Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fly Away Hearts ❯ At The Movies ( Chapter 29 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Fly Away Hearts
Genre: Sap, Romance, slight angst
Pairing: 5x13 (centered), 1x2, 3x4, 5+2+3+4+1 (friendship, nothing more)
Summary: Wufei is fed up with love. All of his relationships ended with him being hurt. Just when he bands love for good, a handsome man steals his heart against his will. Will Wufei give love another chance? Or will he let this one go?
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, any lyrics that will appear in these chaps, or Spongebob
Chapter 29:

Wufei was on thin air by time he reached his apartment. He hadn't even heard Duo bid him goodnight or remembered dressing in his airbrush designed dragon pajamas. It was hard to believe that a minute ago he had broken down into an emotional wreck just hours ago.

His mind drifted back to Trieze. Trieze holding him, kissing him.....

He laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling while little chibi Triezes danced before his eyes. He had it bad. This time he was all too willing to accept that fact. Sleep came gently to him only to be interrupted by the ever present butterflies in his stomach.

He had another date. What was he going to wear?!

The realization of having nothing to wear was too much on Wufei's conscience. He wanted to impress Trieze. He paced the floor restlessly up until twelve when he forced himself to get some sleep. The dream always led to him being on the date with Trieze either in some geeky outfit or naked. He preferred the naked ones.

By seven, he was almost totally rested. That was nothing a cup of coffee couldn't cure.

He stood patiently by the coffee machine as it brewed. Somewhere between his bedroom and the kitchen, he had lost his pajama top. Today was at least eighty degrees and the air conditioning had yet to turn on. His usual springtime rant was cut short by the knock on his door.

Without taking heed to his present state, he opened the door wide to come face to chin with Trieze. //You would think I'd learn from last time!!// His mind shouted. They stared at each other for a small eternity before Trieze gave an embarrassed cough.

"I came to see if you wanted to go see an early movie."

Wufei didn't really hear the explanation. He could only see the soft blue colored semi-casual shirt and the fitting faded blue jeans. Trieze looked good in blue. The shrill buzz of the coffee maker bought him out of his stupor. He stared stupidly towards the kitchen then back to the wet dream before him.

" you want some coffee?"

Trieze smiled and shrugged his shoulders. Wufei's mind quickly supplied images of him grasping those same broad shoulders while bouncing the man's long, hard.......//Kami-sama!!// The china man blushed and made a hasty retreat to the coffee. Where did all that come from?!

Minutes later, Trieze was sitting in the living room sipping on the fresh cup of coffee while Wufei 'got ready'.


Wufei groaned softly in frustration. The cold shower hadn't worked at all. He was still sporting a decent erection and his pride would let him resort to masturbating while Trieze was in the same building.

//Then call him in to help// A voice said.


//You know you want him to wrap his hand around you and pump you till you...//

"Shut up! Damn!"

He could hold out until they both felt comfortable with each other. He turned to temperature gauge for the shower down sharply. He yelped loudly as the AC decided to turn on at the same time.

"Wufei, are you okay? Do you need any help?"

//Yea// "I'm okay"

With his 'problem' taken care of, Wufei dressed in a pair of fitting navy blue jeans and a white sleeveless button up.

"Ready." He announced. He grabbed a thin white jacket as they left the apartment. He would need something to save him some embarrassment just in case his body decided to rebel against him again. "What movie are we going to see?"

"A remade version of Arachnophobia."

"The one with the spiders?" Wufei asked warily. He hated spiders.

"Are you afraid of spiders?" Trieze asked. He already knew the answer. Duo told him that much. Said that Wufei would cling and press close to anything solid next to him during a spider movie. "Tell me if you want to see something else. This one is in 3D so.."

"'s okay." He insisted. His voice said otherwise. It was a little shaky if Trieze was guessing right. He shrugged it off and the two walked to the theatre.


A/N: Yeah, I made Wu afraid of spiders. This is going to be fun. *snickers*