Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero of Basil Street ❯ Pt. 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Heero of Basil Street 5/?

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 1X2, 3X4 and 5X6

Category: AU,

Warnings: A little OOCish on Heero's part. I think that is all for now.

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of GW or any part of The Great Mouse Detective.

"Leave him to me." Dekim said and walked off towards Treize's cell.

The next day in the Yuy house on Basil Street, Duo was just getting up. He could hear people moving around downstairs and realized it was late in the morning and he needed to get up. He opened his eyes and looked around the room. Heero was nowhere in sight. Duo was a little disappointed because he wanted to see what Heero looked like when he woke up, but decided not to dwell on it. He got dressed in what he wore the other day and walked down the stairs. In the living room he saw Heero sitting in the armchair cleaning his gun. Trowa was on the sofa doing the same thing. He heard some one in the kitchen and decided to see what was going on. Quatre was making breakfast and Marie was helping him. Well it looked like she was making more of a mess than actually helping. Quatre looked up when Duo walked in.

"Hi Duo, did you have a nice sleep?"

"Yes I did. Thank you Q. So what's for breakfast?"

"Nothing much. Marie is helping me out right now. Why don't you take a seat at the table over there? Breakfast should be done in a minute."

Duo walked over to the table, which was on the other side of the kitchen. The kitchen was fairly small but still had a nice homey feel to it. Duo sat in one of the chairs. He looked at the table and chairs and realized there wasn't going to be enough room for everyone to sit down.

"Hey Q, you do realize that there are only three seats and 5 people, right?"

"Umm…. We'll figure something out."

Several minutes later breakfast was done and Marie was setting the table.

"Heero, Trowa Breakfast," Quatre called.

Marie sat down in one of the chairs and started to eat. Heero, Duo, Quatre, and Trowa looked at the last two seats trying to figure out who would get them.

"Let's take turns flipping a coin," said Duo. "Quatre and I will flip first and the winner gets one chair. While Heero and Trowa flip and that winner gets the last chair. The losers have to stand and eat. Okay?"

The four men nodded at this and Marie watched while eating her breakfast.

"Okay Q, Heads I win, Tails you lose. Got it?" Duo asked and fished a penny out of his pocket.


Duo flipped the coin and it came up with tails.

"Sorry Q, you lost. I get the chair."

Quatre looked down at the penny in confusion. Duo just sat at the table and smiled. He didn't think Quatre would fall for that but he did. Quatre was still looking at the penny in confusion. Trowa just smiled and picked the penny up to flip for the last chair. Trowa flipped the coin and Heero called heads. The coin landed on tails again and Heero lost. Trowa smiled smugly and sat down too. They all gaped at how much Duo had on his plate. Duo just looked around at everyone and smiled. Then he dug into his breakfast. Halfway through breakfast, Marie was done so she excused herself and went in to the living room. That freed up the only other chair. Heero stared at Quatre and Quatre stared right back. Heero picked up the penny.

"Heads I win, Tails you lose," Heero monotoned.

Quatre nodded his head and watched him flip the coin. Duo just started to giggle to see the blond fall for it again. Needless to say Heero won and sat down. Quatre was very confused and he kept looking at the coin while eating his breakfast. When everyone was done they put their dishes in the sink. They decided to flip the coin to see who would do the dishes. Quatre lost again (1).

"It's not fair. I keep losing. No matter what side the coin lands on…. I ….lose."

Realization hit Quatre like a ton of bricks. Quatre was not pleased at this discovery and decided that they all should die very slow deaths. The three guys started to slowly back away from Quatre when he started smiling insanely.

"That was a pretty neat trick you pulled on me. Thought you guys could get away with it didn't you?"

"Q, it was just a joke. I mean I thought you would have caught on the first couple of times."

"Oh really, Duo, well this is no joke. You are doing the dishes and Heero's helping you. I want this Kitchen spotless. And as for you Trowa, you're sleeping on the couch."

With that said Quatre left the kitchen in a huff. Trowa looked slightly upset but not as upset as Duo.

"Ahh man I hate doing the dishes."

Heero just snorted and started to work. Trowa left the room and went to find Quatre in hopes of easing the punishment. Duo pouted and sighed then started to help Heero do the dishes and clean the kitchen.

It took about two hours to get the whole kitchen spotless. Heero and Duo wondered into the living room to plan what they should do about Dekim. Marie was sitting in the armchair while Quatre and Trowa were sitting next to each other on the couch. Trowa didn't seem pleased about sitting next to Quatre. He preferred that Quatre be sitting in his lap. Heero moved to the armchair and picked Marie up out of the seat. He set her on the ground and sat in his chair. Marie was not happy about being moved so she climbed back onto the armchair and sat in Heero's lap. Duo started to giggle when Heero glared at the girl. Marie just stuck her tongue out at him and sat on his lap with her hands crossed in front of her chest. Heero glared harder but soon gave up when she didn't move. Duo sat down on the floor near the armchair and winked at Marie. She smiled back at Duo.

"Before we start talking about plans to get Dekim Barton. I think Marie and I should go and grab some stuff. Like for instance a change of clothing," Duo said.

"That's a good idea Duo, and while we're at Marie's we can check out the apartment to see if there were any clues left behind from the kidnapping," Quatre said.

"Good then it's settled, come on Marie time to get our stuff," Duo said.

They all decided to go to Marie's apartment first since it was closer than Duo's. They piled into a cab and rode over to the seedier part of town.

Meanwhile Wufei was in the apartment planting evidence. Dekim told him specific things to leave behind to lead Heero Yuy to them. He just hoped it work. He didn't want to face Zechs Merquise again. On the other hand Zechs wasn't a bad looking man and he presented a challenge that Wufei hadn't had in years. Wufei was just making his escape when he heard someone opening the door to the apartment. He climbed out of the window onto the fire escape and ran to get ready for the next part of the plan.

The apartment door opened and Duo stealthily walked in to see if anyone was in the apartment. He didn't see anyone so he waved everyone in. Heero looked around and was picking up evidence. Quatre had taken Marie into her room to gather her stuff while Trowa was standing off to one side and looking at the room in whole. Duo was looking at the evidence being collected and the state of the living room. He didn't like it.

"I don't like this. It seems most of this stuff was planted," Duo said.

"Why do you say that?" Asked Trowa.

"Well from what Heero said, the man is the right hand man so he has to be pretty good. I don't think that he would leave this much evidence behind so we could find him."

"They don't know I'm on the case. They were sloppy because they were overconfident. That will lead to their downfall," Heero said.

"Whatever, I still think it was planted."

"Trowa can you find out where Wufei Chang currently is. If we find him, we can follow him right to Dekim."

"No problem Heero."

Trowa whipped out a cell phone and started to call people. He talked quickly and quietly into the phone. Heero still looked through the room, gathering more evidence. Quatre and Marie came out into the living room with a bag.

"Got everything you want kiddo?" Duo asked.

"Yep. Are we going now?"

"I think in a minute we are."

"Heero I have a lead on Wufei. It seems he was seen walking into a mall not too far away from here."

"Then that's where we'll go. We don't have time to waste."

They hailed another cab and made their way to the mall. Duo and Quatre put Marie between them while Heero and Trowa were ahead looking for any sign of Wufei. Wufei watched them look for him. He smirked slightly; everything was going according to the plans. He followed them waiting for the right time to strike. It came when Marie saw a toyshop.

Duo was keeping an eye on his surroundings looking for anyone suspicious. Quatre was also, but he also kept an eye on Marie. Heero and Trowa were a little ways ahead and were not slowing down so that the others could catch up. There were a lot of people in the mall. After half an hour spent looking they sat down on a bench to rest.

"We have to split up. Duo and Quatre watch Marie and go down that way. Trowa and I will go down this way. We'll meet back here in an hour," said Heero

"That seems like a good plan. Let's go. Wait where's Marie?" asked Duo.

They looked around them and that's when they heard the scream. They looked to where the sound was heard and saw Marie struggling in the arms of Wufei. While they had been talking Marie had slipped away to look at the toy store. She had never seen so many toys in one place. While she was standing there looking in the window Wufei came up to her and grabbed her. She started to scream instantly. Wufei knew he was spotted and took off towards the nearest exit.

"Damn it!" Yelled Duo as he and the others took off after them. Trowa ran ahead of them. He was gaining on Wufei when he did a flip in the air and landed a few feet in front of him. Wufei did an about face and ran back the way he came He stopped when he saw that he was trapped. They were getting closer to him when he noticed the stairs on his right. He started to race up them with Heero hot on his heels. Heero was getting closer and was about to tackle Wufei when Wufei jumped into an elevator. The doors closed in Heero's face. The elevator went up to the next floor and Wufei rushed out. He still held the girl who was struggling fiercely. People were avoiding him and he could see the mall cops coming towards him. He ran the other way and got into an elevator going down. He got out on the ground floor and ran for the door. He was finally outside of the mall. He got on his motorcycle and put Marie in front of him. She had quieted down when she realized she couldn't get away. He revved the engine. The doors to the Mall burst open and Wufei saw Heero running towards him. He gunned the engine and was off before Heero could get to him.

Heero stared at Wufei's retreating back in anger. The others finally made it to his side. He rounded on them and glared at Quatre and Duo.

"What happened? You two were supposed to be watching her! How could you let her out of your site." Heero seethed.

"Heero, we're sorry. We didn't mean to lose sight of her." Duo responded.

"I don't care if you're sorry. You two are at fault here. She was taken and now is in the hands of Dekim Barton!" Heero growled out.

Quatre was softly crying into Trowa's shirt. He wasn't paying attention to what was being said. He knew it was partly his fault. He should have been watching more carefully. Duo had turned his back on Heero and walked a few feet away. His shoulders were slumped and he was trembling slightly.

After Heero's anger died down he felt guilty about blaming Duo and Quatre. He knew it wasn't their fault. He was just upset because Wufei got away. He had failed. Trowa had taken Quatre back into the mall, which left Heero and Duo outside. Heero looked towards Duo and felt utterly lost. He didn't know what to do. Heero couldn't take the despondent looking Duo anymore and walked over and stood next to him.

"Duo, Gomen."

"It's okay Heero. I know you're just angry and you needed to vent."


"So, what are we going to do now?"

There was no answer.


(1) Okay this happened to me. It took my Younger sister several times of doing this before I caught on. Needless to say I was not pleased.