Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ In Other Words... ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The doorbell rang thorought the Peacecraft estate, signaling the arrival of John Morris.

Relena quickly checked the stand-up mirror next to the door, fixing herself up so that she could make a good first impression. She didn't necessarily worry about looking good for her date, but it's been an ingrained habit of hers to look pleasant for any occasion. Her eyes looked puffy, and her cheeks were pale, but she really didn't care. John Morris was no Heero, she told herself.

She couldn't help being nervous. It wasn't like she dated frequently. In fact, she didn't date at all these few years, due to her infatuation of Heero. She had to admit, she felt good going out for a change, even if it was without Heero.

The doorbell rang again.

Drawing an inward breath to calm her nerves, she quickly opened the door to meet her date. She was surprised to see not John, but a young girl waiting outside the door.

"Hi! Is Heero ready?"

The girl was young, younger than her, a redhead with pretty green eyes and a slim, attractive figure. This was not John Morris. And she wanted to see...Heero?

Relena was confused. "I'm sorry, but, who are you?"

The redhead gave a plastic smile. "Oh, where are my manners. My name is Alicia. Alicia Clarks." The girl extended a hand towards Relena, "It's nice to meet you. Are you his sister or something?"

Relena did not like this girl. Not at all. ", wait here, I'll go get him."

"But it's cold outside and..."

She slammed the door.

------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------

Heero heard the doorbell, and quickly checked himself out in the bathroom mirror. He usually did not care about his appearance, but this was a date. He had never been out on a date before, and he wondered what it would be like.

The girl Duo described was a pretty little redhead. Duo said she would be the perfect candidate to make another girl jealous.

Heero sighed. He wondered if this was a good idea. He didn't think Relena was the type of girl who would get jealous. Besides, she was seeing someone else. She probably didn't even care about him.

A knock was heard from his bedroom.


It was relena.

"Relena? What is it?"

Her voice seemed a bit weak. Was she still physically ill? "May I come in?"


Relena walked quietly in to his room. She looked beautiful in her elegant dress, but her face seemed sad. Was she...jealous? He didn't like to see her pretty face sad. He would have done anything to make her happy just then.

"Um...Heero..." Her eyes were downcast. "You have a visitor."

"I know." Heero couldn't look at her. He felt guilty. This was a stupid idea, and he was going to kill Duo tomorrow.

He couldn't speak, or even look at her.

Then, she suddenly lifted her face, and looked up at him. She had traces of tears on her eyes, but she gave him a fake smile. "Heero...I hope...I hope you enjoy your date."

Then she ran out of his room.

Heero stood there stunned. He knew the truth now. By the tears on her face, and the look in her eyes, He knew that she cared for him. But now it was too late.

To be continued...