Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fly Away Hearts ❯ Who Needs Love? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Fly Away Hearts
Genre: Sap, Romance, slight angst
Pairing: 5x13 (centered), 1x2, 3x4, 5+2+3+4+1 (friendship, nothing more)
Summary: Wufei is fed up with love. All of his relationships ended with him being hurt. Just when he bands love for good, a handsome man steals his heart against his will. Will Wufei give love another chance? Or will he let this one go?
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, any lyrics that will appear in these chaps, or Spongebob
A/N: Hey! Thanks for the review. Sure you're saying its only two reviews, no big deal. Screw you! Two is good enough for me.

Lita Starwind: Arigatou! I sorta had a hard time with that part. With 2 and 4 they'd probably cry and run to a friend. But this is Wu. Glad you like.

Pixie Smith: Thanks for the review and yes it is AU and maybe some lemons if I get enough guts to do so. Yeah that really was a pity. Guess we'll haveta get back at the ass now won't we. *grin evilly*

Thank you for your reviews and I hope you continue to let me know how I'm doing. Note that this is my first angsty, sappy fic. So if you flame, be nice. If you review, even better.

Chapter 1- Who Needs Love?

Wufei stared at the wrist brace like he did every morning and, like every morning; he sulked as he put it on. Duo never let up on him and insisted he wear it everyday and not put stress on it for the next four months. However, Wufei loathed the brace all the same.

The particular style made him look like a gang member. All thanks to Duo's 'taste'. If the china man hadn't been so depressed that day, he would've chosen something less flashy. The brace was black with silver straps and knuckles and ended just before his elbow. Oh well, he'd just have to cover it up with yet another long sleeve shirt.

He hastily pulled his hair back into the usual tight ponytail and headed across the hall to meet his braided friend.


Duo giggled around a mouth full of ice-cream. His cheery violet eyes were set on the heart broken square character on the screen. He vaguely registered his Asian friend slipping through the door.

"Hey, Wu. Want some?" Duo offered the half empty container of Vanilla/ Chocolate swirl. Wufei gratefully took the bucket and the two watched the sponge try to get over his snail friend leaving him for the starfish.

The ice-cream lay empty on the coffee table by time the credits began to roll. Wufei lay sprawled on the coach with is head in his best friend's lap. Duo stroked the raven strands of hair absently.

"That's my favorite episode. What cha think of it?"

"The fact that Gary left Spongebob for Patrick just to get into his shorts isn't amusing on my behalf. Gary is a gold digger."

"Lighten up. It's just a cartoon."

"Aa, a cartoon. Maybe next time we can watch an episode that doesn't remind me of past relationships?"

Duo sighed inwardly. "He's still calling?"

"Yes. He wants to be friends....with benefits." The last of the sentence was said as if it was the dirtiest thing in the world times two.

"Wu, it'll be okay. You'll find that someone someday." Duo grinned down at his friend. "That sounded cheesy, ne?"

"Hai, But you're wrong. I'm done."

"With what?"

"Love. I don't think I can do it anymore."

"C'mon you can't mean--"

"Yes, I do." Wufei buried his head into Duo's stomach as he fought the tears. He hated feeling this way. Weak. He was done with it all.


A/N: This is short. I know. Promise to make it up in the next chap. Don't kill me! *hids in gundanium turtle shell