Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy 8/Gundam Wing ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer : Don't own Gundam Wing or Final Fantasy...Damn.
Warning : Ok this is going to be the upcoming pairings... 3x4(COURSE!), 1+4 (minor) , Bradley+Barb(OC's), 6+Julia, 6xRaine, 1+Meiran, 13xUne , ok i'm not sure if theres more i'll have to check it out more....*sighs* theres lots of pairings. Ok theres some Angst, Romance, Drama, Suspence, Serious, anything you can think of! LOL And all OC Characters are property of the creaters...(Like Barb and Jess!)*nodds*
Notes : Brackets mean thought the character is having. And is this boring anybody? I'm doing this out of my own boredom and for my love of Gudam Wing and Final Fantasy!^_~

The evening past by quickly and Trowa walked out to the balcony to get some air. Noin then spotted him as she joined her at the balcony. She was in her usual pinkish-purple battle outfit."You really are an excellant student. Even that dance was perfect."Trowa glanced at her.

"Thank you."Noin stood thre and then...silence. Trowa sighed annoyed."Yes?"

"So you'll dance with someone you don't even know, but you can't stand being around me?"

"...Whatever."Trowa was getting even more annoyed. He wasn't intrested."You're an instuctor, and I'm your student. It's kind of awkward when you don't say anything."

Noin laughed."That's true. I was like that myself....Oh! I completely forgot. I wonder what's to become of me?"She sighed."I've come to give you an order. You and I will go to the 'secret area'.It's where students secretly meet up and talk after curvew. It's inside the training center."

Trowa looked at her with a odd look."What do you want to do there? Are we going to tell everyone they're violating curvew?If that's the case, forget it. Leave that for the disciplinary commitee."

Noin laughed."Go get changed and meet me in the front of the training center. This will be my last order."

Trowa left the ballroom.

(Get changed and meet at the training center?What's this all about...?)

Trowa went towards the Dorms. It was usually quiet out during nights.Well because of curvew to be an explanation why. The only facilities accessable during the night was the dorms and the training center. Garden staff patroled the other areas.

Trowa changed out of his SeeD outfit and into his casual black jacket, white shirt and black pants. Putting his necklace around his neck, grabbed his gunblade and left.

He headed to the training center where Noin stood waiting in her battle outfit. She smiled at him as he approached.

"Trowa, I was just wondering...Have you fought the T-Rexaur in the training center?"

"I'm not sure..."Trowa crossed his arms.

"You can defeat it quite easily by using status-J. Do you remember how to go about Status-J?"

Trowa nodded, actually even if he didn't know, he didn't want to suffer through one of those long explanations Noin would usually give.

"Well, use a sleep attack against T-Rexuar, just junction sleep onto your ST Atk-J and then attack it with your weapon."She smiled."Come on let's go to the secret area. It's just inside the training center."

While venturing to the training center they were attacked by a T-Rexuar but using the status J the T-Rexuar was quickly put to sleep. They continue to the are.

The secret area was peaceful, quiet, and it led far away from Garden. Giving them a beautiful of the shining lights of the school. It was beautiful... Students where embracing each other in a quiet manner. Some enjoying the relaxation yet few were there.

Noin walked to a unoccupied area and looked to the view of Garden in the distance. It shone brightly, combing with the shining sea of stars.

"I haven't been here for awhile."She sighed. trowa stood beside her. A long silence was between the two."What time is it?"She asked in a low mutter.

"It's after midnight."

"Oh well..."Noin lowered her head. A long silence came between the two as Noin spoke breaking that silence."I, Lucrezia Noin, am no longer an instructor as of now! I'm a member of SeeD now, just like you. Who knows, maybe we'll end up working together."

Trowa glanced at her."...Oh really?"

Noin sighed."Is that all you're going to say?"

"If that's how it was decided you have to abode by it."

Noin lowered her head."They told me that I failed as an instructor. basically, that I lacked leadership qualities."She stayed silent for a moment."I was a SeeD by the age of fifteen, got my instructor lisence at 17...It's only been a year since I got it..." Trowa turned his back to her rather annoyed."I wonder where I went wrong...I did my best..."She turned to him."Are you listening?"

Trowa sighed."Are you done yet...?" He rested his arms against the siding."I don't wanna talk about it. What am I suppose to say about other people's problems?"

Noin took a step toward him."I'm not asking you to say anything. I just want you to listen."

Trowa started to walk away."Then go talk to a wall."

"Aren't there times when you want to share your feelings with someone?"

Trowa crossed his arms."Everyone has to take care of themselves. I don't want to carry anyone's burden."He walked away.

Noin pushed some hair away from her face."...No leadership qualities...failed instuctor...Perhaps they're right..."

The two lef the area and went down to the exit of the trainign center when suddenly someone could be heard screaming."Somebody help!!!!!"

"Come on Trowa!"Noin ran past him and went to where the scream came from which was close to the exit.

They then sw where a young girl was trapped in the corner and in which a monster was hovering over her swinging viciously with it's claws.

"Trowa!!!Trowa! Noin!?"The girl yelled.

Trowa took out his gunblade and ran over to the girl and stood in front of her so to protect her.

Noin took her whip, she swung and it wrapped around the monsters leg. She pulled it down and let Trowa get a clear shot with his gunblade. With one hit the monster was dead.

The girl then fell to the ground and two men dressed in white uniforms jumped down by the girl.

"It is not safe here. Please, let's go."One said to her.

The girl. She was the smae one that talked with Trowa in the infirmiry before...

The girl stood up weakly."...Alright."The two soldiers took her away. She nodded a thank you to Trowa and Noin before she left.

"Who was that...?"Noin muttered.


Trowa and Noin got to the exit and stopped as Noin wanted to chat with him again."Trowa."She crossed her arms."It's not like everyone can get by on their own you know?"She turned and walked away.

"Say's who?"Trowa sighed and went back to the Dormitory where Duo stood waiting for him.

"Finally! There you are! Where the hell were you? I was lookin' all over the place. We're both now members of SeeD, right? Well, guess what!? We got our own rooms, baby! Your new room's right across the hall from your old one. That's what I was asked to tell you. Man, it took me forever!"

Trowa nodded and went down the hall to where Duo directed him and went into his new eoom. It was twice the size as his old one, but it really didn't matter to Trowa as he was tired and just wanted to go to sleep. He sighed and muttered."I'll just got to sleep..."


Early that morning a knock on the door woke Trowa up as a familiar voice which was Barb called to him."trowa, it's our first SeeD mission! Looks like we're going to Timber. Meet by the front gate. Hurry!"He then heard her footsteps run away.

Trowa got up out of bed, grabbed his gunblade and lef the Dormitory. He headed down to the Lobby then past the gate way where he then spotted Headmaster Treize, a garden staff member and Barb. He joined them.

"...One more minute..."mutred the garden staff member, since Duo was late adn hasn't arrived yet.

Suddenly Duo came down to the fron gate on a T-board, a hover skateboard and when he approached them he stopped."Made it!"He got off and picked up the board.

the staff member sighed."T-boards are prohibited within Garden. Have you forgotten?"

"Oops, sorry!"Duo rubbed the abck of his head."But this is really cool. It may come in handy on a SeeD mission, someday."

"We'll be the judges of that. Confiscate it."Another staff emmber walked over and took it away."All of you are members of SeeD, but...Nevertheless, you're still students at the Garden. Furthermore, because you are SeeD's, you must set an example to all others and abide by the Garden's rules. Understand!?"

Duo half-glared, yet agreed with a nod.

The staff member went over to Treize."Well, about your first mission..."

"You are to go to Timber."Treize told them."There you will be supporting a resistance faction. That is your mission. A member of the faction will contact you at Timber Station. This person will talk to you and say 'The forests of Timber sure have changed'. At this time, you must reply, 'But the owls are still around'. This is the password. Just follow the faction's orders."Treize explained.

Duo blinked."Uh...Just us three?"

The staff member nodded."Correct. We have sgreed to do this mission for very little money. Normally, we would never accept such requests, but..."

Treize stopped the staff member."Enough talk about it."He turned to Trowa."Well then, Trowa, you are the squad leader. Use your best judgement based on the situation. Duo and Barb, you are to support Trowa and give your all to carry out the faction's plans. Oh, and Trowa. I forgot to give you this. It's a cursed item, but if one with enough power used it, it should be of great help." He handed Trowa a small lamp.


The three left Balamb Garden and traveled to Balamb town just east of Garden where they would board the train and head towards their next destination, Timber. They went to the train station and payed for they're tickets and got on board.


whoooa...... been awhile huh???? Oh well's I've been kinda hesitant.... but.... I have decided to continue this fic even if people complain to em or not. Those that make extrememly rude comments well... will be flamed. If you have advice or anything that's ok. Or if you liek it or not. *shrugs* anything is