Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ In Other Words... ❯ The News ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Heero, I want to tell you that I am seeing someone."

Heero heard the words coming from her mouth, almost in surreal slow-motion, and it almost crushed him. He could not believe it. He felt angry. Was it anger? He couldn't tell. He felt something rot inside and it threatened to destroy the mask of calmness that he always wore. From her single sentence, He felt betrayed, strickened, confused, hurt, and...jealous. He swallowed a lump in his throat as he realized that he had no right or reason to be jealous.

Relena paused a moment, and studied him carefully. Heero thought he saw a look of pain on her face. He wondered if she had a fever or a cold.

She continued, "His name is Ambassador John Morris. And he has been courting me for several months now. I've accepted his offer for a date. And I wanted...I wanted to let you know because...because you're my friend!"

Her last words came out very fast, and her face became red. He looked at her red face and wondered if she had caught some viral disease. She looked very sick. She quickly sat down on her office chair, and begin fidgeting with her fingers. She was looking up at him with strange eyes, and was waiting for a response.

"I see." He said calmly. Inside, he didn't feel so calm. His stomach was turning into jelly, his knees were becoming weak, and he felt a wave of nausea coming. Perhaps he caught a virus from her. He didn't know why he felt so sick. At least, he kept telling himself that he didn't know.

A moment of awkward silence passed between them, Relena with her red face and fidgeting fingers, and Heero with his weak knees and jelly stomach.

Relena finally broke the silence. "So do you have anything to say?"

He wanted to say alot of things. "I hope you enjoy your date with the ambassador."

With that he left her office.

------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------

< br> Relena sat in her office, listening to the dulling ticking of the grandfather clock. Her fingers have stop fidgeting, but her pulse was still racing to the point where she could not think clearly anymore. She expected at least some kind of a response from him.

He had said nothing.

Relena poured herself a drink from the champagne bottle. He could have said something. He could have gotten angry, and told her to go to hell for being a slut. He could have said that he didn't want to see her anymore. He could have told her to go have a nice life with this ambassador.

Instead, he had said nothing, and that indifference hurt her more than anything that he could have said to her. He didn't even miss a beat as he left her office without a care. She wondered if there really was any emotion in that man that she loved. She wondered if he even cared for her.

If he did care, He would have told her that he loved her, and that he didn't want her to go out with this man.

Wishful thinking. Heero was not a romantic. She chuckled to herself in pity. Heero a romantic, how amusing.

A faint knock on her office door interrupted her thoughts.

"Miss Relena? May I come in?"

It was the voice of Dorothy.

"Come in." Relena said weakly.

Dorothy stepped into the office, and gently closed the door behind her. She had a wicked grin on her face, not unusual for her, but her grin was wider and more mischievious than usual.

"So?" She asked. "Did you tell him?"

Relena sighed. "Yes"


Relena didn't think Dorothy's smile could get more annoying. She was wrong. "And he told me to enjoy myself on my date."

Dorothy's face looked confused. "and?"

"and that's it."

"oh..." Dorothy's smile was gone now. At least there was some comfort in that. "so what are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to break off my date with Morris, and I'm going to tell Heero..." Relena paused a moment as her face got heated, "that I love him. Yes, I'm going to tell him, because I can't pretend to myself anymore that somehow he is going to come around and realize his feelings for me...And I'm not sure he that he has any feelings for me. I have to know, and I have to confront him."

"No!" screamed Dorothy.


"No! You can't do that! You'll just scare him off!"

Relena took another drink, "Then what do you propose that I do?"

Dorothy's wicked grin came back again, "That you go on this date with Morris like we planned, and make Heero jealous. That's the only way He's going to notice you! Remember, the best way to a man's heart is through jealousy. Yes, it can get ugly, but trust me, it works!"

Relena rolled her eyes. Like she would know, it's not like she's having a lot of success with Quatre herself.

TO BE CONTINUED... (Next chapter, Relena goes on her date. What does Heero think of this?)