Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Wing: Wing's of their own. ❯ Wing's of their own: Of myths legnds and fairy tales.[1] ( Chapter 21 )
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Dr.J lead them into another room and motioned for them to sit down.
Wufei: You mentioned a tale??
Dr.J: Yes and i will start if you all are going to be quiet.
*All nod except Dr.J*
Dr.J: Some call it a legend others a myth and a few a distant fairy tale...The story is of 10 winged warriors created by the gods to protect earth and the space around it. There were 5 male warriors and 5 female warriors. Their names from what i was able to gather were...
The Water Warrior was a Woman named Decem.
The Ice Warrior was a Man named Lee.
The Plant Warrior was a Woman named Aerith.
The Rock Warrior was a Man named Dradon. {My mom thought up this name. (^-^)).
The fire Warrior was a Man named Dart.
The Gravity/Certain Space Warrior was a Woman named May.
The Death Warrior was a Man named Jet.
The Light Warrior was a Woman named Luna.
The Wind Warrior was a Woman named Ariel.
The Metal Warrior was a Man named Cloud.
Dr.J: It didnt take long for them to pair and find out that they were soulmates so in the end 5 couples came together and each one had a son.