Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Heero of Basil Street ❯ Pt. 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Heero of Basil Street 10/10

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 1X2, 3X4 and 5X6

Category: AU,

Warnings: A little OOCish on Heero's part. I think that is all for now.

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of GW or any part of The Great Mouse Detective.

The next morning found the four of them in the living room with Trieze and Marie. Heero was sitting in the armchair, with Duo on the floor beside him. The only difference was that Heero's hand was in Duo's hair. Trowa was sitting on the sofa with Quatre in his lap. Treize and Marie were standing in the middle.

"We have to get going or we'll miss the train. Thank you for all your help."

"Think nothing of it Treize," replied Duo.

Marie ran to Trowa and Quatre and hugged both of them. Then she turned and hugged Duo. She stood in front of Heero's armchair and looked at Heero. Heero merely raised an eyebrow at the girl. She then climbed into his lap and Heero glared at her. Even though he glared at her there was no real heat in the glare, just a narrowing of the eyes. She stuck her tongue out at him and then hugged him. She hopped down and walked back to her daddy. He grabbed her hand and started to lead her to the door.

"Bye," she said and waved to them. They waved back and with the closing of the door she was gone. They all sat in silence and then Duo stood and stretched.

"Well this has been fun but I need to get back to my apartment." Duo said.

"You're leaving." Heero seemed shocked and upset at this news.

"Yeah it's about time I go back and seeing as you don't need me, I thought it was about time I went back to my apartment."

Heero growled and stood. He stalked towards Duo, who backed up until he hit the wall. Trowa and Quatre discreetly made their way into the kitchen so they wouldn't disturb them. Heero put both hands on either side of Duo's face. Duo looked like he was about to bolt but Heero had effectively trapped him. Heero leaned closer and kissed Duo on the lips. Duo moaned into the kiss and brought his hands up and held onto Heero's back. He pulled Heero closer to him until there was no space left between them.

Heero pulled back and panted, "Bedroom. Now."

Duo nodded his head and followed Heero up to their shared room. Once Duo was in the room Heero pulled Duo towards him. Heero started to kiss Duo again and ran his hands all over Duo's clothed chest. He started to unbutton Duo's shirt while Duo was pulling out Heero's tank top from his jeans. Duo had to stop in his task so that the shirt could fall off his shoulders.

While they were taking off each other's shirts, Heero had been maneuvering Duo towards the bed. Duo bumped up against the bed and fell backwards onto it. Heero became harder just seeing Duo lying there spread out for him. His braid fell over his chest Duo's lips were puffy and red from the kissing. He was panting and looking at Heero with his deep purple eyes shining with lust and love. Heero ripped off his tank top and reached for Duo's jeans. He kneeled between Duo's legs and unbuttoned the jeans slowly. He could see the hardness that was pressing itself against the jeans.

Duo moaned at the way Heero was eyeing him. He almost came in his pants when Heero licked his lips. Heero moved his mouth towards the zipper and caught it in his teeth. He pulled the zipper down which caused a loud moan to escape from Duo. He moved his hands to Duo's hips and grabbed the jeans and boxers and pulled them down. Finally Duo's erection was standing proud and Duo sighed in relief.

His sigh turned into a moan when Heero breathed onto his cock. Heero just looked at Duo's erection. It was long and thick and it was nestled in chestnut curls. Pre-cum was already spilling out of the head and Heero bent to lick it up. Duo snapped his hips up at the touch. Heero grabbed Duo's hips and held them down. He slowly lowered his mouth onto the erection. Duo groaned at the feel of the hot wet mouth on him. He wanted to push harder into that silky mouth but Heero's hands were holding him down. Heero slowly went down on Duo and then every so slowly went back up.

"Stop….teasing….me," Duo panted.

Heero just smiled and started to go faster. Duo writhed under the ministration. He grabbed onto Heero's hair and held on. He was close to coming. Heero could feel Duo's legs tensing and reached up with one hand and pulled on Duo's balls to deny him release. Duo cried out when his release was denied. Heero gave one last lick to Duo's cock and backed away. Duo whimpered on the bed. He was sweating and hard and he needed to come. When Heero didn't do anything Duo decided he would have to do it himself. He reached down to grab himself. Heero snapped his hand out stopped the movement of Duo's hand.

"Don't touch."

Duo moaned at the command and moved his hands to grab the sheets. Heero hurriedly tossed off his pants. He rummaged in the nightstand for some lube. He finally found it and walked back to the bed. Duo was half on the bed and half off still. He whined piteously at Heero. He needed to come badly. Heero took pity on Duo and stood between the legs. Duo wrapped his legs around Heero's waist and waited. Heero squeezed some of the lube into his hand and slicked his fingers. He put one finger at Duo's opening, and just circled it. Duo was panting again, and tried to push back onto the finger. Heero kept circling the finger outside the hole never letting it enter Duo.

"Please, Heero. Stop teasoohhhhh"

Heero pushed in the finger and started to massage the inner walls. Once Duo got comfortable with one finger he pushed in a second finger then a third finger. With the fourth finger he found the spot he was searching for. Duo arched off the bed when Heero massaged the spot.

"Please, Heero. I need you in me now. Need to feel you. Please" Duo begged. Heero quickly spread some lube on his manhood and lifted Duo's hips. Duo's shoulders and head were the only things on the bed while the rest of him was elevated. His hands grasped the sheets as he felt Heero's erection at his entrance.

Heero slowly made his way inside Duo. Duo whimpered in pain and pleasure of the penetration. He tried to thrust back but Heero held him still. He didn't want to hurt Duo.

Heero finally stopped when he was seated fully in Duo. Duo panted to get his breath back and then started to wiggle. Heero took that as his cue to start moving. He pulled out slowly and thrust back in quickly. With each thrust he pushed Duo back on to the bed then laid down on top of him while still thrusting. Duo looked into Heero's eyes while they moved. Duo could see Heero's eyes darken from the pleasure he was receiving and giving. When Heero was close to coming he reached between them and grasped Duo's cock and started to pump it. Duo cried out from the double sensations. It didn't take long for both of them to come.



Heero collapsed to the side of Duo and gently pulled out. Duo whimpered as Heero pulled out then sighed as he felt the warm wetness of Heero's seed leak out of him. It was comforting. Heero cuddled up to Duo and held him. After they both calmed down a little, Duo started to get up. Heero who had almost fell asleep snapped awake and tightened his hold on him.

"Where are you going?"

"I told you, I'm going back to my apartment."

"Does that mean you don't love me?"

Heero bowed his head to hid the hurt he felt. He let go of Duo and sat back. He didn't understand why Duo wanted to leave. He thought he loved him.

"No, no I do love you Heero."

"And I love you. So why are you leaving me?"

That's when it clicked for Duo. He pulled Heero into a hug. Heero reluctantly laid his head down on Duo's chest.

"Heero, I have to leave but I'm coming back. I just have to get some stuff from my apartment first. I told you last night that I wanted to go home and home is where ever you are."

"So you're not leaving."

"No, I'm not leaving. I will come back."

Heero smiled at Duo and hugged him back. They sat like that for a little while before Duo started to move again. Duo stood to get his clothes back on when he was pulled back on to the bed.


"You can get your clothes later koi," said Heero and proceeded to make love to Duo again. All Duo could do was moan.

Meanwhile, in the warehouse two men stared out over the ocean.

"You know we should probably turn ourselves in. It would be the noble thing to do," said the long blond haired one.

"Yeah it would be noble," said his partner, a Chinese man with black hair in a tight ponytail.

"You know, I hear Barbados is nice this time of year."

"Hmm. Sounds like a good idea."

They held hands and left the warehouse. Neither noticing the wet footprints on the floor, nor the bloody handprints on the wall. Deep in the warehouse in one of the rooms, eyes lighted in unholy gleam as the person held a newspaper clipping of Heero Yuy and Duo Maxwell.

"It's not over yet Yuy. I will get you yet."

The End….or is it?