Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ If You Asked Me To ❯ Author's Notes ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Notes:

It took me an unbelievable amount of time to write this. Having only written stories with an established Trowa & Quatre I wanted my first and only get-together story to be what I felt was a conceivable way for them to become a couple. I figured since music played an integral part in creating their friendship that music would also somehow play a part in bringing them together...or maybe that's just me trying to sound as if I actually knew what I was doing when I started writing this ^_^; Well, I did want an interesting way for T&Q to come together, so this is it.

This story just started out as a simple idea, although it complicated itself more and more as I continued to write it because I didn't really know what I wanted to say. There was no definite plan in my head of how I wanted this story to turn out. All I knew was that Quatre received a tape, thought of Trowa, and somehow they ended up together. This story was supposed to be sap. Sap, sap, sap, but it turned on me...

At first I thought Quatre would realize he was in /love/ with Trowa, but the more I worked on it like that, the more naïve and frankly, stupid it came out to be. You can't just suddenly realize you're in love, well maybe you can, but I think there would be a lot more questioning going on and confusion. (Eh, but what do I know...)

The first draft of this story basically had Quatre and Trowa kissing at the know, standard "I love you!" "I love you too!" kiss-kiss and the occasional sex scene. Although we can definitely scratch out the sex scene part of that formula as I could never write one o^_^o, yea I fell into the "I love you" trap. No, they didn't specifically say they were in love with each other, but it was implied and I can't even mention the utter fluff/saccharin that last scene was…Eh, I guess it's just an easy way out to write stories like that; you don't have to think. I'm not sure if I escaped it entirely, but I tried, probably advocated against it a lot too...

So I guess this story is basically Quatre recognizing he has some sort of feelings for Trowa. Hmm...that seems about right. Eesh, twenty pages of that -_-;

I was just as confused as Quatre was throughout the story and it probably shows. I'm not sure if this story is even coherent -_- These notes aren't even coherent. At times like these, a beta-er is definitely needed. It's just too bad I decided to finish this story 2 years after I stopped participating in the GW fandom -_- I don't think this song even fits with this story anymore >. You know, this story was also supposed to be coupled with another one involving time travel, the pilots' pasts and eventually Heero and Duo getting together and Wufei bonding with one of Quatre's sisters (well kind of). Yea that was what that entire spiel about those burned down laboratories and pregnancy agents was about. But that story will definitely never see the light of day, so sorry, or you're welcome ahead of time =D This is probably my last GW fanfic I'll ever write. I've been out of this fandom so long I think I've lost my meager grasp on the g-boys' characterizations. So, I most likely will not be finishing those GW stories I started, though I think I will try to finish "The Long Day", but I can't make any promises.

And yes, if you didn't get it, Duo was the one who sent Quatre the tape. Sneaky guy isn't he? Too bad Quatre might maim him being the cause of his ulcer and all ^_^;;


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