep, emerald eyes. "I don't want to go. I wish I could stay here forever with you."

The brown haired boy smiled down. "I would love that. You know I would. But we have to go. The girls are coming."

Recently, there had been many protests against the armed forces. Feminist and gay rights groups had begun to protest and riot because of strict codes forbidding women and homosexuals from serving. At first the campaigns were ignored and treated as a minor annoyance that would go away. But instead it got worse and fester until it became a dispute that would not go away. And so the Midway Compromise was made, allowing women to serve. And the first batch of them were arriving today.


Hilde stepped off of the bus to see rows and rows of men. She smiled mentally. This should be very interesting. Her eyes scanned the rows and columns to find someone to suit her taste. She wasn't going to go after anyone of course, the weight of the future of women in the army was riding on her shoulders. But everyone needed a little eye candy, neh? Then she saw a man that caught her eye. He had intense, steel gray eyes. She bet he could look into your soul with those eyes. He had scraggy, brown hair, that left sparse bangs that went into his gorgeus eyes. There's my man, Hilde thought. Then she saw him look at another boy, one with an abnormally long braid, with such a look. Well look at that, my new best friends. Then she frowned as a blond girl bumped into her.

"Sorry," Relena said after she bumped into a girl with short, blue hair. Relena tossed back her hair to move it from her face. Then she realized that it wasn't there. Stupid army. It made me cut my hair! Relena pouted. She wasn't going to like this experience. Not only did they chop off her beautiful hair, but they made her wear ugly, baggy clothes. Why on earth did she take that stupid bet from her father! This was the worst thing that had ever happened to her in her whole entire life. This sucked! This….whoa. Who is he? She stared at this man…this beautiful man. It was the same man that had caught Hilde's eye. But when Hilde saw him steal a glance, she assumed he was gay and averted her gaze somewhere else. When Relena saw that glance she thought, Why isn't he looking at me?

Heero shifted his weight nervously. Some blond number kept staring at him. It made him very uncomfortable. Plus, there was something about her. He could even feel it from a distance. He felt deeply annoyed by the woman. He looked up at her face and chuckled to himself at the dumb look on her face. He imagined himself wrapping his long fingers around her neck and squeezing. Because of that, he grinned.

Wufei stood unhappily in his place. Damn onnas!