Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero of Basil Street ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Heero of Basil Street pro/?

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 1X2, 3X4 and 5X6

Category: AU,

Warnings: A little OOCish on Heero's part. I think that is all for now.

Disclaimer: I don't own GW nor do I own The Great Mouse Detective.

In a run down apartment on the poor side of town lived a nice man, Treize Khushrenada, and his daughter, Mariamaya. He had just gotten home from his job as a toy maker. He didn't make very much but he was happy just the same. It was his little girl's birthday and he had made a special gift for her.

"Marie, I'm home."

"Daddy." Yelled Maria as she glomped onto her father.

He just smiled and kissed her forehead then set her back on her feet. He took the present out from his jacket and held it up to her eyes. It was a flower bud.

"Happy birthday sweetie. I made this just for you."

"Ooh daddy, it's beautiful. What does it do?"

"Why don't you wind it up and see?"

Marie took the flower bud and found the crank and started to wind it up. When she couldn't wind it anymore she let go to see what it did. The flower bud emitted a lovely tune and started rocking to the music and then it transformed into a lovely ballerina and started dancing in the palm of her hand.

"OOOH Daddy I LOVE IT." She again glomped her father but she was mindful of her new toy. He set her down and headed into the kitchen to start dinner for them. Marie went into the living room and played with her new toy. She knew her father didn't have much but he always tried to get the best for her and she loved him dearly for it.

When dinner was done they had just sat down to eat when they heard a noise at the door. It sounded like some one was trying to break in. Treize hurriedly picked Marie up and put her in one of the cabinets.

"Marie, honey, you stay in here and don't make a sound. Don't come out until I come and get you. Okay? I'll be just fine."

Marie nodded her head and Treize closed the cabinet door. He was going towards the front door when it banged open. He started to move away from the kitchen so that the person who broke in wouldn't go in there and find his daughter.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"

"Dekim would like to speak to you. So if you would just follow me, you won't get hurt." A gruff voice answered.

"I already told Dekim that I wouldn't do what he wanted. Now leave this house this instant."

Marie, from her hiding place, heard her father talking. She wanted to know who was in the house so she opened the cabinet a little. She saw her father standing in front of the window facing the kitchen while the other man was facing her father. The other man was shorter than her father and was wearing a lot of white. He also had black hair tied into a ponytail.

"Well then I guess we do this the hard way. Ready to fight old man?"

"I won't come willingly. So come and get me."

The boy with the black ponytail lunged at Treize. Treize sidestepped and grabbed the nearest thing to him to use as a weapon. It turned out to be a lamp. He swung it around trying to keep the other guy at bay and look for an opening. The other guy was jumping and knocking things down all over the place. Trying to get a hit in and avoid the lamp that Treize was swinging. Treize got lucky when the guy slipped on a rug. Treize whacked him in the stomach with the lamp. "INJUSTICE!" the guy shrieked and tackled Treize. Treize went down and hit his head on the coffee table and was knocked out.

Marie had closed the cabinet door at the beginning of the fight. She was really scared. She hoped her daddy won the fight and killed that evil man. She heard the other man yell and she closed her eyes tight and put her hands over her ears. She waited for what seemed like forever before she reopened her eyes and took her hands down. She didn't hear a sound. She waited just like her daddy told her to but she was getting scared. Her daddy should have come by now. She opened the door to the cabinet and looked out. The lights were off and it was really dark in the room but the moonlight highlighted the mess. The whole living room was destroyed. The couch was overturned. The lamp was smashed on the floor. The coffee table was on its side. She slowly crept out into the house and looked around for her daddy.



No one answered her. She looked through the whole house but she couldn't find anyone. She also noticed that her new toy was gone. The man had stolen her daddy and her new toy. She ran out into the street to find some one to help her. Maybe her daddy ran away and was coming back for her.

"DADDY!" She screamed.

She waited on the steps. She saw no one. She was alone. She started to cry.

TBC (?)