Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Lifestyles ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own nuttin.
Warning: 3x4, 1xR, 2xH, 5xMeiran, angst, drama, voilence
Note:....I think this is the finishing chapter....

The weekend seemed to go by so fast. Trowa had visited Quatre the entire weekend. They talked about themselves and life. They also described what they were going to do about everyone at school once Monday came. By now Duo would of told almost everyone. So they needed to plan something or else they'd be in trouble.

Trowa kept telling Quatre to not worry and that he can handle it. At first Quatre refused him to but Trowa won in the end. Trowa seemed sure and calm about it but just remembering what happened to Calli gave him the shivers. He didn't want anything like that to happen to Trowa.

Quatre sighed heavily as the clock on his desk beamed the time , 1:00a.m. He sighed again not able to sleep at all. His stomach felt like it w3as twisted in knots and his whole body was tense. His mind kept running the same thoughts over and over, Trowa is going to be fine.... just fine. But this doubt kept stabbing into his head.

Quatre rubbed his still bandaged wrists gently. He could feel the stitches where the cuts where underneath. It was begining to itch. He was tired yet couldn't sleep for many reasons. His eyes ached. Yet he couldn't seem to keep them closed.

He looked out his window and at the moon in the sky and wished it would be like this forever. That he wouldn't have to face tomorrow and see something ahppen to his boyfriend.

He then felt like shutting his thoughts out. Whenever he thought alot something bad always happened. Quatre then closed his eyes and opened them again after hearing movement in the room to see a pair of green eyes staring at him. He halfway jumped out of bed and let out a startled gasp."Trowa!" Quatre half whispered.

"Shhhh!"Trowa sat down on Quatre's bed and smiled.

"What are you doing in here?! How...?"Quatre asked in a low whisper.

"The window, I saw that it was open so I climbed up, sorry to startle you, but I knew you'd be up. You're worrying about school aren't you?"

Quatre nodded slowly."I am, I know I shouldn't but I can't help it. I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry about it... Ok? Quatre... everything will be fine. You'll see." He pulled Quatre to him and kissed Quatre's forehead.



"Will you stay here with me? Please?"

Trowa smiled and nodded. Quatre lay down and after Trowa took off his shoes and jacket and lay next to him, pulling the blonde close to him. They soon both fell asleep.


Morning came quick, like usual. Iria with a bit of surprise came into Quatre's room that morning but laughed as she saw the two asleep. She quickly woke them up, and brought them to school.

Quatre was biting his lip almost the whole way. He felt Trowas hand clutch over his own. It suddenly gave Quatre a sense of protetion and a thought of knowing that everything was fine. What could possibly happen. The whole school couldn't be prejusice against gays. It would be rediculous... and confusing.

They got out of the car and made their way to the school. Only to find that Duo and a bunch of other people were waiting at the front. Quatre felt Trowa's grip tighten on his hand. Trowa looked to see that Duo spotted them.

Duo walked over to them with afew people and smiled."So, decided to show your face hm?"

"Yes, and from what I understand I have just as much right to be here than you.So I suggest leaving me and Quatre alone."

"I don't think so. You are not welcome here." Duo frowned as he crossed his arms.

"H-hey! We have a right to be just as much as you do, so leave us alone!"Quatre bit his lower lip.

"Sh.. Quatre, stay out of this... I told you to let me handle it." Trowa sighed slightly and looked at Duo."Look, I know you have something against gay people and I don't see why you should, I don't see that your religious or anything, or is it just that you're so closed-minded you can't think for yourself. I understand that you can think what you like, but this is rediculous. If you have something against us, just don't do what other people have done. Don't you understand there are people that have ended up in the hospital due to gay beating's. I can't belief you would go so low as to try and do something so similar. Don't you understand it's people like you that put Quatre in the hospital. He was afraid to say he was gay, because of people like you. I don't care what you're response to this is.... and if you go anywhere near Quatre again I will make sure you're the one that ends up in the hospital you cold-hearted bastard." Trowa pushed Duo aside and went into the school and pulled Quatre along with him.

"Trowa..."Quatre muttered."He looked pretty mad.."

"I know, but maybe he will stay away for awhile." Trowa sighed and stopped, turning to Quatre as he did." Look, if he ever says, or does anything to you just tell me..."

Quatre blinked."Trowa.. Don't worry about me so much, I think I can handle everything on my own."

"Yea, I suppose. But just letting you know.."

Quatre nodded.


Iria had watched from afar in her car. She sighed and leaned against the window. She relaxed and rubbed the back of her neck. She was only happy knowing her brother was safe. She really hoped that this would be the end of Quatre's depression. Not that she didn't care about him. She just wanted him to be ok and happy. And right now, she could see that he was.

She was glad he had met Trowa. At first Quatre was so lost in thought half the time, he barely spoke and now it seemed like he had totally changed. She smiled to herself and looked at the boy who had been harrassing them just now.

How could people be so cruel like that. Was it just a natural thought they came up with on their own or where they taught to hate like this. She didn't really know. It was a pitiful action. She brushed some stray hairs from her eyes and leaned back in the car seat.

What a mystery it will be to her. She laughed to herself, she couldn't remember her teenage years well, but these days to her it was totally confusing.

Oh the lifestyles of a teenager...


eppp..... yuck.... what was i thinking... I'm so lame lame lame.... dumb ending... like usual... maybe i should make side-fics.... or....some random one-shot fics... *ponders*..... *hits her head*Ow...