Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Wing Rebirth ❯ An Unlikely Enemy ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Episode 2: An Unlikely Enemy

The Planet Earth is no more. The Indus had planed this out in the beginning. No one knew that this would happen. Earth finally exploded 1 year after The Battle of Earth. The Unified Federation crumbled into two pieces, (one on the Moon one on S.P.L.- Space Port Liberty the only space station that was a neutral until the Federation assumed control) and the Federation still fought and gained ground in the fight for freedom from the Indus. And on the Moon they battle now…

(June 29, AC 221)

"I'm down!!!" said one Federation pilot after another.

"Cover me. I'm going to take out the leader" said Peter Fuller, the leader of the 55th Gear Squadron.

"You got it! Covering fire!" said another pilot.

"The Federation will never learn! You will all die!!!" said a Indus pilot.

"Don't bet on it" said Peter, "Die assholes!" then he shot his heavy machine gun at that one Indus gear and destroyed it.

"Another regiment of gears are coming. They keep reinforcing this area" said a Fed. Pilot

"Ok. Fall back!" said Peter.

"Retreat!" said another Fed. Pilot.

Then all the Federation gears fell back to Massases.

"Artillery! Hold the Indus back, while we retreat!" said Peter.

"Yes sir, captain!"

Then the artillery fired while the other gears retreated. That second, Peter got a distress call from a familiar place.

"Captain! Help! We are under attack!" said the person sending the distress call.

"Who is sending this call? And where?" said Peter.

"This is Zeke Castalia and I'm in Massases!"

"What!!!" said Peter enraged with anger. "The Indus said they wouldn't attack Massases and we wouldn't attack Indu!"

"Can't really trust the Indus at a time like this. Well, please come over here at…" said Zeke cut off my the transmission being cut off probably by an explosion there.

"Damn! They're at Massases!" said Peter.

"What are we going to do captain?" said a Fed. Pilot

"Were going to Massases, and assist the attack!" said Peter

"Yes sir."

In Massases as a supposed Indus terrorist comes in the new capital building while battle rages in the city of Massases, the Federation's only stronghold yet.

One of the enemy's gears pushes down a Federation gear almost crushing the terrorist.

"Geez! My own men almost killed me! Can't they be more careful?!? Well at least I'm inside" says the terrorist.

He walks up to find two Federation guards in the next hall down.

"Can't let them see me. Can't let them find me out" says the terrorist.

He pulls out a pistol and starts putting a silencer on it.

"Nice and easy," says the terrorist and then he jumps out and shoots them both.

"Very simple. If the Federation is this easy to break into, the whole Federation should all be dead!" said the terrorist.

He opens this one door and sees the President of the Federation.

"Hey!" says the President. "Who gave you clearance in here? Get out at once!"

"Not this time Mr. President. Not this time" says the terrorist. "For the Cordons!"

Then the terrorist pushed a button on his side and a big explosion engulfed the building. All the people inside the building and many outside died as well.

People outside watched in fear, because they knew of what special person that was in there.

"The President is dead! The Federation is finished. We should just surrender to the Indus! We do not have a chance."

"Oh shut the hell up! That's all bull. You shouldn't talk like that!" said a woman in the crowd that surrounded the blown up building. "If we give ourselves to the Indus who knows what they'll do to us."

About that time, the Federation reinforcements come in. Peter Fuller, the leader of the group, looks horrified at what happened. But battle raged on as the Federation keeps on losing ground.

"Hello? Anyone there? This is Captain Peter Fuller of the 55th Gear Squadron." Rick looked around then started talking to himself. "Probably no one is here. This place looks deserted."

"Captain! Thank god you're here. We need back up immediately! The Indus are pushing us back farther and farther."

"We're here for you. Were coming immediately."

"Roger that. Out."

He turns his gear towards the other gears.

"Ok. Blue Team, come around eastward, take cover when found enemies, and shoot the heck out of them. Red Team follows me. Go now!"

Then they went off their separate directions. Peter turned on his transmission again.

"Ok, were almost at the battle grounds. Get your rifles out and have your swords on ready."

"Yes sir."

"But sir," said one of the pilots questioning Peter, "But aren't the Indus's gears armor to strong for our sword?"

"Are you questioning my authority? You heard what I said. Now do it!"

"Yes sir, on the double sir!"

They kept on going until they saw a battle raging on.

"Ok me. This is it" said Peter while he turned his gear forward. "Charge!"

Then they charged out onto the battlefield firing all theirs bullets and missiles.

"For the Federation!" said all the pilots as they battled.

About 2 hours the fighting stopped. The enemy retreated to their base.

"Well men, return to base!"

"Yes sir."

They returned to the Massases base that was still intact. Inside was Heavy Arms-S with its pilot, Trowa, standing right by it. Trowa looked over toward the commander that was walking up to him.

"It's nice that you're fighting on our side but we need you to find somewhere else to move that hunk of junk. We need more room for our gears" said the commander.

"My `hunk of junk' can take much more damage and has way much fire power than your pitiful gears" said Trowa.

"Now look. You better…" said the commander cut off by another man that walked up beside him.

"Gary, its ok. He's with me."

"Oh I'm terribly sorry."

"Ok, thanks" said Trowa confused.

Then the man walked up to Trowa.

"Hey Trowa its been along time."


"I'm back!"

Next Episode,

Duo meets Trowa and they have an interesting talk about the Battle of Earth. The Federation finds out that it was not the Indus that killed the President but it was the Cordons, a ruthless group of people that live on the moon. They decide to attack the Indus with full strength at Indu. All this and more in the next episode…

Episode 3: A Short Alliance