Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Good Things Come in Small Packages ❯ Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
All warnings and disclaimers in Part One.

Good Things Come in Small Packages...
By Ryoko 03
Part Two

Heero Yuy was sure that he was silently going insane.

The Japanese boy valiantly tried to continue working at his laptop, but the
insistent chibi-clone at his side was making it *very* difficult to remain

"Why is the sky blue? Why is gwass gween? Why isn't blue gwass blue? Can I
have a glass a water? Will you play wiff me? I'm bored, Heewo! Can you make
me a san'wich? Whewe did Twowa go? Is it bafftime yet? I dun wanna baff
tonight! Feifei always spwashes me in the eyes and then I spwash him back and
then T'owa stawts cwying 'cause we get him too and we dun mean to and then
Woofei yells about justuff and--"

Who knew that Chibi Quatre could talk for so long without pausing to breathe?

"Hn," he replied, trying to block out the child's voice once more. However,
things got worse.

Chibi Duo bounded into the room. "Quatty! Awe you in hewe?!"


"QUATTY!" The braided child-clone enthusiastically glomped the little blond and
started jabbering a mile a minute. "Twowa went out to get wunch and Woofei was
gonna wead us a stowy but you wewen't thewe so I comed to find you and hewe you
awe! Whatchu doin' in hewe an' not pwaying wiff me and Hee-chan? Dun you wike
us anymore?"

"I wike oo, Duuuuo! I was asking Heewo stuff, but he's a big meanie an' won'
answer me!"

//Dear gods, PLEASE strike me dead!!// Heero frantically prayed. He was saved
from attempted suicide by laptop by the arrival of one of the only still-sane
members of the 'household.'

"There you two are," Trowa said softly, smiling at the two little clones. "You
had Wufei worried, you know."

"We sowwy," two little voices chimed, drawing another gentle smile from the
green-eyed teen.

"That's okay. Come along now, Heero has a lot of work to do."

"Okies! Hi, T'owa!" Chibi Quatre greeted the chibi who was shyly clinging to
the bigger Trowa's leg.

"H'wo," Chibi Trowa said in a tiny voice, peering into the room to blink at
Heero before hiding his face again. Chibi Duo bounced out the door and glomped
his friend-brother happily.

"C'mon, T'owa, we go eat now!"


//Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, God, for at least letting TROWA be able to
deal with this!// Heero prayed before turning back to his work once more. It
may have seemed cold, but he couldn't handle five little clones running around.

Chibi Quatre and Chibi Duo were a pair of tiny terrors. They were constantly
jabbering non-stop, to the point that Heero and Wufei *both* were convinced that
they were creating their own language. Almost as bad was Chibi Wufei, who was
constantly telling everyone to "leave Two 'lone!" and, when not doing that,
asking a trillion questions at once.

Even Chibi Heero was a handful. The child climbed everything. The child also
fell *off* everything. And every time he fell, he cried. Loudly. And he
usually didn't stop until three of the teens had come running and at least one
other child was wailing in sympathy.

The only one that would have been a blessing would have been Chibi Trowa if he
weren't so terribly shy. From morning till night, he was either *right* beside
Chibi Wufei, hiding behind Chibi Duo, clinging to Trowa's leg, clinging to
Wufei, or crying when Chibi Heero got hurt.

//Something has to be done,// Heero thought, a frown crossing his face as he
searched for new missions. //Those clones are driving me insane, but I can't
hurt them. Every time I look at them, I see that little girl... but I can't
handle being around them 24/7. Duo and Quatre should have come back from their
mission last week, and I *know* it went well, but they're hiding because *they*
can't handle it anymore than I can!//

Hiding... *that* sounded good, actually. But Heero wouldn't just run off and
leave Trowa and Wufei to try and control five chibis without any help.

...or could he?

