Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero of Basil Street ❯ Pt. 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Heero of Basil Street 4/?

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 1X2, 3X4 and 5X6

Category: AU,

Warnings: A little OOCish on Heero's part. I think that is all for now.

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of GW or any part of The Great Mouse Detective.

"Barton, Trowa Barton."

"Barton! Are you related to the ugly creep that we're going after?" Duo asked.


Duo looked at him weird and waited. Hoping to get more information but Trowa sat there and looked at him. When Duo realized he wasn't going to get any more information he went and sat down on the floor next to the armchair.

"Well let's tell each other a little about ourselves. Since I'm going to be helping you all I guess I'll go first. I grew up in a small town as an orphan. My parents had abandoned me there. I lived in an orphanage until the age of 17 when I enlisted in the army. I just got back from…"

"Don't lie to us, Duo."

"Huh? What do you mean Heero?"

"You have street smarts. If you lived on the streets you were probably a thief. Since I saw you eyeing all the expensive stuff in here. That also means you couldn't have lived in a small town. The orphanage is probably true because you are an educated person. You were in the military but I would say black ops of some kind. You are also carrying three knives two in your sleeves and one in your braid. A small gun on the inside of your boot. And lock picks which are also in your hair. What happened to I never lie?"

"Damn, you're good, but I didn't lie, I just edged around it. I was an orphan, my parents did abandon me, and I did get enlisted into the army. I just didn't tell you that the small town was part of a bigger city and I was enlisted into the black ops of the army. I was used mainly for stealth. I could get in about anywhere without anyone the wiser." Duo paused for a second and looked thoughtful, "You know that is the most I've heard you say all day."


"Oh great he went back to not speaking. Okay well we'll skip you and go on to blondie. So Q, how about your life story?"

Quatre blinked in mild shock at being called blondie and Q in one sentence. When he got over the shock he looked at Trowa. Trowa just nodded his head and gave him a squeeze. Telling him nonverbally that it was okay to tell Duo.

"Well my name is Quatre Raberba Winner.."

"You mean THE Winner. The one who owns half the city?"

"Yes that Winner. Now if you let me finish. My father was very strict guy and traditional man. He wanted the family business to fall to his son. The only problem was he didn't have a son. He married a lot of women and all he had were daughters, up until the last one. By this time he had 29 daughters and no son. He was getting alarmed that he had no son. He decided that if he didn't have a son with the next marriage he would give the business to one of his nephews. He married my mother and she did become pregnant with me. My father was ecstatic that now he would have a son. My mother died in childbirth, but he didn't care all that much he had his heir. I was taught from a very early age about being the heir to the corporation. After my mothers' death, father didn't marry anymore, he had what he wanted, an heir."

Quatre spat that word out. Throughout his speech about his father he became increasingly bitter. Trowa noticed this and squeezed Quatre a little tighter giving his support. Quatre smiled at Trowa and continued telling his story.

"He left it to his daughters to care for me. Some were nice while others were upset that they were being looked over because they were female. I grew up knowing little love and a lot of hatred. But being kind was a defense for me. It threw my sisters for loops sometimes." Quatre smiled wistfully. "It was my fifteenth birthday and one of my older sisters took me to a circus, where I met a dashing acrobat my age. We hit it off and I fell in love."

Quatre smiled at Trowa and then looked back at Duo. Duo was totally wrapped up in the story that Quatre was weaving.

"When my father found out he was furious. He wanted to disown me but didn't think that it would look to good in the public's eye. So he told me to he would give me a monthly salary if I would discreetly leave the family and not make trouble for him. I think one of my cousins is going to head the Winner Corporation. Then I moved in with Trowa and Heero. And that is about it."

"Man, I'm sorry Q. That must have been awful. Hey, wait didn't you call Heero Winner too?"

At this point Heero glared at Quatre and Trowa glared at Heero. Heero then turned his glare to Duo. Duo seemed unperturbed at this and just looked back. Heero noticing that his glare wasn't working turned and looked at the fire.

"Uh, yes I did. His name is Heero Winner Yuy. He's one of my nephews. His mother is my half sister. I would tell you more but it is getting late, I am going to bed. You coming Trowa?"

Trowa nodded his head and followed Quatre upstairs. Duo moved to the sofa when Quatre and Trowa disappeared upstairs. He was facing Heero and trying to think of something to say. Heero just looked at the fire but was looking at Duo out of the corner of his eye. When no one said anything for the next couple of minutes, Duo sighed.

"I'm going to bed and we'll come up with a plan of attack tomorrow. Goodnight Heero."

Heero gave no sign that he heard Duo. Duo looked at Heero for a few minutes, shook his head, and started to climb the stairs to the room. He took some time to look at the room he would be sharing with Heero. There was only one bed, with a nightstand on one side. In one corner of the room there was a desk. The moon was shining through the window and highlighting the bureau on the far wall. On the desk there was a laptop that was turned off. He noticed that the bed and the desk were set up so no one could see who was inside from the outside. As he looked around again he realized there were hardly any personal belongings in the room. He would have pondered on that more but he was tired. That was when he realized he had no spare clothing with him. He shrugged he would just have to make due with what he had. He took off his pants and his shirt. He wore black silk boxers. He got into the bed and fell asleep.

Downstairs, Heero continued to look into the fire. He finally moved and went upstairs to the room he was going to share with Duo. Duo was curled into a fetal position on one side of the bed facing away from him. The covers on covered half of his body. Heero could see his chest and a gold cross Duo wore around his neck. Heero admired the sleek muscles of Duo's chest and arms. He also admired the long braid that lay enticingly over Duo's hip. Heero stared at the image of him for a couple minutes, sighed, and changed for bed. His pajamas were only white boxers. He got into bed and curled up with out touching Duo and fell asleep. On the other side of the bed Duo had woke up when Heero entered. He waited until Heero was asleep before he turned over to stare at his roommate. He watched the slight rise and fall of Heero's chest as he slept. He took a few minutes to admire the firm backside and the tousled hair, and then fell asleep.

Meanwhile on the other side of town, Wufei was still fighting for his life. A couple of times Zechs almost had him but he evaded the slashes quickly. Zechs meanwhile was having fun. He never had such a skilled opponent. He couldn't help but admire the way the Chinese boy moved. Wufei's hair was starting to fall out of its ponytail. Which made him all the more desirable to Zechs. Zechs had never seen anyone move with such grace and stay alive as long as Wufei had. He really didn't want to kill the boy but that was what he was paid to do.

Dekim wasn't paying attention to the fight. He was too focused on moaning about Heero Yuy. He wanted to get rid of Heero Yuy, or make sure he wouldn't interfere with his plans. He just didn't know how to do it. Then the idea hit him.

"Wait, stop the fight."

Both fighters stopped but were still ready to go again if Dekim changed his mind.

"I have a brilliant idea and I need Wufei alive for it."

Zechs was pleased. He didn't want to kill the boy. This was the first time he had a real challenge. He admired the spirit in the boy and hoped he could face him again when they didn't need to fight to the death, maybe in a bedroom setting.

"I have a plans that should take care of Heero Yuy."

He then proceeded to tell Wufei his plan and what he would need. He waved Zechs away while he talked. Zechs took one last look at Wufei and left. When Dekim was done outlining his plan he was cackling madly.

"I'll we get it done sir. What shall we do with the prisoner?" Wufei asked.

"Leave him to me." Dekim said and walked off towards Treize's cell.