Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Karaoke ❯ Hero ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: [ARC]Karaoke Part 2: Hero
Author: Emily,
Warnings: Well, let me just give a synopsis. It's sort of a karaoke competition, and I'd say more but I realized you can just read to find out. Um...let's just brace you for shonen ai and potentially bitchy Relena.
Comments: [Lyrics] and /thought/ and *emphasis* will be indicated as shown. Song perfomed by Enrique Iglesias. Duo's POV.


Duo's grin got even wider when he saw Relena head towards the stage. /Everything's going to plan.../ Heero had rejoined them at the booth, taking the place Relena had vacated moments before. Duo offered the other a thumbs-up, and Heero nodded in agreement. /Perfecto!/

Relena was standing on the stage, microphone still in its stand and her slender fingers cupping below the mouthpiece. She hit the karaoke machine's play button with the toe of her high heels and started singing immediately with the first chords of the song. Duo didn't recognize the tune, but it was the lyrics that mattered, in this game, not the original performer.

[Would you dance if I asked you to dance?
Would you run and never look back?
Would you cry if you saw me cry?
And would you save my soul tonight?]

The music's tempo picked up, and Duo grimaced inwardly as Relena removed the mic from the stand and started to dance around the stage as she sang. Some of the young woman's moves were causing other audience members to groan in wanton lust, but Duo had to look away and try his best to restrain a shudder. /Oh, Heero, we got her and we got her good...but I really did *not* need to see *that*!/

[Would you tremble if I touched your lips?
Would you laugh? Oh please tell me this.
Now would you die for the one you loved?
Hold me in your arms tonight.]

/Yep, no doubt about it. The chick *still* wants his body. She'll get the surprise of her lifetime afterwards, won't she?/ Duo laughed inwardly. /Now after three years she might finally get a clue and leave us the hell alone. Ha! Heero'll only hold *you* in his arms if he's strangling the life out of you at the same time, and that'd create a problem if he killed you, now wouldn't it?/

[I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.]

Duo felt a hand grab his under the table. It was Heero. "She'll be hurt enough; we should stop her now."

The braided one pouted. "And take *my* fun away? Heero, koi, this is revenge...pure and simple. And *damn* does she have bad taste in picking songs!" Duo grinned seductively and purred, "You know, I can kiss away the pain and more." Heero merely offered a small smile in reply.

[Would you swear that you'll always be mine?
Or would you lie? Would you run and hide?
Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind?
I don't care, you're here tonight.]

/Oi, what an attention hound! She's lavashing in the wolf whistles of the drunks because she thinks it'll get Heero to pay attention. She just doesn't realize that her Prince Charming is mine. You'd think a one-time Queen of the World would have a little more in the ways of common sense or at *least* observation skills!/

[I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.]

Speaking of taking his breath away, Duo felt like doing just that to Heero at that point, but it had to wait a few more minutes. /Just how long is this damn song, anyway?/ His patience was running thin. Relena took it hook, line, and sinker... He just wanted to toss her in the bucket and gut out her insides. /Cruel metaphor, I know, but I had to improvise./

[Oh, I just want to hold you.
I just want to hold you.
Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind?
I don't care, you're here tonight.]

/Ojosan, you are. You *so* are. And now you're going to be hurt, but that's the consequences for being naive... Maybe not naive, but at least for being a spoiled little rich girl who gets what she wants and doesn't know it any other way./ Duo looked back to the front of the bar and shook his head ruefully. /Damn what a slut!/ he laughed when the girl pulled her skirt up a little higher, the men closest to the stage no longer paying attention to Relena's soprano voice belting out the lyrics to some sappy love song.

[I can be your hero, baby.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.]

/Geez. What does she think will happen? "Oh, Hee~ro, you like my song?" "Hai, Relena, let's go get married!" "Oh, Hee~ro!"/ Duo groaned in disgust, clutching the Japanese boy's hand more possessively from under the table. /Gag me with a spoon./ Thoroughly bored and sick of this repetitive song, Duo turned back to the table's conversation. Wufei, acting off-kilter and most likely drunk, was going on about justice.

"...Yahshee *hic* jushish ish like ah oh-nih-on *hic* it hash layahs..."[1]

[I can be your hero.
I can kiss away the pain.
And I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.
You can take my breath away.]

Duo moved to get up, sensing the end of the song. He felt a pull and had to sit back down, seeing a questioning glance from Heero. "Where are you going?"

[I can be your hero.]

The braided American rolled his eyes at the ironic lyrics. Relena, Miss Heero-Come-and-Save-Me!!!, actually she thought she could be the hero to, well, Heero! "It's my turn, koi; I want to have some fun, too!" He brushed his lips over Heero's and bounded to the stage.


End Part 2

[1]::giggle:: Sorry. I've been watching too much Shrek. Everything's been like onions to me lately. Drunken Wufei translation: "You see, justice is like an has layers..."