Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero of Basil Street ❯ Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Heero of Basil Street 2/?

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 1X2, 3X4 and 5X6

Category: AU,

Warnings: A little OOCish on Heero's part. I think that is all for now.

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of GW or any part of The Great Mouse Detective.

Duo and Mariemaya both gasped in shock. They couldn't believe their eyes. A young man around his early twenties, with short blond hair and aquamarine eyes answered the door. That wasn't what shocked them, what shocked them was what he was wearing. He only wore a towel around his slim hips. He blushed a nice rosy color when he found a guy and a little girl standing at the door.

"Could you hold on for just a second?"


The blond haired boy left them standing in the doorway while he went to put on more appropriate clothing. He came back shortly wearing some gray sweatpants and a dark purple t-shirt.

"Yes. How may I help you?"

"Is this the residence of Heero Yuy the private detective?"

"Yes it is. My name is Quatre, Heero isn't home right now but come on in. Trowa and he should be back in a jiffy."


"His partner. He finds out where the bad guys are and leads Heero to them. Now what is your name little girl?"

"Mariemaya Khushrenada."

"Well that is a lovely name. Let me finish baking some cookies and we can eat some. Is that okay with you?"

"Thank you Mr. Quatre. That would be nice."

"Just Quatre, Marie. Why don't you two make yourselves at home."

Quatre walked back into the kitchen. Marie looked around the house and took a seat in a big armchair near the fireplace. Duo also looked around a bit. He saw science equipment on one side of the room. Books lined the shelves and a picture of the ugliest man he had ever seen was in a frame above the mantel. He was just stepping closer to the picture when the door banged open. A fat man who was bald and had a mustache ran into the run waving a gun around.

"AHA! I shall have him." The man yelled.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Duo Maxwell said and stood in front of Marie in case this man was dangerous.

The man straightened immediately when he found unknown people in the house. He popped the mask off his face. He then pulled something underneath his clothing that made the clothing drape around him. The youth that stepped out was in his early twenties. He had wild brown hair and the bluest eyes. He was very lean and muscular. He wore a green tank top and black spandex shorts underneath the disguise with ugly yellow sneakers.

"Hn. Heero Yuy."

"Okay good, this little girl needs your help."

"Not right now I need to finish this. You will help me."

Duo stood there shocked. Not only had this guy brushed him off, he demanded that he help him. Heero started gathering pillows and threw them into Duo's arms. Duo caught them out of reflex, he was still too shocked to movie. But when Heero pointed a gun at the pillows he threw them on the armchair, grabbed Marie and ducked behind a sofa. They heard a loud bang and then they seen feathers flying everywhere. Quatre ran in because he heard the gun shot. He gaped at the feathers flying around the room.


Heero popped up from in front of the armchair and looked at Quatre. He wore an expression of shock and a tad bit of guilt was in there too.

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO THE PILLOWS. These pillows cost money. Money we shouldn't be spending at the moment. Would you care to explain WHY you decided to shoot them?"

"Ano.. umm I needed the bullet for a lead. It had to be shot from a gun. Umm… Gomen."

Quatre sighed, "It's okay Heero. I'll get some more later."

With that Quatre went back into the kitchen. As soon as Quatre was gone, Heero was back to searching for the bullet. He was searching the ground surrounding the armchair when he came upon Marie who was holding the bullet in her hand. He grabbed the bullet and glared at her. He snorted then turned back to the lab on the other side of the room. Duo looked at the girl and nudged her to speak to him.

"Mr. Heero Yuy, my name is Mariemaya Khushrenada…"

"Shut up. I'm working."

Duo was not happy that he shunned the girl. Marie was angry but Duo gestured for her to be quiet. They would wait until he was finished. Heero was intensely studying the bullets. They seemed the same until he put it under the microscope. One of the lines didn't match up. He threw the bullets away and went back the armchair. He sat down and stared into the fire. Duo nudged Marie over again and gestured she should start talking to him now.

"Hi Mr. Heero Yuy. I was told you could help me. My father was stolen, and I need your help."

"Hn. File a missing person report with the police and go home."

"I don't have anyone to go home to. I don't have a mother. Please you have got to help me."

"Look I can't help every kid whose parents were `stolen.' He probably owed people money. You probably won't see him again. Why don't you go down to the local orphanage."

"He didn't owe anybody anything. A man wearing white came in through our door and took my daddy."

When Marie said that the man was wearing white Heero perked up a little and straightened in his chair.

"Was he Asian?"

"I don't know but he did have a ponytail and his hair was black."

"Hn. Good. I can help you ms.?"

"Khushrenada, Mariemaya Khushrenada."

Duo Maxwell perked up a little when Heero said he would help her.

"I'm going to help you too. I promised Marie that I would help her get her father back."

Heero seemed to think this over. He looked Duo up and down and finally said, "You can help."

"So do you know this man she was describing?"

"His name is Wufei Chang, he is from china and he is the right hand man of the leader of a terrorist organization who try to take over the ruler of this country. The leader of this group is a man named Dekim Barton. He would try anything and everything to take over and rule. I have been after him for years. Finally I have lead that might be able to bring him in."

On the other side of town near the waterfront was Dekim Barton. He was in his fifties, wearing a business suit. He was smoking a cigarette outside a huge warehouse. He put out his cigarette and walked back into the warehouse. He walked towards the back of the building. On either side of him stood huge mobile dolls ready to be fixed and used. He opened the door to a small cell.

"Hello Mr. Khushrenada. Are you prepared to help us now?"