Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Wing Rebirth ❯ Episode 1: Battle of Earth ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi. Thanks for coming and reading Gundam Wing Rebirth: Special Edition. You probably never heard of it, but back along time ago I wrote a Gundam Wing series and this is it. To most of you this isn't a special edition because you probably never read the original. Sit back and get the popcorn.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Gundam Wing characters or anything related to Gundam Wing.

Universe is once again at peace, 25 years after the war started by Mariemaia (Endless Waltz) and all the space stations have been destroyed according to the UN peace law. The peace was signed and according to it, there shall be peace as long as they live. But a new race, called the Indus, looking to attack Earth, but was friendly to them, was thought as enemies. So the earth attacked them on the moon, the home of their main base and wiped half of their force out. They did not break the peace, since according the people who signed it Indus never signed the treaty. The Indus got angry with the Unified Federation (all those who signed peace treaty) and attacked Earth. They did not attack with Mobile Suits, because Mobile Suits no longer exists but now its Gears that will rule. A gear is a type of mobile suit but more durable and can withstand a lot of damage. There is one secret mobile suit hidden in the earth called a "Gundam" and its power is extraordinary piloted by Heero Yuy back in the battle with OZ. 4 years after the war with Mariemaia, Relena Peacecraft, his wife, was assassinated by an Arabian terrorist. Heero went on a wild rampage until he regained his conscious. He hid himself in shadow until Quatre talked some sense unto him but shortly after that, Quatre was missing.

Soon after that, Wufei was killed in a gear fight, messing around with his freinds. Five they're were who piloted the 5 Gundams but now 3 live to tell the tale. . The 3 left, swore to never use their Gundams again, and to never speak of them, but unless there was an extreme war and fate needed them to fight. But soon is the attack on Earth and the Federation doomed to its fate…

Episode 1: The Battle of Earth

"Sir incoming ships from space," said a radar postman.

"What? Whose are they?" said the general.

"They appear to be Indus Dropships and Capital ships. They're on a intercept course for earth"

"Holy Shit. I bet they are still pissed from our last attack. Well, What are you waiting for? Inform the President and launch are gears and ships."

"Yes sir!"

Over in Washington DC, in the Capital Building,

"Sir. Straight from Radar Station #3" says the Chief advisor.

"Well?" said the President.

"Over hundreds of Indus Dropships and Capital ships are on a direct course for Earth. Over 200 gears will be at their disposal. We might not have enough. The post has launched 30 gears. They won't hold."

"They will hold! Launch all gears on Earth"

Back up in space as the 30 gears go toward the Indus.

"Split up! Hold your positions! Don't let anything through! Most of us will die, but you'll die with honor" says Herrose Kikaine, the leader of the squad.

"For the Federation!!!"

Then the all the pilots saw what is known as, "The Great Storm."

"Holy crap! There's like a million of them" says one of the pilots.

"Keep your cool! Just kick their ass hard" said Herrose. "They're here!"

Then out of the Dropships came, what looked like million of gears, advancing toward them firing bullets at them.

"They will die like all the others did" said an Indus pilot.

"Ahhh shove it!" said an Fed. Pilot.

"They got Rocketeers and," said a Fed. Pilot cut off as his gear exploded from enemy fire.

"Shit!" said Herrose. "Our men are going down like flies. Stay out there, and wait for back-up!"

"Were going to die!" said a scared pilot.

"Shut up and wait for back-up!" said Herrose.

"The cavalry has arrived!" said one of the new pilots.

"Thank goodness you're here." said Herrose. "They got some plan up their sleeve. Their gears aren't charging. They're protecting the ships"

"I need covering fire!" said a Fed. Pilot.

"You got it." The pilot started firing at the gears up ahead, destroying one, and then backing off.

"Its no good they'll get you!" said Herrose then came a explosion from the Fed. Gear and pushed all the gears back.

"Were not going anywhere. We must fall back!" said a pilot.

"No!!!" said Herrose.

"Captain! Incoming transmission!"

"Call cease fire" said Herrose. "What is it?"

The transmission came in. "This is the high command of the Indus troops.

Surrender yourself and we'll spare your precious Earth."

"Give us time!" said Herrose

"You have an hour"

"Form up you're lazy butts! Ok. Tell the president we need an evacuation of Earth. Second of all, tell him to send up more gears!"

"Yes sir!"

Back in Washington DC.

"Mr. President! This is directly from the Captain of the Gears."

The President took the piece of paper given to him and read it silently.

"With your orders, we need to evacuate Earth. The Indus have a deadly weapon that even I don't know about. I know this because they're leader threatens the destruction of earth. For the safety of the people we must move to the Moon. I know that's where most of the Indus are, but we can destroy them. You need to go dig up a certain gear in Washington, D.C., find the middle of the town where the two main streets cross and dig, then put it on a transport and bring it with us. That certain gear will affect the future ahead."

"Well," said the President, "You heard the man! Go dig!"

They sent a gigantic digging machine to that specific location and dug till they saw the gear appear.

"It's scraps of mobile suit!" said one of the diggers

"It is more than that. That is one of the five legendary Mobile Suits used in the wars against OZ. It is called a Gundam."

He looked up and it was Trowa Barton, but age had made him unrecognizable.

"That one Gundam is to powerful for you to handle. None of you can handle it. Not even me."

"How do you know about these, Gundams?" said an onlooker.

"I have piloted one of the five Gundams! Back when I was 16."

"Liar! No 16 year old boy would pilot a Gundam!" said the crowd.

"Don't believe me! I will show you!" Then Trowa runs off.

"Get the mobile suit out of under the ground!"

Back at the White House.

"Mr. President the gear has been loaded onto a transport and is ready for departure."

"Good. Prepare for evacuation of Earth. Tell the world this! I don't want a bloody massacre" said the President.

"Yes sir!"

Back in space.

"Your time is up! Surrender or your earth will be blown to bits!"

"Fine we surrender!" said Herrose, "After you make us! Die you assholes!"

The Federation gears swarmed to the front line, firing bullets everywhere.

"Fine. You give no choice but to destroy Earth. Open the bay doors" said the Indus leader.


Then on the Indus's biggest ship, the front started to open up.

"Is that their deadly weapon?" said a Fed. Pilot.

"I don't know but it probably is. Ok. Red squad, Blue squad form up. Get your rocket launchers and mines. Charge at that one ship and try to blow it out of the sky" said Herrose.

"Yes sir."

The Herrose's gears, charged at the main ship. While they attacked, the transports form Earth were leaving for the moon.

"All you other gears, guard the transports!"

"Roger that"

Then this one transport came up and had something in it.

"What the hell is that? Is that the enemies?" said a Fed. Pilot.

"Nope and it sure isn't one either. I fight for the Federation pilot!" said Trowa piloting Heavy Arms-S, his new Gundam.

"It's a Gundam!"

"Yahh, no duh. Lets go kick some ass!"

"You got that right!"

Meanwhile, when Herrose troops were moving forward,

"Sir, the main ship is charging up for a shot at Earth. We're too late!"

"No! Hurry!" said Herrose

"Your too late" says an Indus pilot as Herrose came up and slashed his head off with his sword.

"That's what you think!"

"Sir!" said the pilot with his gear pointing at the main ship.

"Maybe we should get out of here. Retreat!"

But it was too late. The blast came from a ray gun inside the main ships hangar doors killing Herrose and his gears but Heavy Arms-S made it out alive.

"No! I…was…too…late" then Herrose's gear blew up.

The ray then fired at the Earth and hit, making a line of fire grow along the Earth's surface. The Indus gears and ships then retreated back to the moon.

"I'm taking command now!" said Trowa.

"Who says you can?" said a pilot.

"The Earth is going to explode. Ok, all I want of you guys is a full retreat to the moon."

"To the moon!?! The Indus are there!"

"We will defeat them! I promise! Only if the other Gundam was unburied and another has the strength to pilot it we will be victorious."

"You sacrifice the people of the Federation on this Gundam and person?"

"What else is there to do? Oh no! We must retreat quickly! The Earth is going to explode. We must retreat to MC #2 on the moon."

"Call the retreat!" said another pilot.

The Federation ships and gears retreated to MC #2 (Moon City #2 also known as Massases because the Indus mass murdered half the people there). But on the other side of the moon is MC #5 (also known as Indu, Indus's capital city).If the Gundam of Destruction is back, is there a person to pilot? All hope of the Federation rest upon its fate…


Next Episode,

The Federation makes it to Massases safely but is the city safe enough. And does Trowa have the right person to pilot the Gundam. Much truth is revealed so watch the next episode.

Episode 2: An Unlikely Enemy

Please review! I appreciate all reviews. I would like to thank, Shadow my Editor, and Phantom Mist my Co-editor for helping me. In addition, I would like to thank Bustin Dustin my Co-Writer who helped me some. I would like to thank Dunaway Disaster for helping me with some names.