Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ In Other Words... ❯ The Game Begins ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

After Heero left Relena's office, he decided to take a walk, so he went to the park. There were a lot of work to do, but his mind was in a daze, and he thought taking a walk would clear his mind. Besides, Duo probably wouldn't mind handling all the paperwork today. The braided american boy always told him that he needed a life outside work.

He couldn't stop thinking about Relena.

What was she to him? He knew that he wanted to protect her, and that he would do anything to keep her safe. During the war, he told himself that she must be protected to preserve peace. But what now? The war was over and he still cringed at the thought of her being hurt. He cared about her, he knew, but didn't know what to make of his new found feeling for her.

Sometimes, he would have dreams about her...Heero's face became heated as he recounted the dreams. She would be wearing something very revealing, or sometimes nothing at all...

"Excuse me, young man?"

Heero was brought back from his daydreaming. He looked up to see a middle-aged couple smiling at him. They looked like they were tourists, here to visit the park.


"I'm sorry to bother you, but do you think you could take our picture?"

"Yes." Heero took the instant camera from the man's hands.

"Please, do you think you could get the fountain behind us?"

"Yes." Heero brought the camera up to his eye, and focused in on the couple. They were smiling, and seemed very happy together. He thought sadly to himself that he would enjoy a life like that. Having someone love you...and sharing life's experiences with, kids, a house, a dog, vacations...A normal life. But he knew he would never be normal.



The picture came out great.

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"She what?" asked a very surprised Duo.

"She said she has a date with ambassador Morris." Replied Heero. He did not stop typing on his laptop.


"and I told her that I hope she enjoyed her date."

"and????" Duo's eyes were about to bulge out of its sockets.

"and that's it."

Duo almost jumped up into the air in frustration. Heero definitely thought that the American boy had too much energy. "Uggh, why did you say that?"

Heero stopped typing and looked up at him. "What should I have said?"

"What you should have said? WHAT...YOU...SHOULD HAVE..SAID?

Heero resumed typing.

Duo ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know, use your imagination, Heero. Tell her not to go, for one thing! I mean, she obviously cares about you enough to tell you this. She wants you to stop her, Heero!"

Heero was ignoring him. "Hn..."

"Heero..." Duo closed his eyes, and shook his head. "you two are hopeless..."

"Leave me alone, Duo. I have a lot of work to do."

Duo walked up to Heero's desk, and closed the laptop down with his fist. "Listen, Heero. I am tired of seeing you two act like love-stricken middle-schoolers. Everyone is tired of seeing you two act like that... You obviously care about her and don't try to deny it. I heard you whisper her name during your sleep."

Heero's face jumped in surprise. "You...heard that?"

Duo smiled and nodded his head.

Heero squnited his eyes, and gave him the death glare. "Duo, if you tell anyone about that, I will kill you."

"Okay, I won't tell anyone if you go back to Relena's office and tell her about your feelings."


"Just do it, Heero."

"Duo...don't make me hurt you." Heero's eyes held a dangerous gleam. When the perfect soilder became like this, Duo knew not to push too hard.

"Okay, okay. I guess I am asking too much of the emotion-less, perfect soilder." Duo thought for a second. "How about if you..."


Duo scratched his head and laughed, "No, never mind."


"Nevermind, stupid idea..."

"Just tell me Duo."

"Okay, I want you to go out with this girl I know. Maybe you can make Relena a little jealous too." Duo sighed, "I think it's a stupid idea, but it's the only way you two kids can finally come to stop avoiding each other like the plague!"

Heero seemed to be thinking about this. Duo wondered if he was going to be punched, or if Heero was going to say "I will kill you"

When Heero finally spoke, it almost gave Duo a heart attack. "Okay, I'll do it."

To be continued...