Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero of Basil Street ❯ Part 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Heero of Basil Street 3/?

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 1X2, 3X4 and 5X6

Category: AU,

Warnings: A little OOCish on Heero's part. I think that is all for now.

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of GW or any part of The Great Mouse Detective.

"Hello Mr. Khushrenada. Are you prepared to help us now?"

Treize lifted his head to glare at Dekim. He had woken up in this tiny room a couple of hours ago. He had looked around the room to see if he could get out but there wasn't any way. He sat back down in the corner and thought of his daughter. She was home alone and he couldn't get back to her. He just hoped she was okay. When Dekim came in he had winced at the light but then glared for all he was worth once Dekim started talking.

"I'll never help you. I don't care what you do to me, I won't help you in your rebellion."

"Ahh, but you see you have to help me. I shudder to think what could happen to your daughter. Don't look so surprised. I sent my best men to pick her up for you. I know you must have been really worried about her." Dekim said with mock concern.

"YOU FILTHY BASTARD." Treize ran to grab Dekim but came up short when Dekim pointed a gun at his head.

"Now that isn't a nice way to treat your host. I wouldn't want your daughter to become fatherless. Do you?"

Treize growled and sat back down at the other end of the room. Just then a man came up dressed in a business suit and black sunglasses.

"What is it?" Dekim asked. Clearly annoyed at being interrupted.

"We can't get the girl, sir."

"What do you mean you can't get the girl?"

The man seemed nervous now. The rest of the news wasn't good and he really didn't want to tell Dekim, but those were his orders.

"We found the girl but a man came by and picked her up. We didn't know who he was so we followed them. They went to the police station but were shortly escorted out. We continued to follow them and they ended up at the house where Heero Yuy lives."

"HEERO YUY. Damn it. The greatest detective in this country and he is on the case. We'll just have to bump up the schedule a little bit. Who was in charge of bringing the girl here?"

"Wufei Chang, sir."

"Go get him and tell him to come meet me here."

"Yes sir."

During the whole conversation, Treize had been sitting on the other side of the room. He visibly relaxed when he knew that his daughter was safe with Heero Yuy. Once the other man left Dekim took out a cell phone.

"Get ready, I'm bringing someone to you."

Then he turned off the cell phone.

"Excuse me but I have important matters to deal with. Why don't you stay here and make yourself comfortable. I'm not finished with you yet."

With that Dekim left the room and locked the door. He stood outside the door and waited for Wufei to meet him here. Soon, a Chinese boy came around the corner.

"Ahh, Wufei. I heard you didn't catch the girl. That's all right. Why don't you follow me I have something to discuss with you."

Wufei just nodded his head and followed. Wufei was a little apprehensive but Dekim wasn't showing any signs that he was going to kill him, but you never knew. They went down a lot of hallways and finally entered a big empty space.

"Now Wufei you know we do not tolerate failures."

With that Dekim took a bell out of one of his pockets and rang it. Wufei instantly turned around and his eyes widened. He grabbed for his katana and got ready to fight. A fight for his life against one of the best swordsman in the country, a man named Zechs Merquise. Dekim backed away from the upcoming fight, and thought of what he needed to do to make sure his plan went on with out a hitch.

Meanwhile back on Basil Street. Duo had just put Marie to bed in one of the spare rooms. Unfortunately there weren't enough rooms so he would have to share with Heero. But when Duo really thought about it, he really didn't care. Heero was one hot detective. Duo walked down the stairs and back into the living room. Heero was sitting in the armchair facing the fire while Quatre was being held in someone's lap. That someone was tall with brown hair that fell into a huge bang and obscured one eye. The someone was also male and had green eyes.

"She's asleep finally. I'm sorry but I don't think we have been properly introduced. I'm Duo Maxwell. I run, I hide, but I never lie. And you are?"

"Barton, Trowa Barton."