Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy 8/Gundam Wing ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer : Don't own Gundam Wing or Final Fantasy...Damn.
Warning : Ok this is going to be the upcoming pairings... 3x4(COURSE!), 1+4 (minor) , Bradley+Barb(OC's), 6+Julia, 6xRaine, 1+Meiran, 13xUne , ok i'm not sure if theres more i'll have to check it out more....*sighs* theres lots of pairings. Ok theres some Angst, Romance, Drama, Suspence, Serious, anything you can think of! LOL And all OC Characters are property of the creaters...(Like Barb and Jess!)*nodds*
Notes : Brackets mean thought the character is having. And is this boring anybody? I'm doing this out of my own boredom and for my love of Gudam Wing and Final Fantasy!^_~

"Ok, you are to secure the central square!"Noin ordered."Be sure to junction your GF before you head into battle!"

They nodded.

"Let's move out."Heero told them.

Heero ran ahead of them and up the stairways. Trowa and Duo followed passing Squad A which stood stationed at their erspective area. They continued up the stairway where Heero waited. As Trowa and Duo reached the top, two G-army soldiers confronted them holding their weapons up waiting to battle.

"They're Dollet reinforcements?" One soldier asked.

"You bet we are!"Duo yelled running over to one of the soldiers, menuvering quickly then punching him. The soldier fell to the ground going unconcious.

The other soldier was charging at Trowa their blades clashing together violently. Trowa ducked as the solder swung him arm. Heero came from behind and sliced his gunblade into the soldiers back.

The soldier fell to the ground in pain laying there close to death.

It seemed cruel, but a way of fighting is only to kill if needed.

Heero then began to run off ahead down the streets of Dollet. As they passed the Dollet cafe two more G-army soldiers jumped down from the balcony above, to attack them.

The same cruel fate awaited these two soldiers as Trowa attacked one giving him a deep gash like the one before. The other was kicked aside unconcious by Duo and they continued on their way to the central square.

"The central square is up ahead."Heero told them then turned and began to yell."Hey! All you Galbadian cowards out there! Come out 'n show your faces! Don't leave me hangin' now!"

Duo sighed."...What an idiot."

The two ran to follow Heero. Arriving at the central square they were confronted by a soldier. Duo kicked the soldier down then broke the soldiers neck.

"There may be more..."Trowa muttered glancing around the area.

"All right, I want you guys to scout the area for enemies." Heero ordered.

Trowa went over to the north area of the square and Duo to the east. A soldier came jumping out from behind a parked car and towards Trowa which reacted quickly, thrusting the blade directly through the soldier. He then removed the blade. He walked back toward where Duo was."I think that's all of them."

The two went back to where Heero stood."Well then, we're on stand by 'til the enemy comes."He sighed and stretched."Stand by... how boring...."

The only sound heard was the quiet flow of the fountain and a small dog which was sniffling around the area. Suddenly the sounds of explosions filled the air.

"Sounds like it's starting."said Trowa.

"Bring it on."Heero grinned. The dog went over to him and barked."Get outta here!"he yelled."Scram!"He hit the dog harshly, and it backed off. Heero ran over to the northern area."Hey! Galbadian soldiers! What are they here for?! Come show me what you got!" The dog barked at him again.

A bell rang and the three were left to wait impatiently. Duo paced back and forth and Heero tapped his foot resting his gunblade over his shoulder.

"...Nothing."muttered Trowa.

Duo crouched down to the ground and slamed his fist against it."...The HELL! Man...Now this is what I call boring! This ain't right man!"

"Still keeping us waiting....?"muttered Heero, then began swinging his gunblade violently."That's it....! I can't take it anymore! What is this, some kind of dog training!?"

The dog ran over to the west area and howled loudly. Then ran away. Suddenly numerous ammounts of Galbadian soldiers went down the street to the west road.

"It's the enemy...."muttered Trowa as they were not seen. The enemy had then left.

"Where the hell they goin'?"Duo asked.

They looked up to where they saw a large, rusted tower on a cliff.

"Hey. What is that up there?"Duo blinked.

Heero pointed to the west street."Our next destination."

Duo stepped forward."But that's against orders!"

"Weren't you saying how bored you were?"

Duo looked back at his other companion shocked."Trowa!"

Trowa turned away from him."I stand by the captain's decision."

Heero turned to look at Trowa quzzically."...Captain's decision?"He put a arm on Trowa's shoulder."You want to wreck havoc too? Don't you?"

"It's a good opportunity to test out my training. Thanks to you I feel like I can take on anyone. Even if they do fight dirty, like you."

"You'll thank me when the time comes."

Duo looked at them."What the hell...I thought you guys didn't get along? You're like, all buddy-buddy now. Listen. This ain't no ordinary battle. It's an exam, an important one. I'm tellin' ya, we have to stick to orders."

Heero sighed."Then you stay here. I don't need any boy scouts."

"What was that!!!?"

"Don't take him seriously, Duo." Trowa told him."Heero, if we're gonna go let's hurry."

"The enemy is headed for the mountain facility. We, Squad B, are to secure the summit. Move out!"


"Tch...Fine."Duo grumbled.

They ran down the street to the west where they crossed a long bridge which headed to the mountain trail.

Heero ran up ahead and knelt down next to a wounded Dollet soldier. He looked up."...What business do they have with the communication tower now...?" Trowa got up and continued to follow Heero.

Heero waited at the stairway. They began to travel up. Suddenly a soldier crawled out from the rocks."Ahhh! W-w-who are you!?"

"Don't worry, we're SeeD candidates. We've been dispatched by Garden."Trowa told him.

"So what's going on up there?"Heero asked.

"The Galabadian soldiers have entered the communication tower. On top of that...that place has always been a nesting ground for monsters. If you guy's aren't caref--"The soldier was suddenly pulled back by a scaly creature it's head emerged from the rocks. It's eyes yellow and beady. It's fangs poured with deadly venom."H-Help!" The soldier screamed.

Duo backed away cautiously.

"This'll be no problem."Heero took his hand and slung a ball of fire at the scaly snake which was stunned for afew moments. As it was stunned Trowa ran in swinging his gunblade hard slicing it's head completely off.

"Monster's, huh?"muttered Trowa.

"That sucks."Duo commented.

"More fun for us. Come on..."Heero stated.

"...Fun? Pu-lease..."muttered Duo.

The reached the top quickly and looked down below the small cliff to see the entrance to the tower. Two soldiers stood guard. The door opened and another soldier came out."The generator is up and running!" One looked."No problem with the boosters!"

"...The hell they doing?"muttered Heero.

"Cable disconnection confirmed! Beginning exchange process!"


The three soldiers went inside.

"Repairs...?"asked Trowa.

"Who cares."said Heero."This must be your first real battle. You scared?"

"...I don't know. I try not to think about it."

"I love battles. I fear nothing. The way I look at it, as long as you make it out of a battle alive, you're one step closer to fulfilling your dream."

"What!? Your dream?"

"You have one too, don't you?"

"....Sorry, but I'm gonna pass on that subject."

"Yo! Let me in on it, too!" Duo interupted.

"Mind your own business." Heero glared.

"Frickin hell..." Duo swung his fists faking to hit Heero, he glared angrily.

"What's the matter, Duo? Swatting flies?" Heero then walked further down the path to reach the entrance.

"Damn you....!"

Suddenly a voice called to them."There you are!" The voice sounded vaguely familiar to Trowa. They looked up to see a girl in a SeeD candidate outfit. She then slipped and tumbled down the rocks clumsily. She rubbed the back of her head and winked at them. She had bright grey-blue eyes and shoulder length blonde hair."Are you... Squad B?" Trowa helped her up."Wait a minute... You're the guy who showed me around, right!?" She giggled."thanks! I don't get so lost anymore. Oh yeah, I haven't told you my name yet. I'm....a messanger. Name's Barbara, from Squad A." She looked at the two." The Squad captain's Heero, right? Where is he?"

Heero ran to the tower below them. Trowa pointed and she looked. Heero called up to them."One of these days I'm gonna tell ya 'bout my ROMANTIC dream!" He ran inside.

Barb sighed."This sure is tough..." She turned."Captain! wait up....!!"She jumped down the cliff to the area below. She went over to the door and waved to them."What are you waiting for!? Come on! Come on!"

Trowa went over to the edge of the cliff.

"Trowa... You're not gonna... It's a cliff, man... You're not gonna jump off...?" Duo muttered.

"That's the plan." He then jumped off and landed to the bottom joining Barb.

"Are you serious...!?" Duo jumped after them."Geronimooo!" He landed to the bottom.

"Well, let's get goin'"


Any good? ^_^;;