Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy 8/Gundam Wing ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
FF8/GW Disclaimer : Don't own Gundam Wing or Final Fantasy...Damn.
Warning : Ok this is going to be the upcoming pairings... 3x4(COURSE!), 1+4 (minor) , Bradley+Barb(OC's), 6+Julia, 6xRaine, 1+Meiran, 13xUne , ok i'm not sure if theres more i'll have to check it out more....*sighs* theres lots of pairings. Ok theres some Angst, Romance, Drama, Suspence, Serious, anything you can think of! LOL And all OC Characters are property of the creaters...(Like Barb and Jess!)*nodds*
Notes : Brackets mean thought the character is having. And is this boring anybody? I'm doing this out of my own boredom and for my love of Gudam Wing and Final Fantasy!^_~
Intro Notes
A member of an elite military team, Trowa is forced to conflict beyond imagination. To survive, he must contend with a desperate rival, a powerful sorceress, and his own mysterious dreams.
I'll be here...
I'll be
For what?
I'll be waiting...for
If you come here...
You will fine me....
I promise....
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A sword fell to the ground it's blade sunk within the surface as a young man lifted it out and charged the other which held a blade up ready for battle to begin. The young man charged and the battle continued, the sound of the swords hitting against one another filled the air. The clouds were dark and the field was rocky, which made battle difficult. The other young man knocked the other to the ground with a quick blast of fire magic. Off balance and weakened the other began to get up. But suddenly a stinging sensation struck him as a blade grazed over his face. In blindness of blood he quickly focused and sent a blow the opposite direction and across the others face...
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The breeze blew in through the open window of the Infirmiry room and the curtain swayed lightly. The sound of birds chirping could be heard and the young man began to lift himself up, he felt a bandage on his forehead, that covered the wound he had recieved in earlier. Just as he was getting up a woman walked into the room. She looked to be the doctor, Kadowaki is what read on her name tag.

"How are you feeling?"She asked observing the boy's forehead.

(Ok, I guess.)".....Ok."Was the reply.

Doctor Kadowaki sighed."Take it easy next time, you hear?"The boy looked at her."Looks like your eyes are focusing. You should be fine. Say your name for me."


"Why don't you take it easy in training? Next time you might not be so lucky."

Trowa put his hand to his head."Tell that to Heero."

"That Heero... Won't listen to anyone."She placed a hand to her chin."Why don't you ignore him?"

"I can't just run away."

"You wanna be cool, huh? Well, don't get hurt in the process. Let's see, your instructor is... Noin! I'll call her now. Just wait here a minute."Kadowaki walked out of the room, punched the code to send a communication message."Noin? Come get your student."There was a pause."Yes, yes...."Another pause."His injury's not serious. It'll probably leave a scar."Another pause.".....Right. Now please come by."

While waiting Trowa lay on the bed his hand pressed against his forehead and from the window, which led to the next room appeared a young woman. She knelt down a bit." we meet again."Trowa looked over as the girl left.

Just when she left footsteps were heard and a tall woman with blue eyes and short dark blue hair stepped in. She sighed a bit annoyed and shook her head."I knew it'd be either you or Heero!" Trowa sat up and Noin turned to leave."Come on, let's go.Today's the field exam."

They left the infirmiry and walked down the hallway where students passed by busily and Noin continued to talk with the quiet boy."Trowa, is there something on your mind?"Trowa kept walking with her."...Not really." they both said as if she knew exactly what he was going to say. She laughed.

"What's so funny?"Trowa asked looking at her. She shook her head."Funny? No, no, it's not that!I'm just happy. I feel like I'm beginning to understand my student a little. That's all."Trowa held a hand to his side."I'm more copmplex then you t5hink."Noin smiled."Tell me more about yourself."

"It's none of your..."Noin stopped him."Business." She laughed and continued to walk down the hall and Trowa frowned and shook his head.

The area was packed full of students. The bell's of the school rang through the crisp morning air and the students continued their way through the area.

Noin and Trowa entered the classroom on the left wing of the second floor. The students took their seats as their instructor entered the room and Trowa took his seat in the back, sitting beside him was Heero.

Noin cleared her throat and spoke to her class."Good morning class. Let's start with today's schedule. There seem to have been rumors flying around since yesterday...Yes, the field exam for SeeD candidates will begin later this afternoon."The students gasped and some looked shocked as well as nervous."Those not participating and those who failed last weeks written test are to remain here in study hall. Field exam participants will have free time until the exam. Just be sure you're in top condition. Meet in the hall at 1600 hours. I'll announce the team assignments there. Any questions? Oh and Heero! Do NOT injure your partner while training. Be careful from now on." Heero glared over at Trowa and slammed his fist on his study panel."Field exam participants, I will see you all later." The students got up and went to leave."And, Trowa, I need to talk to you." Trowa sighed and got up.

He walked towards his instructor at the front of the room. She finished talking with other students and turned to Trowa."You haven't been to the fire cavern yet, have you? You won't be able to take part in today's SeeD exam if you don't pass this prerequisite."

(...I was gonna go this morning, but Heero...)

"Hm? Do you have a good excuse?"Noin questioned.

"...Not really."Trowa replied.

Noin smiled."Then let's get going. If you're not too confident you can review your studies at the study panel. I'll be waiting at the front gate, so come down when you are ready. You can access the study panel from your seat."Trowa nodded and Noin left the classroom.

Trowa went to his seat and turned on the panel, with a sigh he looked over his notes and retrieved his GF, which was a students summoning called Guardian Force. He recieved Quezacotl, the lightning bird and Shiva, the ice woman, as his aid. He turned his study panel off and walked out of the classroom and down the hall. He went to turn left down another hall which lead to the elevator when he heard a voice of a young girl."I'm late! I'm late! I'M LATE!"The girl came running down the hall in a hurry and bumped into Trowa making herself fall to the floor."Waah!"She cried out.

"Are you ok?"Trowa asked as she got up to her feet.

She giggled."I'm fine, sorry. I was kinda in a hurry. Oh, yeal! Hey did you just come from that class?"Trowa nodded."Is...homeroom over?"Trowa nodded again."Woo...oh nooo...This place is sooo much bigger than my last Garden! Oh, hey, hey, I just transfered here. Do you think you could give me a quick tour of this Garden?"

Trowa nodded."Sure."

The girl jumped happily."Whoo-hoo! Alright, let's go!"

"We'll take the elevator to the first floor lobby and I'll show you the directory."

The girl nodded and the two went down the hall where Trowa was previously heading and got inside the elevator and to the first floor lobby. The door opened and they walked down the stairs and over to a large map of the school which was displaced for everyone.

"That's the directory." Trowa pointed and they walked to the front of it."Well this is it. Balamp Garden is pretty big. It's a good idea to check where you want to go. Next, I'll give you a quick explanation of the various facilities."

The girl nodded."Yes, sir!"

"You'll find the dormitory to the North. A majority of the students live in the dorms. There aren't too many students who commute."

The girl nodded again."Yeah, I'm in the dorms, too!"

"You can rest and change in there. West of the North Block is the Cafeteria. There's always a big rush for the hot dogs. You better get used to waiting in line."

"Got it!"

"East of the North Block is the parking lot. We usually take the Garden car when a mission comes up. The front gate is located to the South...(That's right...I have to go meet instructor Noin at the front gate.)"

"Hm? What's the matter?"

"Nothing...Next, we have the quad, located in the West Block. There's an event being planned there...."

"I know! I know!It's the Garden Festival! It's going to be great! I'm planning to be on the commitee. You wanna help out, too?!"

"Let's just continue. South of the West Block is the infirmiry. Thiks is where you get treated for your injuries, but a lot of students just come here for advice."

"What's the doctor's name?"

"Doctor Kadowaki. Now the East Block. This is the training center. It's the only facility open at night. It's used for training, and they have real monsters running loose here, If you don't take it seriously, you may end up dead. Just be careful."

She gulped."...Ok."

"South of the East Block is the Library. There's a lot of material you can look up here, but the terminals in the class room are a lot more efficient. And you already know about the classroom on the second floor, right?"

"Yep, I remember that one."

"By the way, the head master's office is located on the third floor. You need permission to get in."

Another question. what's the headmaster's name?"

"Headmaster Treize. that's about it. Anything else?"

"Got it! Heeey, um... are you taking today's SeeD exam?"

Trowa nodded."Yeah."

Then maybe I'll see you again, later. I've already finished my training at my previous Garden. I'm taking the SeeD exam today, too. Good luck to both of us, huh! Thanks alot!" The girl waved and walked away.

Trowa then remmebered to go to the front gate where he had kept his instructor waiting. He walked away from the directory and went to meet with his instructor.


please do not hate for the fact the story line is the same, i'm trying my best... i would have made things different but I have too much to do right now. please i'm not in the mood for rude comments.