Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy 8/Gundam Wing ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer : Don't own Gundam Wing or Final Fantasy...Damn.
Warning : Ok this is going to be the upcoming pairings... 3x4(COURSE!), 1+4 (minor) , Bradley+Barb(OC's), 6+Julia, 6xRaine, 1+Meiran, 13xUne , ok i'm not sure if theres more i'll have to check it out more....*sighs* theres lots of pairings. Ok theres some Angst, Romance, Drama, Suspence, Serious, anything you can think of! LOL And all OC Characters are property of the creaters...(Like Barb and Jess!)*nodds*
Notes : Brackets mean thought the character is having. And is this boring anybody? I'm doing this out of my own boredom and for my love of Gudam Wing and Final Fantasy!^_~

They went to the door and Duo looked up."So this is the Communication Tower...?"

"Sure is big..." muttered Barb.

Screaming came from within and two soldiers opened the door and fled the tower. Heero stepped out."Cowards!" he yelled.

"HEEEEY!"Barb exclaimed but Heero turned and went back inside."The captain's getting away!"

They went inside and the elevator lift came down. Heero was not in the room.

"...Did he go up?" asked Trowa.

"Heeeey! Squad B captain!!!"Barb called out.

"Let's go up."said Duo.

They walked over to the lift.

"I think we can take the lift up..."muttered Trowa.

"Wanna go up?"asked Barb.

Trowa nodded and pressed the switch and the lift began to move up.

"Wow this lift is pretty cool!"Barb giggled.

"Don't get too excited or you'll fall!"Duo sighed.

"I'm not going to fall!"Barb glared at him.

Above was the controls that went with the tower. A elite soldier stood with tools. Looked to be as if he was fixing the rusted old panel. A soldier walked over to him.

"Major Biggs!"The soldier saluted."Thre has been a report of a monster-shaped shadow on top of the tower." The other continued to fix the panel in silence."Major Biggs!"

"be quiet! I'm busy!"He sighed and continued his work."This goes like this...and...Geez, what's with these crappy tools?"He muttered annoyed attaching wires to different places among the panel."And...and...why do I have to make all the repairs!?AHH!!"

"Sir, I'll check around while the repairs are being done." The soldier walked away.

"Let's see...Hmmm... Put this here...and...This goes here....There it's complete!" Just as he finished the elevator lift rose and Trowa, Duo and Barbara stepped off. The tower began to rumble and a wrench fell through a hole clanging to the tower and down to the rocky ledges far below. The mechanical devices attached together and a large pillar shot up from below and with that opened up into a satellite, sending a white shining beam into the air.

Trowa and the others looked at Biggs.

"What do you think you're doing here?!"demanded Trowa.

Biggs turned to them a bit startled."Huhhh? Likewise, MISTER! What do you think you're doing?!"He blinked for a moment."H-HEY! What happened to all the soldiers down below!? WEDGE! Take care of them!"He looked around, first looking at Duo, which shrugged."W...Wedge?"He looked at Barb who smiled. Then he looked at Trowa which crossed his arms."I..ah...Well...ah..I seem to be done here, so I'll just be on my...I'm leaving move, move, MOVE!!" He moved toward the elvator which rose with Heero on it. Heero quickly sliced off a peice of Bigg's armor."Ah....AHH....AHHH! Are you crazy!!!?"

"Just shut up."Heero glared.

He took out his sword."Prepare for the worst, you brats!" He lifted his arm and a gun attached to his arm shot swiftly at them.

With ease they all ran from fireing range, Duo quickly snuck up to him knocking him down with a leg kick to the ankles.He tried to get up. Barbara ran from behind at a safe distance and swung her nunchucks, hitting Biggs in the back, knocking him back to the ground.

Just then, the soldier that was there awhile ago ran up to them."Major Biggs..." The soldier muttered."Have you finished the repairs, sir? What is the enemy doing here!?"

"WEDGE! Where were you!?"Biggs got up."No pay for you this month!"

Wedge sighed."...Should've stayed home!"

Trowa took advantage of them being off guard and shot a fire magic attack at them making them more off guard.

"Major! We're doomed!"

"Stop your whinning!"Biggs sent cure magic at Wedge healing his wounds. But healing was a waste since a stong wind landed down on Biggs."What the....!?"The wind knocked him and his partner from the tower in terror.

A massive flying beast flew down, it's mouth breathed out a vapourous breath and it's massive claws were relaxed and it looked as if attacking was its only means of purpose.

"What's that!?"Barbara yelled, her eyes wide.

"Elvoret!"Trowa replied."I heard about a monster such as this back at the Garden!"

They never realized that Heero had stood asid, not helping in on the battle, he just stood observing.

"GF!" Barb exclaimed as she held up her nunchucks and a blue light shot out from Evolret and to Barb's hand."Gottcha!"

"A GF?!"Duo asked as Elvoret had targeted him and was dodging the swipes from the claws.

"Yeah!"She placed it into her nunckucks."Let's see how this thing likes the taste of Siren!"Barb rose her nunckucks once again and closed her eyes to concentrate her power.

Meanwhile the others faught off Elvoret so he would not attack Barb as she was concentrating on her GF summoning.

Withen about 10 minutes Barb had finished concentrating, this summoning took longer since she was distracted by the fighting. But she was finished and a purple watery mist surrounded Elvoret and a beautiful winged Woman yeilding a harp appeared. She began to play the harp. The music sounded beautiful to Trowa and the others but to Elvoret it was horrifying. It melted it's skin and made the body collapse to the ground until everything melted and evaporated away.

Barb sighed and glared at Heero."Squad B, captain?S'cuse me! I have new orders!" Heero turned to her."All SeeD members and SeeD candidates are to withdraw at 1900 hours. Assemble at the shore!"

"Withdraw!? There are still enemies around!" Heero yelled.

"I know, but I'm just a messanger."

Trowa placed a hand on his side."An order to withdraw takes priority. I don't want to miss the vessel."

Heero looked at his watch."What time d'you say?"

"Like I said...! All SeeD members and SeeD candidates are to withdraw at 1900 hours. Assemble at the shore."

Heero looked at them."1900 hours... We only have 30 mins! You got 30 minutes to get down to the shore! Better run!" Heero ran to the elevator lift.

"Heeey! Wait for us!" Barb exclaimed angrily.

The lift went down.

"Who the hell does he think he is!?" Duo yelled annoyed.

"Why don't you ask him." Trowa turned to the lift which was coming back up."Let's go!"

They got on the lift and went down.

Above Biggs crawled over to a remote switch, after crawling out from where he was thrown, and pushed some buttons."Damn...twerps..." He pressed the final button."Now go and destroy them!" He fell back down unconcious.

Trowa, Duo and Barb ran out of the tower, hearing a noise from above they look to see something big...It jumped down towards them.

"Ah!"Barb screamed.

"The hell?!" Duo exclaimed.

"Run!"yelled Trowa.

The began to run up the path being followed quickly by a large mechanical spider.

Barb turned slightly while running and hit it with a thunder spell damaging it's mechanical bodt. They continued to run down the mountain path quickly being followed. They ran across the bridge still being closely followed. Trowa hit it with a thunder spell to keep it back but it still kept coming. They ran past the central square and through the now empty town. They looked back to see the spider crush a car, which stood in it's way, to peices.

"I'm out of lightning magic!"Barb called.

"You two run ahead I have some left!" Trowa ordered. They nodded and ran ahead while Trowa used the rest of his magic on the monster and ran. He ran out to see the beach. He jumped down the staircase, rolled across the sand and got up.

Barb looked back as she got into the vessel."Trowa! Hurry up!" She yelled.

The monster began to target Trowa as he ran. Trowa took a leap for the open hatch of the vessel as the monster still charged. Suddenly from above, ontop the vessel Noin took the machine gun and began to shoot at the monster.

Trowa breathed heavily and sighed as the doors to the vessel closed and began to leave. As they left the mechanical spider blew up into peices among the beach.

They went back to Balamb port where they got out. Wufei and Meiran greeted them.

"How'd it go?" Wufei asked.

"Man...All they did was get in my way. Being leader ain't easy."Heero sighed as he walked over to them.

"SAFE?" asked Meiran.

Heero nodded and walked off with them.

Noin came out from the vessel and walked over to Trowa, Duo and Barbara."Good job!" She looked around."Where's Heero?"

Trowa pointed to the car where he stood."Just be back at Garden by sun down. You're free 'til then. Ok dismissed!"

They went to go towards the car when it drove off.

"H-Hey!"Duo yelled."Not again, man! There goes Mr.Ego..."

"Might as well walk it."said trowa.

After doing a bit of suvoneir shopping and visiting with Duo's mother, who lived in town, they need to be getting back to Garden.

It was a short walk. A easy one too if the road was taken. Monsters rarely went near the roads.

Yawning Duo walked to the Garden entrance."Finally made it back..."

"Seriously..." muttered Barb.

"Well, I guess we just wait for the test results."said Duo."Til then, see ya Trowa." He then walked away.

"See ya Trowa!"Barb waved, then followed Duo inside.

Trowa also went inside. He walked to the main lobby where Xu, Treize and Noin stood.

"Mission complete! I think we did a pretty good jub."Xu commented."The candidates are back safetly, right?"

Noin nodded.

"Although we didn't realize the Galbadian Army was after the abandoned Communication Tower..."Xu sighed.

"We've just recieved word from the Dollet Dukedom. The Galbadian Army has agreed to withdraw as long as the Communication Tower is repaired and the uplinks remain operational."Treize explained.

"Well, in any case, Galbadia is out of there. We could've made more money if they'd stayed and caused a ruckus."Xu said.

Trowa walked by them and let them talk amongst themselves. Trowa headed to the right where he spotted Heero.

He walked over to Heero, which looked up."D'you hear about the Communication Tower in Dollet? We would've been heroes if it weren't for that withdraw order."

Noin and Xu approached them.

"You were only looking for a fight." Noin said.

"My dear instructor."Heero sighed."I'm hurt. Those are rather cruel words for an aspiring student. A mediocre instructor like you will never understand."

Noin blinked in shock.

Xu frowned."Heero, don't be so stuck on yourself. You'll take all responsibility for leaving the designated area."

"Isn't it the captain's duty to take the best possible action?"

"Heero, you'll never be a SeeD. Calling yourself a captain is a joke."

Heero stared down at the floor angrily clenching his fists.

Treize approached Noin and spoke to her quietly an she left. Treize looked at Heero."Heero. You will be disciplined for your irresponsible behavior. You must follow orders exactly during combat. But I'm not entirely without sympathy for you. I don't want you all to become machines. I want you all to be able to think and act for yourselves. I am..."

He stopped as a Garden Staff member walked over to him."Headmaster Treize, you have some business in your office..."

"There are so many issues at hand here." Treize left.

Just then the school announcement system came on."All students who participated in today's field exam, report to the second floor hallway."

Trowa immediatly left for the elevator and on the second floor where many SeeD candidates waited anxiously.

He walked over to Duo who was pacing around the hall."S'up. Said they're gonna call out our names, one at a time..."

Just then a staff member walked over with a clip board."Maxwell... Duo Maxwell."

"OHHH YEAAA!!!"Duo went down the hall to the elevator extremely happy.

"Trowa... Trowa from Squad B. Please step forward." Trowa walked out of the hall, following Duo.

"That is all. Dismissed."

The rest of the students snapped their fingers together and sighed.


"There are four students that passed today's exam. First of all congratulations. However... From now on, as member of SeeD, you will be dispatched all over the world. We are proud to introduce SeeD. Balamb Garden's mercenary soldiers. SeeD soldiers are combat specialists. But... That is only one aspect of SeeD. When the time comes..."Treize explained to the four.

The staff member inturupted."Headmaster...It's almost time for the meeting. Please make this short." The staff member looked at the four."SeeD is a valuable asset to Garden. It's reputation is solely dependent on each one of you.Handle your mission with care."he turned to Treize."Is that what you wanted to say, sir?"Treize looked at him. The staff member went to Treize and handed him papers."Here is your SeeD rank report."

Treize walked over to Barbara and handed her, her report. He then whispered."I'm looking forward to the Garden Festival."

He went to a unfamiliar young man, handed him his report and whispered."Do your best, even if you don't stand out."

He went to Duo, handed him his report and whispered."Try to control your emotions a little."

Last he went to Trowa, handed him his report and whispered."Finally...A gunblade specialist."

He went to face them all."This ends the SeeD inaugration. Dismissed!"

They all left the headmaster's office.

Hearing from Duo, to return to class to give a speach, they walked down the hall to see Heero and his gang as well as the other candidates which never made it. They began to clap for Trowa, Duo, Barbara and the other, embarrising them.


Later that night Trowa Trowa walked into his dorm room where he saw Barbara.

"Hah! Found you!"She giggled, and twirled around."What do you think!?It's my new SeeD uniform!"She smiled."You should get changed, too. We have that aprty to go to." Trowa went into his room, closed the door and changed into his SeeD uniform. He walked out and Barb grinned."Heeeey! Lookin' good! Alright! Let's hit that PAAH-TAY!"


The room was bright and cheery, filled with fancy decorations, bright lights, and ball room music.

A woman passed by Trowa who stood quietly in the corner. She passed him a wine glass and left.

"Yo!"Duo called running over to Trowa."S'up, Trowa? Heh-heh. I guess we're both SeeD's now huh? Put it there, man."He held out his hand. Trowa took a drink of the wine."Hah, even as a SeeD you're still the same. Well that's typical of you. See ya." He walked away.

"Oh... hey. Duo. Wanna join the Garden Festival commitee and..."

"Sorry, I...ahh... Just rememebered something! G-gotta go. See ya!"

"Hmm..." Barbara walked over to Trowa."Trowa! Hi! Wanna join the Garden Festival Commitee? You can help out whenever you have time. Please?" She pouted.

"Sure. You seem to be putting a lot of effort into this."

"REALLY!? Whoo-hoo!" she cheered."I know we'll be busy with a lot of SeeD stuff, but let's work hard on the Garden Festival, too. Bye!" She waved and left.

Trowa sighed and looked up at the sky where he saw a shooting star. He looked back down to see a young boy, which turned and looked at him. The boy was wearing a soft, silk shirt and a pair of black pants. His eyes were sparkling blue and his smile was sweet. The boy pointed to the sky and Trowa tilted his head. The boy sighed and walked over to Trowa.

"You're the best looking guy here. Dance with me?" Trowa took a drink of wine."Let me guess... You'll only dance with someone you like. Ok then...Look into my eyes..." He rose his hand."You're-going-to-like-me... You're-going-to-like-me...Did it work?"

"...I can't dance."

The boy frowned."You'll be fine. come on. I'm looking for someone. I can't be on the dance floor alone." He dragged Trowa out to the dance floor, positioned their hands and began to dance. Close to stepping on each others feet they then banged into each other. Trowa turned to leave but the boy pulled him back and they danced again. This time they hit into another couple. The boy glared at the other couple and smiled up at Trowa. They began to dance again. This time with no mistakes. Trowa pulled him closer in rhythm with the music when fireworks above went off. The boy placed a finger on Trowa's lips and walked away. Trowa stared at the boy as he walked away.


hehe!Like? ^_^;;