Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy 8/Gundam Wing ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer : Don't own Gundam Wing or Final Fantasy...Damn.
Warning : Ok this is going to be the upcoming pairings... 3x4(COURSE!), 1+4 (minor) , Bradley+Barb(OC's), 6+Julia, 6xRaine, 1+Meiran, 13xUne , ok i'm not sure if theres more i'll have to check it out more....*sighs* theres lots of pairings. Ok theres some Angst, Romance, Drama, Suspence, Serious, anything you can think of! LOL And all OC Characters are property of the creaters...(Like Barb and Jess!)*nodds*
Notes : Brackets mean thought the character is having. And is this boring anybody? I'm doing this out of my own boredom and for my love of Gudam Wing and Final Fantasy!^_~

Trowa quickly made his way to the main lobby. He was actually feeling quite calm about the upcoming mission. His mind was clear and he felt perfectly fine.

There Noin waited, at the main lobby patiently. She held up a note pad in her arm. Probably for the mission they were about to have.

"Trowa!Over here!"Noin called and waved her arm, telling him to come. He did."I'll be announcing the squad assignments for the exam now. Let's see...You'll be with...Duo Maxwell. Quite a lively fellow."

Trowa placed a hand on his side."Lively? He's just load. Can't I switch members?"

Noin shook her head."I'm afraid that's not possible."Noin waved a hand."Over here, Duo!"

Trowa turned to see a young boy practicing his moves, he did afew backflips and turned to them grinning. The boy had long, brown, braided hair and bright violet eyes."Whoa! I'm with you!"he exclaimed looking at Trowa. He held out his hand, but Trowa crossed his arms."You don't get along with Heero, do you? Heard he whooped you pretty bad this morning."

Trowa sighed."We weren't fighting. We were training."

Duo rose an eyebrow."I bet he doesn't think so. Look, Heero's just being a pain in the ass.All you have to do is ignore him."

"That's none of your business."Trowa replied as Noin copied him.

She sighed."Ahem...Excuse me, but...That Heero you're talking about...He's your squad leader."

Trowa looked at her and put a hand on his side.

Duo gasped."SAY WHAT!?"

"It can't be changed."Noin waved her arm."Heero! Are you here?"

Three people walked over to them. One had dark,bue,cold eyes, which was Heero. The other two had dark hair. The girl had a quiet stare, the other had that same type of look.

(Meiran and Wufei tagging along as usual...Guess that makes up the whole disciplinary committee.)

"You're the squad leader. Good luck to you."

"...Instructor."Heero started."I hate it when people wish me luck. Save those words for a bad student that needs them, eh?"

"Ok then."Noin stated."Good luck, Heero."

Heero glared at her a bit a bit shocked.He held his arm out."Add Instructor Noin to the list."Meiran and Wufei nodded.

(The list...? What is it?)

Noin shook her head."Well then. You're all assigned to Squad B. I'll be the Instructor in charge. Teamwork is the itmost importance. Let's get through this exam, everyone!"

"Listen up!"Heero told Trowa and Duo."Teamwork means staying out of my way. It's a Squad B rule. Don't you forget it!"Duo glared at him and held his fists out angrily.

Just then a voice called to them."Everyone here?"A man walked over to them and stood in front of the group. He looked to be the headmaster."It's been a while, everyone. How's everyone doing?This exam will involve twleve members from Squad A through D... You will be proceeding to a real battlefield. Obviously, the battles are for real. Life and Death, Victory and Defeat, Honor and Disgrace...Each of these go hand in hand. There's only one way or the other. How 'bout it? are you still up for it?"They all nodded."You will be accompanied by nine SeeD members. Should you fail, these members shall get the job done. They always do. Well, that's one less worry on your mind."He rose his arms into the air."The pride of Balamb Garden! The elite mercenary force SeeD! Learn from them, obey their commands and accomplish the mission. Prove yourself worthy of becoming a member of SeeD. Best of luck."

They all nodded and left for the parking lot. They got in the car and left Balamb Garden and onto the Town of Balamb just west of the Garden where they would transfer to ship.

Trowa began to have that uneasy feeling.

Duo sat himself down next to Trowa."Yo, Trowa. Show me your gunblade, will ya?"Trowa was silent."Please!"Trowa stayed silent."Just a peek!" Still he remained quiet."Tch, fine... yeah, yeah...why you bein' so selfish!?Scrooooge!"Trowa was still silent. Duo was beginning to get annoyed."Say somethin', will ya!? W-What's on your mind?"

"...Nothing."Trowa replied and Noin copied.

Duo then went quiet. He stood up and began to practice some of his punching moves.

Heero sighed."Stop that...It's annoying."Duo stopped and looked at him."Chicken-wuss."

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?"Duo held his fists towards Heero. But Heero just laughed.

Noin stood up."Knock it off!"Duo sat down and Noin did after, which sighed and shook her head as she did.

Trowa looked up."...Instructor..."She looked over at him."Who was that girl in the infirmiry this morning?"

Noin thought for a moment."Was someone there? I didn't notice anybody. Is there a problem?"

Trowa looked back down."No...not really..."He didn't really want to share much....not that he really cared. But that girl knew who he was....She seemed vaguely familiar. Like someone he once knew. But who?

Heero then inturupted."This is great...I have a chicken-wuss and a guy who just reached puberty in my Squad..."

Trowa never said anything. It wasn't intrested in the way Heero assumed. But Heero always had some kind of comment to throw in.

They arrived at Balamb in afew minutes drving quickly to the port where they could board the vessel and get to Dollet. The car stopped and Heero got out first, then Duo, then Trowa, and last Noin.

Trowa eyed the ship ahead of them."So that's the vessel...?"

"Ain't no turing back now. Huh? Yiou scared, too?"Heero asked.

A Balamb staff member called to them."Hey! You guys are the last! Hurry and get in!"

Heero looked at Trowa."Don't disappoint me now."

"Come on, move it!"ordered Noin.

Heero and Duo ran over to the boat.

"Hurry, Trowa!"Noin called as she went towards the vessel.

Trowa nodded and followed them into the vessel. The door closed and left the port and onward to Dollet.

Aboard the ship they were given orders on the mission to Dollet. It was going to be a tough one.

A young woman approached Noin."Hi, Noin."

"Xu, these are the members of Squad B."

Duo waved."Nice to meet ya!"

Trowa stood up."Pleased to meet you..."he saluted.

Xu looked at the last member."Heero, how many times has it been now?"

"Oh, I just love these exams..."He replied.

"I'll explain the current situation and the mission. Be seated." Xu told them."Our client for mission is the Dollet Dukedom Parliament. A request for SeeD was made 18 hours ago."She turned the moniter on which was beside her. It gave a small scale map of Dollet."Dollet has been under attack by the G-army since about 72 hours ago."Lights began to flash on the map where Dollet abandoned their position is the inner city. The moniter then flashed showing the Dollet soldiers position."Currently, they have retreated into the nearby mountains and are reorganizing their troops. That's our current status. Now onto the mission objective." The moniter then flashed a upclose to the mountain area."According to our reports, the G-army is mopping up the Dollet troops in the mountain region."Then the monitor flashed again."We're to make a landing at Lapin Beach."We're to eliminate the remaining G-army within the city and liberate it A.S.A.P." The monitor flashed a area of the mountain region."Afterwards, SeeD members will intercept any G-army forces trying to make their way into the city from the mountain region."The moniter turned off.

Heero sighed."So, what are WE suppose to do?"

"SeeD candidates are to eliminate the G-army inside the city."

"Sounds important."Duo mentioned.

Heero rolled his eyes."Sounds boring."He looked at Xu."So what you're saying is we do all the little dirty work..."

Xu looked at him and stayed silent for a moment."Oh. It hardly needs to be said, but...The order to withdraw takes priority. Do not forget. We're almost there. We anticipate a battle as soon as we disembark. Just be prepared. That's all. Any questions talk to Noin."Xu left the room.

"My first real battle....I'm gettin' pretty nervous."muttered Duo.

"Better not piss in your pants."Heero commented.

"Hah!? You talkin' to me?"

Heero laughed slightly.


Noin sighed."Ok, enough talk. We'll be landing pretty soon. Get ready."

"Roger."Duo nodded.

"Alright."Trowa muttered.

"Yeah, yeah..."Heero sighed."Well then, Trowa.Go see what's going on outside."


"Good. Because it's MY order."Heero laughed.

Trowa left the room and climbed the ladder and up to the deck. He held a photo in his hadn of Dollet.

The wind blew harshly as the seven vessels appraoched the beach. Trowa was quiet. He held a mission transparent paper overtop of the Dollet photo to show the mission stratagies. He looked up from the photo to see the real thing. The sounds of gunfire filled the air. Explosions could be seen and heard from afar. Yelling and screams of soldiers were even heard through all the noise of the fighting.

Trowa then headed back down as the vessel arrived at the beach. The door opened and the passengers of SeeD members and candidates ran out ready for the mission.

Trowa's heart was pounding. This was it... A real battle. That would soon choose what his future would hold...


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