Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero of Basil Street ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Heero of Basil Street 1/?

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 1X2, 3X4 and 5X6

Category: AU,

Warnings: A little OOCish on Heero's part. I think that is all for now.

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of GW or any part of The Great Mouse Detective

A young man was walking down the street. He was well dressed which looked odd in the poor section of town. His long brown braid swung behind his back with each step. He looked generally happy but still on edge. It was night and he knew in this section of town thieves and murderers like to come out. As he walked down the street he heard someone crying. He stopped to find out where the sound was coming from. He saw a little girl with fire red hair and a blue dress sitting on the steps to a building. She was crying and her knees were pulled to her chest. She looked like she had been there for a while. He walked up to her and squatted down to her level. He picked up his braid so it didn't get dirty and looked at the girl.

"Hi little girl. My names Duo, Duo Maxwell. I may run and hide but I never lie. What's your name?"

"Hi Mr. Maxwell. My name is Mariemaya Khushrenada."

"Why are you crying, Marie? Where are your parents?"

"I don't know where my daddy went. Someone stole him. Will help me find my daddy Mr. Maxwell. PLEASE!"

"Alright I'll help you find your daddy, but on one condition?"


"You call me Duo. Mister makes me feel old."

At this she giggled at him and Duo smiled at her. Duo stood up and grabbed her hand and they walked off towards the police station. He would help the girl as much as he could.

They walked into the police station and right up to the front desk. A fat police officer sat staring at the computer while eating a donut. He didn't look happy and Duo had some misgivings about asking for help. He pushed those misgivings aside because he had promised Marie that he would help.

"Excuse me officer but this little girl says that her father was kidnapped."

"How long has he been missing." The police officer asked without looking up from his screen.

"Since tonight." Said Marie. The police officer looked at her and snorted.

"Listen, girl. He probably took off and left you behind. Mister why don't you take her down to the local orphanage. We have too many problems to deal with and we don't have time to find runaway dads."

"Look here Sir. This girl says her father was kidnapped and you pass it off as some kind of errant father who left his little girl behind. What happened to protecting the innocent and helping them. Or are you just upset because you are stuck behind a desk so you take it out on poor defenseless people who need help." Duo ranted.

When Duo was getting to the height of his rant, two police officers that had been watching the scene came and escorted him and the little girl off the premises. Duo left peacefully because if he got arrested he couldn't help Marie. But he was boiling with anger.

"What are we going to do now, Duo? How are we going to find my father?" Marie asked.

She was bordering on tears. Duo looked down at her and his anger fled. He gathered the little girl in his arms and rocked her back and forth. One of the officers who had escorted them out felt bad for them.

"Hey, look, we would have to file a missing persons report and it could take weeks to months before we find anything. But here, take this card, he should be able to help you in less time than that. Good luck."

Then the officer retreated to the police station. Duo held the card and looked at it. It said: Heero Yuy, Private Detective. 125 Basil(1) Street. He looked back up to say thanks to the officer but he was already gone.

"Well let's go give this a try. He should be able to help us. Come on."

Duo hailed a cab and told the cab driver where to go. He comforted the little girl as much as he could. He watched as the city lights whirled by the window. `I wonder if this guy can really help us. Because if he can't I don't know what to do.' Duo thought. Soon they arrived at the place. It was a house in the middle of the city. Kind of squished in-between two buildings, but still a house. Duo paid the cab fare and took Marie by the hand up to doorstep. He rang the doorbell and waited. When no one immediately opened the door he did it again and smiled at Marie. Finally they heard shuffling behind the door and the door was opened. Duo and Mariemaya both gasped in shock.

TBC (?)

Basil is the name of the mouse in The Great Mouse detective. I am not sure on the number house but 125 sounded good.