Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fly Away Hearts ❯ Monster From the Past Part 1 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Fly Away Hearts
Genre: Sap, Romance, slight angst
Pairing: 5x13 (centered), 1x2, 3x4, 5+2+3+4+1 (friendship, nothing more)
Summary: Wufei is fed up with love. All of his relationships ended with him being hurt. Just when he bands love for good, a handsome man steals his heart against his will. Will Wufei give love another chance? Or will he let this one go?
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, any lyrics that will appear in these chaps, or Spongebob
A/N: *sigh* 400 visits and only two people review? Why do I feel that you guys are taking advantage of me? T_T Well, this next chap sort of came to me during my wait for five reviews.....which I didn't get! Now I'm officially begging for reviews. I know I'm doing good, but that doesn't mean I don't want to hear your opinion.

Special Thanks to: *Glomps All Reviewers*

Linda Starwind: I'm glad you like the chap. And Trieze will have to work hard to get Wufei, of course. ^_^ Always the first or second one to review. Gotta luv ya!

Pixie Smith: Yep I agree. And I'm glad you liked the chap. ^_^ You too.

Chapter 6: Monsters From the Past Part 1

The music died down around them. Wufei reluctantly removed himself from Trieze's front and made his way to the bar. His whole body hummed happily. He never felt so good, not he wasn't going to think about that bastard.

God, he felt so stupid about crying over him for the past few weeks. He was nothing compared to Trieze. Not that he was having feelings for the man. It was just lust. L-U-S-T. It made things a lot easier. No strings attached and no people breaking up with your answering machine.

He flopped into his chair and sipped at his diluted drink. He waved the bartender over and quickly ordered another drink.

"Do you always come here, little dragon?" Trieze was close again and the air from his mouth brushed over his dainty ear. As much as he hated the way the man affected him, he felt the pleasure course through him.

"No I came with a friend--Duo, he thought I need to get out."

"Yes, your friend seems nice. By the way you two looked together, I thought you were....lovers?"

"Duo and me? No....we messed around a little. Mostly cuddling and kissing, but nothing serious." Wufei shrugged and met the other man's eyes again. " a drink?"

"Yes, a Shirley Temple would be nice." Wufei waved the woman over again without taking his eyes off Trieze's.

"Shirley Temple, please."

"No problem, hun." Hilde placed a tall glass of Long Island Tea on the counter and departed once again.

"So are you involved with anyone, little dragon?" Trieze asked hesitantly. This was the first time the other man saw any uncertainty in the man's face.

"I was....but we...he..." Wufei felt his chest tighten. He scowled at the innocent drink before continuing. He was over him. No point in getting all weak about it. "He decided we should call it quits."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Wufei tossed back the rest of the drink and almost choked. He quickly cleared his burning throat and turned to the beautiful blue jewels again. "I'm pretty much over it."

"Here." Hilde placed the ordered drink on the counter then hurried off. Trieze took the glass in one and sipped at it. The two sat in silence until the drink was gone.

"Would you like to dance again or are you leaving?"

Wufei looked at his wrist watch and shook his head. It was only ten. He could deal with a few more dances. "No. Let's go." With that Wufei led the other man by the hand to a less crowded spot on the floor and began to dance.

He was in heaven again by the middle of the song. The large hand was back rubbing along his stomach while the other just held his hip. He continued to move against the firm body even after the song ended and another began.

"Wufei Chang, never thought I'd see you here." Wufei's eyes shot open at the familiar voice. His heart rate began to climb and he scanned the club for the owner of the voice. His stomach clinched at the man standing just to the side of him. 'Damn why did it have to be him?'

He gave a taut smile. "Kordairo, how are you?"


A/N: Don't blame me; blame the fic that I am currently reading. She leaves cliffhanger...a lot. Next chap coming soon. I decided to move the violence to a later chap though. Let's see how many reviews you guys can give me to convince me to continue faster. ^_^