Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Finding Peace ❯ Hiding the Hurt ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Finding Peace

Author: Talaquinn

Rating: PG for now

Pairings: 1x5, 4xR, 2+5 (established) 1x2x5 (eventual)

Summary: Sequel to 'Skin', Duo is suffering from unrequited love, will Wufei and Heero help solve his problem?

Duo has waited all his life for a love that he can keep, will Wufei and Heero be able to give it to him?

A/N: Ha! First chapter done, and beta'd by the wonderful Kenny. I got this out before I had hoped! Please let me know what you think of this, I don't normally do Duo's POV.

Finding Peace One - Hiding the Hurt

Duo Maxwell despite being the self proclaimed 'God of Death' loved living things. He sat on his black couch, in his white living room, and looked at the various plants around the room. It was almost jungle-like, there was ivy hanging all around the perimeter, various cacti and succulents on every available surface, and a leafy tree-like plant in one corner. He didn't know how he had come by most of them, but he tended to pick up lonely looking plants and nurse them back to health. Plants had feelings too. Besides none of them were exactly high maintenance, leaving him lots of time to fun things, like getting his heart crushed.

Duo groaned now he had reminded himself once again about why he was sitting alone in his apartment waiting for Monday to come, he had nothing else to do. Mostly because he was alone, and would most likely always be alone because of his fixation on Wufei, the events that had transpired at Quatre's party, and the day before at work.

He really did love the black haired boy, and didn't mind Heero; the two had been close during the war. It just hurt so much that they had each other, and he had no one. What sucked even more was the fact that they were both so nice about rejecting him. It would have been easier on him if they had yelled, or tried to kill him, but no, they had to hold him close, comfort him, and promise that everything was all right. Pure torture.

Duo sighed again, and was about to curl up in his own little ball of misery, when something clicked inside of him.

~ Screw this. I'm getting out of here. ~

With that he grabbed a coat and swept out of his apartment, not willing to wallow any longer.

Sometime later he found himself in a park, staring at all of the couples passing him. It really didn't do to dwell, so he found a group of kids playing soccer and decided to join them.

He approached the leader, a boy of about twelve; dark haired and brown eyed.

"Hey, you kids look like you're having fun. Mind if I join?"

A mingled look of shock and distrust greeted that statement.

Duo laughed softly, "I'm not a paedophile, I just feel like playing ball for a bit. So do you mind?"

The boy's mistrust vanished into a calculating visage as he looked Duo up and down.
"Sure you can play on my team."

He then turned to the other children standing around looking at the exchange.

"Hey guys! This guy's going to play on my team. Let's get going!"

And so Duo spent the afternoon forgetting his problems.

Afterwards the brown-eyed kid met Duo at the edge of the field.

"You played a good game. Do you come out here often? We could use you."

Duo smiled at the kid. "I haven't before, but I will now. I had more fun today then I have in a long time." He thought for a moment, then offered his hand. "I'm Duo by the way. Nice to meet you."

The kid took his hand and pumped it. "Darrell, see you next weekend. Same time."

Darrell then ran off yelling to his friends to wait for him.

Duo sighed with envy when seeing a childhood he wished he could have had. L2 had been nothing like Earth in any way shape or form.

He looked around trying to figure out where he was.

~ This teaches me to walk around when I'm trying to blow off steam. ~

He caught sight of a street and was heading towards it when a soft whimper stopped him.

There, underneath one of the trees lay a small, dirty, puppy.

Duo was torn between smiling, 'cause it was rather cute, or raging at the world for leaving a defenceless animal all alone.

He walked over to where the small creature was lying and crouched down next to it. The poor thing was still alive, barely. He raised a gentle hand and touched the puppy's back. It gave a feeble whimper, but curled into the warmth he offered. Its innocent trust decided him; he would find his way to a vet's and then home. He would watch for missing ads in the papers, but anyone who would leave a puppy outside and unhealthy, didn't really deserve the right to care for it.

With hands that could coax any lock open, he picked up the little dog and stood up, smiling a bit as it cuddled in closer to him. He looked down at the matted fur and saw a creature that could care back.


The next morning with the puppy clean, vaccinated, and with a prescription to clean up a case of worms, Duo headed off to work.

His car was old, but sturdy, he liked the worn in feeling of older models. Besides, he had a tendency to break his vehicles at least three times a year. It wouldn't do to by a brand new vehicle every time he had an accident.

Walking into the HQ holding the little dog, now going by the name of Misha, because she was a girl, and so she needed a girl's name, Duo attracted the attention of the lady working at the reception desk.

"Duo I see you have a new friend. Is he cleared for security?"

Dorothy's eyes sparkled with good humour; the girl did love to tease him.

"She, my dear, and I don't think the little one will be any threat, she's a little to sick at the moment. You can worry in a few weeks about your precious security."

He liked Dorothy, he really did, and he understood why the granddaughter of a man who had wanted to take over the world had taken a desk job, this was one of the only ways she could keep her eyes on everyone. The blonde girl was quite the voyeur.

"Is it okay if I pet her?"

He smiled at her. "Sure."

She got up from her desk and walked over to where he was standing, and reached out a hand to pet the puppy.

"Oh, she's soft."

Duo stayed silent at this; there really was no need to respond.

Dorothy's proximity to him was drawing the attention of the others wandering about the floor and it looked as though most would come and investigate.

He sighed inwardly and let them.

It wasn't until lunch that he saw his friends, and it was Quatre who found him first.

"Hey Duo, I hear you have a friend. Oh, she's beautiful, can I hold her?"

The braided man was reluctant, but handed Misha over to Quatre, who smiled at Duo.

"Where'd she come from? You didn't have a puppy on Friday."

So as Quatre held Misha, Duo told the whole story, adding embellishments at every turn, by the time he got to the fighting off the dragons to get to the vet's, Trowa and Wufei had arrived.

"Quatre, Duo, little dog. How are you this afternoon?"

Duo smirked, Trowa didn't like being curious, but he didn't hide it well.

"Trowa, 'Fei you haven't met Misha, she's new around here. I think she's fishing for a promotion though. She had her eye on that plush chair of Une's."

His heart leapt when Wufei smiled, he just couldn't help it, and it sank again as he remembered the Friday before, why did he cry? Boys didn't cry.

Quatre noticed his change in mood and put Misha down on the floor.

"Wufei, you were going to help me with that intelligence report on the incident downtown, can we discuss it now?"

Wufei nodded his assent and the two turned away to discuss whatever boring stuff they wanted to discuss.

Trowa smiled at him and slid to the floor where the puppy was wobbling about.

"She looks pure-bred."

Duo started. That was unexpected. He twisted around in his seat to look at Heero, who ignored him in favour of crouching down next to Trowa.


Duo shrugged and began to eat. He'd never heard of a 'schnauzer' before, but Misha sure was cute. He had just thought that she was a funny coloured runt.

When he finished his lunch he looked down at Trowa and Heero playing with the puppy, with Quatre and Wufei watching them, he really did love his friends.

"My time's up, I have a meeting to go to. Can you guys tear yourselves away from Misha for a bit?"

He crouched down next to Heero and lifted the little dog, he would take her outside now, there already had been one accident, in Une's office, and that was something that need not be repeated.

He almost jumped when a hand placed itself on his lower back, but Heero's voice stopped him.

"Does this mean we are invited over to your house tonight? I could do without cooking."

Heero's words distracted Duo from the fact that the other man was touching him.

"Sure guys, We can order up some food, and Trowa and you can show me how to puppy proof the house."

He turned then and walked away, but not before hearing Wufei thanking Heero.

Why would the Chinese man do that? Duo shook his head and carried on, he probably didn't want to know.

That night, after tidying his apartment and worrying himself to distraction, he realised that he had never had the group over at his place before. He started to wonder why he hadn't when a knock sounded at the door.

It was Trowa, the green-eyed man stood on the threshold of his home peeking into the apartment, not looking like he was going enter anytime soon.

"It's green." Duo raised an eyebrow at the note of surprise in the other man's voice.

"Those are plants Trowa, you know the leafy things that usually reside out doors?"

Trowa managed to look a bit sheepish before replying "I always imagined you insisting on living in a crypt or something, this place is nicer then mine. I knew the third floor was a bad idea."

Duo snickered. "Second the best!"

His amusement was interrupted by the European man entering his home, and making a beeline for Misha, who had just wobbled into view.

"Your place is almost perfect, but you need a paper area, is she paper trained?"


"Yes. Good, I see that you've taken her to the vet, also good. You should make sure the plants don't touch the floor, you don't want her chewing on them…."

Duo just leant against the doorway and watched Trowa, who was obviously in his element. It was claming really, seeing someone else in here convinced him that this was what his home was missing, his friends.

Now if only Wufei and the rest would show up.

"Duo! You shouldn't leave the door open."

Speak of the devil.

"Quat-man! Tro just arrived, so I didn't have time to close the door. I see you brought the missus."

He had to admit that Quatre and Relena looked good together, their hair complimented each other, plus Relena fit just perfect into Quatre's strong frame.

Duo peered around them to see if Wufei and Heero had arrived as well, and was welcomed with the sight of the two of them wrapped in each other's arms. His heart plummeted, maybe he couldn't do this.

Perhaps his expression betrayed him, perhaps it was just done on a whim, but when he lifted his head to greet the couple, his words were blocked by a kiss.


^_^ So, is it up to snuff?