Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Finding Peace ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Finding Peace (5/5)

Author: Talaquinn

Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.

Rating: PG-13

Warning: Sap, a bit lime-y

Pairings: 1x5x2, 4xR

Summary: The boys find their peace together

A/N: Here's the epilogue, this fic gave me the worst case of writer's block ever, but I'm still sad to see it end. The first time I read it, I liked it, the second time, I wasn't so sure, and the third time, I wanted to trash it. So let me know what you think. Thanks as always, go to Kenny for betaing.


Duo Maxwell spent his week productively. He played with Misha, went to the park to play soccer with Darrell and his gang, and took simple security jobs at work. He didn't avoid Wufei or Heero, but talked to them daily, as well as asking both Trowa and Quatre for their advice during coffee on his internal dilemma.

Not that he needed much help, it just was taking him a bit of time to realize that he could actually be with the man he loved, as well as a good friend that he could fall for, and that they wouldn't hurt him or leave him.

It also was taking him awhile to realize that sex would be a part of the relationship. He hadn't ever been in a relationship where sex was love expressed; it was either just sex, or simple platonic love. The American wasn't sure he could handle both at once, especially from two people at one time.

In the end he realized that the more he thought about it, the more nervous he would be. All that mattered, really, was that there were strong positive feelings on all sides, and together they could overcome any problem that they could face.

This took him to Friday, when he asked if they would like to come over to his place for dinner at seven the next night.


Duo spent Saturday cleaning his house buying groceries to make pasta and salad, and putting his favourite black sheets on his bed. He had decided to invite them to stay the night, even to just sleep, but if something more occurred- well, he wouldn't say no.

At six he was clean and tidy, cooking up a storm.

At six thirty he took Misha out so she could tire herself out.

At a quarter to seven the puppy was sleeping and Duo started pacing.

At five to seven a knock sounded at his door. Duo moved quickly to answer it.

Wufei looked gorgeous in a pair of white dress slacks and a light blue shirt with the top two buttons undone, and Heero looked tasty his usual dress outfit of deep blue shirt and black pants, together they made Duo's knees weak.

"Co-come in." To his absolute mortification his voice broke. Oh what they did to him.

As he passed Duo, Wufei pulled the American into his arms and kissed his cheek, before pushing him gently into Heero's arms where the blue-eyed man kissed his forehead and both of his eyelids, and then the tip of his nose.

Duo was then left blushing in the hallway, as the two Asians went into the kitchen and made happy noises over the food.

Coming to his senses after a moment, Duo walked into the kitchen and shooed his friends towards the table.

"Sit down you guys. Would you like something to drink? I have water, beer, some weird white wine the guys at the liquor store suggested, and orange juice."

"The wine please."


Duo complied, pouring himself a glass of the wine as well as one for Wufei. "Here we go. The pasta should be ready in a moment, but I have a garden salad ready. I'll go get it."

As he headed back to the fridge the braided man cursed his nervousness, these guys were his best friends, and he usually was more calm then this. He took a deep breath, grabbed the salad bowl and turned back to his friends.

Dinner went well, up until dessert, Duo had bought some fruit tarts from the local grocery and some whipped cream, he hadn't realized the implications of his choice of condiment until Heero winked at him as he was severing.

Mind dancing with visions of what exactly one could do with whipped cream and willing bodies; it took Duo a minute to figure out that Wufei was saying something important.

"So Duo have you had time to think things through?"

"Um-" Violet eyes went wide and were careful took look both Wufei and Heero in the eyes at once, "Yes. I really care about you two, and am *very* attracted to the both of you, it's pointless, and stupid to deny those facts."

Wufei smiled, that slow wonderful smile, and reached across the table to grasp Duo's hand. "We can 'discuss' this further after dessert, I'm glad you're okay with this."

Duo tried to concentrate on the tart, but found he couldn't, his imagination was running wild, this of course was helped along by a sock covered foot running slowly up his leg.

Doing the dishes was even more difficult, as Heero and Wufei insisted on helping. This, for some reason, included full body contact and random kisses. It was amazing that only one plate was broken.

After Duo put the broom and dustpan away, a pair of eager lips and two pairs of wandering hands ambushed him. Responding in kind, the braided man opened his mouth to let his tongue dance with the one of his dark-eyed love.

"Duo-" Heero's voice was rough with desire, and one of his hands brushed below Duo's belt. "Duo, can we take this to your bedroom?"

Not disengaging his lips, the American nodded nodded, and then let the Japanese man guide them to his bedroom.

Wufei let the kiss fade gently, and then pushed Duo down onto his bed.

"Let us show you how it's done with love."

And they did.


Like every morning for the past week puppy howls brought Duo out of his sleep. But this morning a strange feeling of total relaxation had spread throughout his body, and the sleeping bodies to his right were peaceful in their sleep, tiny smiles marking their normally stoic faces. Duo felt as though he had found a bit of peace in his strange and tumultuous life.