Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy 8/Gundam Wing ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer : Don't own Gundam Wing or Final Fantasy...Damn.
Warning : Ok this is going to be the upcoming pairings... 3x4(COURSE!), 1+4 (minor) , Bradley+Barb(OC's), 6+Julia, 6xRaine, 1+Meiran, 13xUne , ok i'm not sure if theres more i'll have to check it out more....*sighs* theres lots of pairings. Ok theres some Angst, Romance, Drama, Suspence, Serious, anything you can think of! LOL And all OC Characters are property of the creaters...(Like Barb and Jess!)*nodds*
Notes : Brackets mean thought the character is having. In this chapter Trowa,Duo and Barb all have inner thoughts withen brackets so... just if youer wondering why there are so many in brackets =P

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After arriving at Balamb town they went straight to the train station where a man stood."The train to Timber is here. Please purchase a train ticket. 3000Gil?" Trowa paid the money for their ticket."Please go inside right away. The train to Timber will be leaving shortly." They nodded and walked through the gateway. It led them to the train, where they got on board.

The train started, it's whistle blew as it took off. Barb looked excitedly out the window."This train is awesome!"

Duo grinned and looked at her."A transcontinental railroad, baby! It even runs through an underwater tunnel to get to Timber." He then turned to Trowa which stood in the doorway."Pretty cool, huh?"

"Sure is..."replied Trowa.

Duo sighed."Guess you're not intrested. By the way Trowa.. You have to use the ticket to get inside." Duo pointed the the panel beside the door.

Trowa went over to the panel and put the ticket through the slot. The door beside the panel then became unlocked."Ok, we can go inside now."

Barb ran over to the door which slide open."Thanks!"She giggled and went into the next room.

"Let's go check it out, Trowa."Duo said. He went through the door. Trowa followed."Yo, check it out! So this is the SeeD's private cabin...!" Duo opened a door to the left."WHOA! OHHH YEAHHH!AWESOME!" The door closed as he went in.

Trowa went over to Barb who was looking happily out the window."I love trains." She started to sing."Train, Train, take us away, Take us away, far away, To the future we will go!" She sighed."Such a nice breeze. OH...I'll meet you inside."

Trowa nodded and went into the SeeD cabin where he saw Duo jumped on the couch.

"Hehe! This is so cool!" Duo exclaimed.

"I'm glad you're so excited." muttered Trowa.

"They even have magazines here." He held up a magazine."This is pretty damn amazing. It pays to be a member of SeeD!" Trowa looked at him as he sat down."Trowa, y'know anything about Timber?"

"Not too much." Trowa muttered.

"Yep, that's what I wanted to hear. Allow me to explain briefly." Duo smiled."Timber used to be a country surrounded by deep forests. But 18 years ago Galbadia invaded. Timber fell quite easily to Galbadia. So now Timber is under Galbadian occupation. It's said there's a whole bunch of resistance factions, big and small."


"Nope that's it." "....." Trowa sighed."...Thank you, Mr. Know-It-All-Duo."

"Hey, no prob!"

Just then the door opened and Barb walked in a little flushed."I'm not ... feeling...well..."

Trowa stood up."You should get some rest if you're tired."

Barb yawned."I'm really sleepy..."

"You ok?"Trowa asked.

Duo stood up."Hey....huh?What the...!? Something's wrong with me too....I ....feel....sleepy...." Duo fell back down to the couch.

A ear peircing sound filled the room.

"What's going on?Ugh!" Trowa held his hands over his ears."...What is this?" He collapsed to the floor.



Three men in Galbadian suits walked through a torched forest, their leader had long platinum blonde hair and held a average size machine gun. His light blue eyes scaned the area.

The darker complected amn with braided hair looked at their leader."Uhh, Zechs, are you sure this is the right way?"

(What the hell...?)


The three ran up the path, all around them was forest, grass and small patches of fire.

"Hoo-boy, not again..." muttered the larger man with a large spiked anchor held over his arm.

(Where am I?)



They continued up the trail crossing over a small stream when the bigger man stopped them."Hey, aren't we here to fight a war? You know, against the almighty Timber army?"

The man with the braids nodded."Yeah, so why are we wasting out time messin' with these animals?"

Zechs turned to them."Well, you see....It's just that, uhh...."

"Don't tell me we're lost again." The one with the braids sighed.

"Anyway...We're goin' home. Deling City, here we come!" Zechs ran off followed by the man with braids.

"W-wait! Zechs!" The other man followed.

They continued up the path where a Galbadian army car was. They got inside and drove on towards Deling City. They arrived in afew minutes and parked in the middle of the street next to the fountain.

"H-hey! You can't park in the middle of the street!" The bigger amn exclaimed as they piled out of the car.

"Chill man, it's cool." Zechs replied. They got out of the car."Alright then! How's about a drink!?"

"Whatever! Like you drink..." muttered the braided man."We already know you're not in for the drinking. Just admit it already!"

"Yeah, just drink juice like a weenie." The other commented."And then gawk at the piano lady."

"DON'T CALL HER THE 'PIANO LADY'! That's it, forget it! I'm not going!" Zechs snapped.

"We know you will..." The one with braids replied.

Zechs sighed and ran down the street to the right and continued down the sidewalk to the hotel, where they entered. They headed down the staircase to the right of the room which led to the highly decorated bar.

A waitress greeted them."Welcome! Your usual table is ready."

"Thanks."replied Zechs.

(Is this a dream....?)

(Zechs is pretty cute!)

(What's goin' on!? W-What's happening to me!?)

The three men went over to the table.

"At ease, men." They all sat down. Zechs got back up to face them."We're goin' all out tonight, right boys!?" He sat back down and a waitress approached them.

"May I take your order?"

"The usual!"

The braided amn nodded."Me, too."

"Keep 'em coming!" The other repied.

The lady left.

Just then a beautiful woman in a red sleveless dress with a slit up the side came down the stairs.

"So, Zechs... Julia should be making her appearance soon." The bigger amn said."You goin' for it tonight?"

"Yeah go for it!" The other said.

"What-ever, man! Can't you see she's working?" Zechs muttered.

"Don't go back on your word. C'mon, go wave to her."

"Give me a break..."

"So you say, but we know you'll do it."The bigger man laughed slightly.

Zechs stood up and began to walk over to Julia.( be this close to Julia...) Zechs thought as he stared at her.

(Is this guy serious...?)


(My leg's cramping up..! Argh!) Zechs limped away from Julia and turned back but then walked to her then went back to his friends.


"Good work, Zechs." The one with braids commented.

"Mission Successful!" The other laughed.

"Here, have a seat."

"I didn't think you'd actually do it. Our popularity rating's gone up a point." Zechs rubbed the back of his head."Yeah, but you cut a pretty pitiful figure up there. I'd say you're about a -3 on the manliness scale."

"Say what you want." Zechs replied. He then sighed."Julia sure is pretty...."



"Zechs, we're takin' off."

Both of them got up and left.

Zechs stood up."H-hey! What's the rush?"

"It'son us tonight. Relax and stay awhile, Zechs." The braided man said before leaving.

Just then Julia walked up to Zechs. She smiled and looked down at the him."May I?"

"Aaa....." Zechs chocked out. He moved aside quickly to let Julia sit at the booth.

"Did I interrupt anything?" She asked.

"N-N-N-Not at all. P-Please, s-sit down." Zechs sat down first.(Oh man,oh man, it's really HER! What do I do!? Kiros?Ward? HELP! What do I say!? But man, she is pretty....)

(What's this guy thinking...?)

Julia sat down and looked at him."You ok now?"

"Kind of...."

"How's your leg?"

"L-Leg? Oh, this!? Y-Yeah, it's fine. Happens all the time when I get nervous." he coughed slightly.

"Where you nervous?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm still kinda..."

"You can relax. You don't have to get nervous around me."

"Oh, sorry."

"Say..." She leaned over to whisper."Would you like to talk somwhere private? I have a room here..."

Zechs stood up in shock."I-In your room!?"

"Well...." She leaned in to whisper again."It's pretty hard to talk freely here. Everyone's listening in." She stood up."If you like to, please come by. I've been wanting to talk to you." She looked at him."You don't want to?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then I'll go ahead and wait for you. Ask for my room at the front desk, ok?" She turned and left.

Zechs put a hand to his chin.(Am I dreaming?...This is a dream...This is a dream. No, this can't be a dream! This is too weird ro be a dream... Julia...? Wants to talk to me...? And just the two of us! Get it together Zechs... I always screw up by talking about myself too much. It's always been like that. But not tonight! I'm all ears for Julia! Ahh, time to use my manly charm and help Julia with her problem.)

He then ran up the stairs and to the desk where the receptionist greeted him."Welcome! Checking in?"


(Is he really going?)

"...Aah, Mr. Zech? I've been expecting you. Let me show you to Miss Julia's room."

Here he was now in Julia's room, private, quiet and alone. H ewas nervous but she seemed so calm and tranquil.

"Thanks for coming." She smiled.

"No...Not at all, uh... Thank you for inviting me."

"Have a seat."

Zechs nodded and sat on the bed then blinked and sat down on the chair in the far end of the room. Julia laughed slightly. Zechs walked back over to her.

"Going so soon? we haven't even talked yet."

"No, it's not that. It's just that I'm a big fan of yours, so I'm really kinda nervous, y'know?"

"So that's why you come to hear me play so often."

"You...You saw me?" Zechs began to pacing in the room.

"You were always smiling while listening, right?"Julia sighed."You have beautiful eyes. Though theyn look a bit scared now." She turned to Zechs which stopped pacing."Don't worry, I'm not going to pluck 'em and eat 'em. I just want to talk gazing into those eyes." She turned away."Would you like a drink? Wine perhaps?"

"I must be dreamin'..."

Julia had poured themselves both a glass of wine and sat down on the bed as Zechs began to tell her about himself and his life.

"Yeah, I don't like fightin' too much, but you get to travel, y'know? Seeing new places n' stuff. And it's fun, cause Kiros and Ward are always with me. Hey, we should all go out drinkin' sometime! Whaddya say? And, uh.... What was I talkin' about? Oh yeah, so I want to quit the army and become a journalist. So I can tell people 'bout all the things I've seen on my travels."

(He's already loosened up...)

Zechs then continued."So, like, the other day, one of my articles made the reader's column. Pretty cool, huh? Yeah, that was way cool...."

Julia smiled."I'm happy for you."

"Oh yeah, and then...."

Zechs continued on with his many stories but eventually fell asleep on the bed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know wine made you sleepy." Julia said to herlsef. She giggled."You look so adorable when you're asleep."

Zechs then opened his eyes slightly."Argh...How'd I fall asleep?" He sat up.

Julia took a seat on one of the chairs at the small table at the end of the room. Zechs walked over to her.

She looked up at him."Yes?"

"I.....I must have fallen asleep, talking on like that...Tell me about yourself. Like... your dreams for the future."

Julia stood up and looked out the window."I....I want to sing. Not just play the piano, but sing, too."

"Oh, I'd reallt love to hear it."

"But I can't. I'm not ggod at writing lyrics..."

"Hmm...That must be tough."

"But, thanks to you, I think I can come up with something."

"Thanks to me...?"

"Yes... The many faces you've shown me. Times when you were hurt, worried....or felt pain deep inside you... Your smile, your face, your eyes..." Julia walked over to him and looked up at him."You've shown me something... I think I can come up with a song."

"Wow... I must be dreamin'..."

She took his hand." It's not a dream, is it?"

Just then there was a knock at the door. It was the braided amn, Kiros."Zechs! New orders! Meet by the Presidential Residence, on the double!"

Julia sighed sadly."Can we meet again?"

"Of course! I have to hear you sing!"

He then left the room to join his companions.


"Next stop, Timber...Timber..." A announcer voice filled the room of the train car.

Trowa got up from the floor to see Duo sitting on the couch and Barb standing next to him."Were we... all asleep?"

"Maybe someone released some sleeping gas? There's lots of people who resent SeeD."

(...Maybe. Better be careful.)

"Am I missing anything? Anyone hurt?" Barb asked looking herself over.

"I don't think so." replied Trowa.

Barb sighed."What a relief!" She went over to the couch."Everything's cool with me!" She giggled."I had such a nice dream!" She sat down.

(I had a dream, too. It wasn't nice though.... I dreamt I was a moron...)

The train announcement went off again."We will be arriving in Timber shortly. For those getting off, please be sure yiou have all your belongings."

"But seriously, Sir Zechs was sooo cool!" Barb smiled at the thought of her dream.

"Hey! There was a zechs in my dream too! He's a Galbadian soldier, right!?" Duo asked.

"Zechs, Kiros, and Ward..." muttered Trowa.

"Huh!?" Duo exclaimed."That's it!"

"That's what...?" asked Trowa.

"There's no way we can understand this...Let's just concentrate on our first mission!" Barb rubbed the back of her head.

(...I guess you're right.)"We'll put this incident on hold. I'll report it to the headmaster once we get back to Garden." Trowa explained.

"We should be there soon, eh?" Duo asked. The train then stopped." Here we go... Psyche yourself up, baby!" Duo got up off the couch and walked out to the hall.

Barb got up."Whew...still sleepy." She walked out.

Trowa stood silent and then followed the other two.


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Ta da! There! ^-^