Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Revenge ❯ Threatening Letters ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: Here's the next chapter! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing.

**~~**Love and Revenge**~~**

Chapter One: Threatening Letters

"Hey Hilde, where's my water? I'm dying out here!"

Duo Maxwell was outside working in a pile of parts, searching for a part to use on his gundam's broken arm. It was July and the weather was extremely hot.

"I'm coming, Duo!" said Hilde as she raced up the mountain of parts.

"I got the mail, too. A letter came for you, but it doesn't say who it's from."

"That's great, Hilde, but I want my water."

"Your water?"

"Yes, I've been calling for it for five minutes now."

"Oops! I must have left it on the table. I was concentrating so hard on whom this letter could be from, I must have forgotten. I'll go get it now. Hold these."

She handed Duo the mail as she raced down the hill.

"Geez-la- weeze! I swear, sometimes I worry about her. She can be such a ding- bat. If it wasn't for me, she'd be running around like a chicken with its head cut off."

"I'm back! Here's your water."

"Thanks. It's about time!"

"Humph! I'm going back in the house to eat. I'll leave you and your letter alone."

Hilde left the letter with, took the other mail, and went. Duo put his water next to him and opened the letter. The letter was in a plain white envelope with only his name and a stamp in the front.

"Hmmm, I wonder who it's from."

The letter read…

Dear Duo,

I'm going to kill you. I was the one behind the Maxwell Church's massacre, and I'm going to kill you! This is not a joke! I'm your cousin that's the only hint you get.


"What?! I can't believe this! Someone's going to actually try to kill me? Well, good luck man."

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*

"How's it coming?"

"Fine. It's almost finished."

"You've got some mail. Looks like you've already got fans."

Trowa Barton put down the screwdriver he was using to fix the merri-go-round, and took the letter from Catherine.

"Thanks Cathy."

"You know, you should smile more often. You'll attract more girls that way." Cathy said smiling.

"I'm going to feed the animals, o.k.?"


Cathy left, and Trowa looked at the letter.

"Huh? No name or address. Weird."

He opened the letter and read it.

Dearest Trowa,

Hello, my name is the name of a plant, which is also poisonous and I will poison you with the taste of death, the same way you did to my father. I don't care if I'm related to you. You killed my father and now I'm going to kill you. This is not a joke!


"Hmmm…I better call the other's about this."

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*

"Master Quatre, here is your lemonade."


"and your mail."

"Thank you."

"If you need me just ring."


Quatre sipped his lemonade and looked at his mail. He found one that was unique.

"This is strange. There's no return address. Oh, well."

He opened the letter…

Dear Master Quatre,

I think I should call you that one last time since when I am finished with you there will be no more a Master Quatre, but instead a new master. I will accomplish this by killing you. I am not joking. I WILL kill you.


"Oh my gosh! I better contact the others about this."

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*

"Hiya! Hiya!"

"Very good, Wufei."

"Huh? Oh it's you Master Long."

"Your skills have gotten much better, and very quickly might I add."

"Thank you for your respectable comments, but I do not like compliments that well. If one takes in too many compliments, they will become fatheaded."(AN: Yea like that hasn't happened already. Lol!)

"Ah, but it doesn't hurt to take in compliments because that way one can be fulfilled. Even if it's for just one moment, and feel proud of ones accomplishments."

"I don't know the feeling of being 'fulfilled.' Not since….. Meiran died."

"You will find someone."

"How do you know?"

"I have a hunch."

"Humph. What good would that do?"

"Hunches can be good sometimes, Wufei."

"Hmmm. May ask what you came here for?"

"Well, first to see how you were doing, and second to give letter to you."

"I guess I could take a break."

Master Long gave Wufei the letter and left.

The letter read:

Dear Wufei,

It has been a long time my dear sibling. I guess you can call this a warning or a threatening letter because…I am going to kill you. Yes, that's right I'm going to kill you. No, this is not a trick. You will pay for the mistake you made me make.


"Rrrr, this is definitely from Yungfei, but what is B.D.? I wonder if the rest of us got the same thing?"

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*

Click, click went the wrench screwing in a bolt. Heero wiped the sweat off his face. He was repairing some Leos, which had been injured during a military routine battle.

"Excuse me are you Heero Yuy??" said a boy about his age

"Yea." Heero said still working

"A letter came for you."

"Just put it next to my tool chest."

"Sure thing."

The boy put the letter next to the tool chest and left. Heero glanced at the letter and found no return address, and the handwriting was familiar.

"Huh?" he said as his eyes widened. He put down his wrench and opened the letter.

My Dear Heero,

I will never forget what you have done to me. I will force you to do what I want- no matter what. This is a warning, and especially NOT A JOKE!


"Hmmm…I wonder…"

Each of the gundam pilots contacted each other and found that they all had the same type of letter with the initials "B.D" at the end. Heero thought it would be wise to contact Lady Une at the White House. Once contacted, Lady Une suggested that they come to the White House at once with their gundams.

**********************~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~************** ******

Headquarters for Black Dragon on colony m2365

"I hereby declare the first meeting of the organization Black Dragon." Relena yelled out across the room.

"As you know we, here, at colony m2365 would like to take over the Earth and hopefully the rest of the colonies. Earth constantly rejecting our opinion of creating a world where terrorists and the Mafia can work together for the good of the people." Relena continued.

Rashid Nessim Winner stood and said, "We have no choice, but to invade Earth and get them to see our point of view."

Ivy Bloom stood up also, "This means that we must destroy the gundam pilots, numbers one through five! They are the ones who stand in our way!"

"Yeah!" the rest of the organization yelled raising their fists in the air.

"But Miss Relena," said one of the members, "How will we defeat the gundam pilots?"

"Leave that up to Rashid, Ivy, Yungfei, Shin, and I. All you need to worry about is getting all the weapons you can."

"Yes ma'am."

"I now leave you members to yourselves to discuss how you can get the weapons and where to store them. I trust that you will discuss this like civilized people. If you need help or any of my partner's help, just knock. I now declare the first meeting of Black Dragon finished."

Relena, Yungfei, Ivy, Shin, and Rashid got up and left the room. The minute they closed the doors, they heard plates shattering and guns being fired.

"Yungfei, Shin. You were awfully quiet today." Ivy said.

"Well, you never gave us a chance to speak. You said it all." Yungfei said.

"Grrrr…" Ivy's eyes were flaming.

"Yes, you do have a…. hmmm… shall I say, a big mouth." Shin added.

"Oooooh…you should be lucky I'm on your side buster! 'Cause I could kick-your-butt!"

"Yeah right."


Ivy's face was turning red.

"Uh…I hate to ruin this loving moment but, Ivy, could you check on the guys to see if they're acting 'civilized'." Relena said standing in between the two.

Ivy cracked the door open just as a knife whizzed by her head.

"Yup, their acting as civilized as they could be."

"So, Relena," Rashid asked, "how exactly do you plan on defeating the gundam pilots, anyway?"

Relena, who was sitting in an office chair behind her desk, was looking out the window. She swizzled her chair around and smiled grimly.

"What a silly question Rashid. We will create our own gundams…and crush them

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise.

"Miss Relena, how do plan on creating the gundams?" Ivy asked

"I have already thought of that Miss Bloom. Before the doctors who created the gundams perished, I managed to take the papers showing how they built the gundams and what they built them with."

"I applaud your quick thinking Miss Relena." Shin said.

"Thank you, Shin. I have already assembled the best technicians in the world to work on them. But don't worry, after they are finished will dispose of them. Rashid would you please take care of that?"

"My pleasure ma'am."

"He'he. The best thing is that the rest of Black Dragon only sees the gundam pilots as another obstacle to conquer and invade Earth. They have no idea that they will be destroyed once we are finished with them. Miss Relena, you are a genius." Yungfei explained.

"Thank you for your kind words Yungfei." Relena replied.

"By the way, what do we do with the gundam pilots the gundam pilots?" Shin asked.

"Do whatever you please with them. However you want to kill them is fine with me. But no matter what I get Heero."

"No problem." Shin replied. "By the way, I was thinking that we could get of the rest of the organization by when the time comes for us to battle the gundam pilots. Each of us could be put in a separate ship. Each ship would have a part of the organization in it. When we leave the ship with our gundams, Rashid can blow up each ship."

"But wouldn't it be easier to put the whole organization in one ship?" Yungfei asked.

"It would be easier but it would be harder to blow up because it would be so big."

"Excellent strategy, Shin. Did you get all that Rashid?" Relena said.


"I say we should get started on our gundams now." Relena added.

***~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** *The White House…

SSSShhrrroooooommmmm! The jet landed with all five gundam pilots inside. Lady Une was there near the entrance of the door, waiting for them with her hair down.

"Welcome gundam pilots. I am glad to see you all again."

She led them inside and entered what looked like a janitors closet. Once inside she pressed a green button and the room started moving like an elevator.

"You see, we have all our training facilities and top secret meeting rooms underneath the White House." She explained.

The door stopped and slid open. In front of the gundam pilots was a room full of people sitting at desks, working on computers. Instantly whispering could be heard around the room:

"Are those the gundam pilots?……."

"What are those guys doing here?….."

"Who are they?…"

"Are they with the U.S.P.I.A.?…."

"They're cute!…"

"Get back to work!" Lady Une yelled.

"This is the computer training room." She continued, "That's the physical training room." She pointed to her right where some soldiers were lifting weights, hitting punching bags, and using other workout equipment. One of the people hitting the punching bags was Anna. She had blond hair that was past her shoulders and hazel eyes. She stopped and looked at the gundam pilots and Lady Une, who were staring at her.

"I wonder who they are?" she thought then went back to working out. Lady Une led the gundam pilots to the back of the room, which went up some stairs. Through the plexi-glass overlooking the room where Sally Po and Lucrezia Noin; they were watching Marisa, she had deep blue eyes (AN: Like Noin's eyes^_~) and black hair that was just above her shoulders. She was doing katas with her tri-swords. (AN: well I don't know the name of it exactly but it's those weapons the 2 girls were fighting with in the movie 'The Mummy Returns'.)

"Why are the gundam pilots here? Is there a new threat against earth? I wonder…" Marisa thought as she continued to do her katas.

Noin and Sally waved when they saw them.

"The rest of the training center is in an indoor stadium." Lady Une explained.

One of the desks they passed sat Kristen. She had brown hair and cold brown eyes. Her eyes moved to her right to look at them.

"Hmmm, the gundam pilots. I wonder what they want…" she whispered to herself.

Lady Une and the gundam pilots entered the room where Sally and Lt. Noin were.

"Well long time no see." Sally said.

"How are you guys?" Noin asked.

"We're fine, thank you." Quatre answered.

"So what's this about getting threatening letters and stuff?" Sally asked.

"We brought the letters to show ya." Duo said, handing half to Sally and half to Noin.

"The first thing we need to figure out who or what B.D. is." Lady Une explained as Sally and Noin skimmed through the letters.

"I see what you mean." Noin said

"Gundam pilots one through five, there are approximately five places around the world where you could find information on this mysterious 'B.D.'"

"Great! That means each of us could go to a different place." Duo said.

"But wouldn't be risky for just one of us to go to one place?" Trowa asked.

"Hey, I think we could take care of ourselves." Wufei said with a smirk on his face.

"Yes, but Trowa has a point. If we go by ourselves, it would be easier for people that might have something to do with 'B.D.' to target us." Quatre explained.

"Exactly." Lady Une said, "That's why we brought you here to meet your new partners."

"Huh?" They all said, surprised.

"Agents 06 through 010 report to the main control booth immediately!"

*End of Chapter One*

AN: Please Review!