Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Finding Peace ❯ Heartfelt Action ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Finding Peace (4/5)

Author: Talaquinn

Disclaimer: Not mine, just having a bit of fun.

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: mini-angst, and some swearing

Summary: Heero and Duo actually get their mission completed and head home for emotional confrontations.

A/N: Highschool's finally over. All of it except Provincial marks, so I now have time to breathe. Thanks go out to Kenny for betaing. Any mistakes left are my own fault.

Oh, and since it's been such a long time since I've updated, the previous parts can be found here: among other places. Enjoy! And let me know if you did, I'm starting to live for feedback….

Heartfelt Actions

Duo ran for about fifteen minutes before he collapsed on the leaf-covered ground, breathless but exultant. One down- two to go, he loved blowing things up. He lay there for a few minutes getting his breath back, and trying to figure out if he had injured himself.

Having decided that nothing serious was wrong with him, physically at least, Duo heaved himself up, and headed back towards the hotel where Heero was waiting.

The mission had been very successful. After Heero had divined the location of the base Duo had gathered his gear and moved out. The rebels were living in an encampment not two kilometers from the hotel they were staying at, so it hadn't taken him very long to infiltrate, plant bugs on the idiots he was going to let live, and plant bombs everywhere else.

It had been midway through his efforts when a wave of loneliness hit him. Wishing that Wufei had been there beside him, with his hot temper and caustic remarks- it was more fun to blow up stuff with a friend, then to blow things up alone. But Une had made it clear that Heero was to work the surveillance angle and Duo was to do the legwork.

It was during his brief lapse of composure that one of the rebels found him. The guy yelled, and Duo had been forced to shoot him and set off the detonator five minutes before scheduled. He hoped that the guys he had bugged had escaped; Heero would kill him if they hadn't

By this time Duo could see the lights of the hotel, which were quickly becoming overshadowed by the rising sun.

He sped up his pace, enjoying the feel of dawn and the gentle pat of his braid against the back of his legs.

He wanted to go home, to talk to Wufei, to spend time bonding with Misha, or even to play a couple of games of soccer in the park. Too much had happened in too little amount of time, and he had reached his breaking point the night before, and now needed time to heal, but with this mission he wasn't likely to get that time in the foreseeable future

The violet-eyed man headed up the motel stairs, stopping before the door that led to his room. He knocked.

The door opened to reveal Heero hair more tousled then usual, with a slight smirk on his ordinarily cold face.

"Decided to forgo the extra room then, Maxwell?"

"You know I did Heero. Let me in, I need a shower." Pushing past the other man Duo made a beeline for the ugly bathroom.

"Are the bugs functioning correctly?"

"Yes, as soon as you get cleaned up we clear out for the next outpost." Duo made no response other then to turn on the shower.


"Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!"

"You might want to quiet down a bit, the couple in the next room might get the wrong idea."

"You try and be quiet when some insensitive prick is pulling a bullet out of your arm."

"I have. Now stay still and shut up."

Duo finally stilled as Heero inserted the tweezers into his biceps one last time, and removed the bullet lodged there.

"There." He dropped the gore-covered piece of metal into the plastic; hotel issued cup he had left on the counter for that purpose. "Now, tell me how at the last encampment you managed to come through unscathed, and this time you got shot?" The cobalt-eyed man stood up to grab a bandage, and then knelt back down again to wrap the bleeding wound.

Eyes closed, Duo responded. "You see, I had just pressed the detonator when some idiot came out of the brush and opened fire.

"I dodged of course, but one of the bullets caught me. I returned fire, luckily was a better shot, 'cause he was dead within ten seconds of breaking cover. Happy?"

Violet eyes opened to meet cobalt, and the American found that the emotion lurking in those eyes was not the expected anger or disgust, but worry.

"You're injured, of course I'm not happy, but we have one more target before we can go home, and I want to be sure we can destroy it." Heero's voice was as impassive as always but the emotion did not vanish from his eyes, so Duo didn't respond with anger.

"Yeah, I can do it, but a little help wouldn't be looked askance at. You up for that?"

"Of course, I have the location. We can be ready in six hours." Duo grinned at the eagerness pouring off Heero. The man was not made for sitting aside when there was action occurring before him, but he did follow orders well, and what Lady Une said was law.

"Good, that gives me time to take a quick nap. You can drive."

Duo had always known that working with someone else was more fun, but it had been such a long time since he had worked with Heero on a regular basis that he had forgotten about how much fun it could be.

The two of them made quick work of the last terrorist camp, keeping about twenty of the men alive for the local authorities to arrest and charge. No more injuries were incurred, and they were able to make the six o'clock shuttle back to Earth.


The first thing Duo did after reporting to Une was to head over to Trowa's apartment. He wanted to see Misha.

Arriving at the door, the braided man knocked twice and grinned at the sound of a tiny bark sounding from the other side. A moment later Trowa opened it, barefoot, puppy in hand.

"Thank god you're back." The green eyed Preventer's voice held relief. "She's back to health and as energetic as any young animal that I've had to deal with. Please take her home. I need sleep." He then looked down at Misha, who had started gnawing on his thumb.

Duo grinned widely. "No problem, let's grab her stuff, and I'll head home myself."

Trowa moved aside and motioned to the apartment beyond. "Help yourself. How did the mission go?"

"A success. All terrorists have either been appropriated by the authorities of L5, or are dead because of the strange explosions occurring in their camps." Duo spoke as he gathered bowls, toys and food. He only favored his injured arm a bit. "It has been decided that the explosions were caused by equipment malfunction."

Trowa laughed. "It's good to know that some of us haven't lost our touch."

"Ah, I'm sure you haven't wither my friend. How have things been here at home?"

"Same as always, but Quatre and Relena are on the outs, something about the wrong name being called out during sex. Oh, and Dorothy asked me out the other night."

Duo stared at the other man in disbelief. "Dorothy? Miss 'I'm a creepy voyeur' Dorothy?"

"The very same. Although she did mention something about being with a couple of her friends as well."

Incredulity flavored Duo's next words. "And you said?"

"No. I'm not interested in anything with her. She is very creepy. And those eyebrows - rather off-putting."

"Good. She's a nice enough girl, most of the time, but her in a sexual situation is not a pleasant thought." Duo had made his way back to the entrance of the apartment. "Pass her over. I'll leave you to your rest, we on for our usual Tuesday coffee after the weekend?"

"Of course. I'll call and make sure Quatre's up for it. I'm sure it will be a very amusing morning. Listening to him talk about sex never fails to have me in tears."

"I know. See you later then, good night." With that Duo walked towards the elevator. Normally he would take the stairs down to his floor, but he was too tired tonight, and his hands were full.

The next morning Duo woke to the annoying duet of puppy howls and the phone ringing. He rolled out of bed and headed to his living room, and pressed the button to answer the vidphone, and crouched down to pet Misha who was looking quite distressed.


"Good morning Duo. I was wondering if you wanted to join Heero and I for breakfast at my place?" It was Wufei, looking composed and as perfectly gorgeous as always.

"Umm-" Torn between wanting to see 'fei again, and having to deal with the repercussions of his feelings, and flirting, Duo paused for a moment before answering. "Sure, just left me take Misha outside for a bit, and I'll come up."

"Bring her too if you want. Trowa com-mentioned that she didn't like to be left alone for too long."

Duo smiled at his 'fei's diplomacy kicking in. "Sure. I'll be around in around an hour. See you then."

"See you then." And with that they both hung up. Duo looked back down at the puppy.

"I'll get showered, then we can go outside, and then we get to go have breakfast with stress."

Fifty-five minutes after the vidphone call Duo was on the fifth floor staring at 'fei's door. He wanted to knock was but was too afraid. He was still standing there five minutes later when Wufei opened the door himself.

"Duo, what in the world are you doing just standing here? Come in." The Chinese man then looked down to find Misha pawing his jean-clad legs. "Hello Misha. Come here." He bent over to pick her up, which shook Duo out of his stupor. 'Fei really did have a nice butt.

"Morning 'fei. Sorry about that, I'm still exhausted, but very glad to be invited up for breakfast. Did you cook? I hope you did, 'cause I like Heero, but the man sucks at breakfast."

Wufei chuckled. "Yes, I just finished making omelettes and hash browns, come in and we'll eat."

Heero was waiting in the kitchen, intently watching the omelettes in their pans.

"I don't think they have burned, but I can't be sure. We should eat them right away to be sure." Duo was amazed at how relaxed Heero was around 'fei every time he saw them together. They complimented each other so well.

"I agree. Let's eat!"

The three of them sat down to enjoy a well made breakfast talking of nothing more serious then Quatre and Relena's most recent fight, or Wufei's newest project. It was nice, but Duo knew that it wouldn't be long before the topic of their own dilemma came up.

This didn't happen until after they finished cleaning up.

"Heero told me about you're fight during the mission. He really needs to work on his bluntness, but what he said was pretty much true. I love you as well Duo, and Heero cares very much for you. We would like nothing more then for you to join us. You made it clear before that you found both of us attractive, and we find you attractive as well." Wufei smiled and continued. "We want to try a relationship. For all three of us."

Duo closed his eyes against the sight of the two men looking at him with lust and caring screaming from every line of their bodies.

"I can't deal with this right now guys. It was one thing to flirt and think it was going no where, to tease you guys, I know my actions were self-defeating, but it sucks to be lonely.

"I love you 'fei, you know it, hell, everyone knows it, and Heero, I am definitely attracted to you, and I care for you deeply. I just need a week, I'm not asking to take this slower, just to be given enough time to work things out in my head, that's all. Can you give me that?"

He was surprised that his voice didn't shake, and opened his eyes to gauge the other's reactions, only to find them not in front of him and to feel two pairs of arms encircling him.

"Of course we can give you a week Duo." Wufei's voice was husky.

"But after that we expect you to live up to your promises. You chased after us first remember?" Heero actually sounded amused with comforted Duo almost as much as the hug he was encircled in.

Emotion clogging his throat, he managed a 'thanks' and leaned back against Heero before wrapping his arms around Wufei.

He was safe and cared for, but his heart just needed a bit more time to make sure his was real. He knew that despite their brave words his friends needed the time as well.
