Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Karaoke ❯ Alive ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: [ARC]Karaoke Part 3: Alive
Author: Emily,
Warnings: Well, let me just give a synopsis. It's sort of a karaoke competition, and I'd say more but I realized you can just read to find out. Um...let's just brace you for shonen ai and potentially bitchy Relena. I really have no idea what will ensue from my fingers after the separator below. ^_^
Comments: [Lyrics] and /thought/ and *emphasis* and (backup lyrics not sung by person on stage but in the song, if that makes sense) will be indicated as shown. Song performed by P.O.D. Heero's POV. I'm sorry if this makes no sense. It's 11:00 and I'm tired but muses need to get *something* out, so enjoy.


Heero barely registered Relena's presence when she sat in the seat beside Trowa that had just been abandoned. /Arigatou Kami-sama...she would have sat *next* to me if Wufei wasn't passed out on the bench.../

Guitar chords echoed from the speakers as the next person took his turn at the karaoke machine. Men and women alike were whistling in Duo's direction on the stage, and Heero couldn't help but feel Defense Mode kick in from years of training, but it was only a secondary reaction.

Duo was *his*.

[Everyday is a new day. I'm thankful for every breath I take.
I won't take it for granted (I won't take it for granted),
so I learn from my mistakes.]

He felt a hand touch his where it laid on the table. Heero jerked it into his lap, giving Relena the best deathglare he could muster with Duo's voice filling his ears, permeating the entire room. The girl seemed unfazed, and Heero all of a sudden wished he had his gun.

[It's beyond my control. Sometimes it's best to let go.
Whatever happens in this lifetime...
So I trust in love (so I trust in love).
You have given me peace of mind.]

Heero immediately saw why Duo had chosen this particular song. It seemed to fit him. Nights spent in each others' arms kept the nightmares and memories at bay; they were invincible to the past, as long as they were with each other. They could confide their dark secrets to each other and felt no fear in knowing that the other had seen a hidden side of their character.

[I~I I feel so alive for the very first time.
I can't deny you. I feel so alive.
I~I I feel so alive (I feel so alive)
for the very first time (for the very first time).
And I think I can fly.]

/Duo, you already *were* more alive than the rest of us, but even I have noticed a difference between then and now. I thought it was because the war was over, but everyone needs to feel wanted. Everyone needs to feel loved./

[Sunshine upon my face (sunshine upon my face),
a new song for me to sing.
Tell the world how I feel inside
(tell the world how I feel inside)
even though it might cost me everything.]

"Heero, you don't have to be shy with me."

/What the hell?/ "Nani?" He gave Relena an incredulous look as he felt a bare foot tracing the muscles of his calves.

[Now that I know this, so beyond I can't hold.
I can never turn my back away.
Now that I've seen you (now that I see you)
I can never look away.]

Heero looked up quickly to his beloved, who was enjoying the attention rather thoroughly. The braided youth was moving his lithe body with a feline grace, his braid tailing after his movements. Duo hadn't seem to notice the unwanted attention Heero was receiving from Relena. /*Any* attention from Relena seems to be unwanted.../

[I~I I feel so alive for the very first time.
I can't deny you I feel so alive.
I~I I feel so alive (I feel so alive)
for the very first time (for the very first time).
And I think I can fly.]

When the young woman's foot got too far north, Heero reached under the table and jerked it sharply, enjoying the confusement and pain that flashed across her features. "Hee~ro..." she said much too calmly, "you've been avoiding your feelings for me long enough. I know that's what tonight's been all about, but I want to hear it from your mouth now."

The others at the table were paying attention to him now...well, except for Wufei, but he was slouched over and drooling on the table. Trowa's expression was blank with undertones of urging, and Quatre's face was telling him to be honest. /The truth I have and the truth Relena wants to hear are two entirely different things./

Heero looked over at Duo, who flashed him an eager smile. /He knows, and he's waiting./

[Now that I know you I could never turn my back away.]

No...they were in too deep now to just give up on and forget about each other.

[Now that I see you I could never look away.]

Only Duo saw him. Saw the *real* him, but with the American's help, maybe he'd slowly be able to let more and more people know who he was. Who *Heero Yuy* really was.

[Now that I know you I could never turn my back away.]

"Relena, I..."

[Now that I see you I believe no matter what they say.]

The last words were practically screamed into the microphone. /Duo believes; that's all I'll ever need./ "Relena, I don't love you."

[I~I I feel so alive for the very first time.
I can't deny you I feel so alive.
I~I I feel so alive (I feel so alive)
for the very first time (for the very first time).
And I think I can fly.]

Relena didn't respond at first. "Oh...oh..." She seemed flustered, but then laughed. "Heero, have you had any thing to drink?"

Heero was too shocked to respond. He almost hit her, and regretted not doing it. Out of the corner of his eye Heero saw Duo removing the cordless mic from its stand and slowly approaching their booth in the back, still singing.

[I~I I feel so alive (I feel so alive)
for the very first time
(for the very first time, for the very first time).
And I think I can fly.]

"Heero, please be honest with me. I'm going to ask you a simple question." Relena had taken on the tone of a mother interrogating a disobedient child. "Who do you love?" Duo was standing in front of them now, still holding the microphone and refusing to end the song until it was actually done.

Sapphire met amethyst, and Heero knew he couldn't run away forever. "Duo..."

[I~I I feel so alive (I feel so alive)
for the very first time (for the very first time).]

Relena blinked, confused again. "Uh...yes, Heero, that's Duo; you're avoiding the question again."

[And I think I can fly.]

"No, Relena," his voice was sterner, challenging her to say he was wrong. "I *don't* love you. I never did."

[And I think I can fly.]

Heero turned to Duo and smiled, the one, genuine smile that he *only* had for the one he loved. Kare no aisuru. Kare no Duo. He brushed the back of his fingers against the smooth skin of the American's face.

[And I think I can fly.]

The former Wing pilot leaned forward so his mouth was next to Duo's ear, gently speaking his response even though the microphone picked it up and broadcasted it to the entire bar.

[And I think I can fly.]

"Ai shiteru, Duo Maxwell, anata dake."

Their lips met in a searing kiss, and Heero was partially aware of the wolf whistles and cheers echoing around them.

