Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Lyona ❯ Lyona ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Starcrest and Quatre ran down the halls, nearly tripping over one another to get out side. The sky was velvety blue and the sun seemed to burn the ground. They met up with Vegeta and the others. Heero was holding the small tiara brought back by one of the soldiers. All of them were looking up into the sky hoping for her to come flying down.
" Come on, Diana. Show yourself." Starcrest whispered.
They all gasped when a huge fire ball broke through the clouds and slammed into the ground. Heero gasped and whistled. A unicorn was brought to him immediately and he rode off. Helen and the others that could fly, grabbed someone and shot off into the sky towards the crash site.

A figure stumbled out of the wrekage, coughing and staggering away. Ash blotched the persons skin and came up in a cloud as the person fell to the ground. The ship that carried the being to the planet burned behind the unconscious body. It's hull hissed and sizzled as it cooked from entering the atmosphere.

Heero approached the site carefully. He turned as the others landed, looking back at the smoldering ship he frowned. Maybe the person was killed in the crash? He wondered to himself. Heero saw a hand laying out onthe other side of the craft. He walked over and found the body.
" Starcrest! Lupa! Come quick!" He shouted and waved at them. They all ran up to see what he found. Lupa and Helen started.
" Turn it over." Vegeta demanded.
Heero flipped the body over gently and pulled off the helmet. Everyone sucked in a deep breath and stared at the face.
" By all that shines, she's finally home." Starcrest smiled.

Heero watched over Diana while she recovered in the hospital. The doctors said that she was lucky to get out of the crash alive. Heero shook his head, knowing that she had been in worse. He was nodding off at the side of the bed when she woke.
" Hey personage." She smiled weakly. Heero's head jerked up.
" Diana! You're awake." He said and grasped her hand. " Are you feeling ok?"
" As good as I can get." She sighed. " How long has it been?"
" Since you came back or since you've been in the hospital?"
" Since I came back." She said quietly.
" Too long." He leaned over and kissed her.
Diana sighed at the intamate touch and thanked everything she knew that she survived all she had.
" About time you woke up, woman." Vegeta snarled and strode into the room. Heero rolled his eyes.
" Nice to see you too, Veggie." Diana smiled. " You must be dying to pick a fight with me." That broke a small smile on his face.
" I'll do that when you've recovered."
" You so kind." She grinned. " Where's everyone else?"
" Alseep."
" Oh."
" They'll see you tomorrow." Heero stroked her face. It had been too long since he had seen her and he missed her badly.
" Ok. For now, I'll entertain myself with you two. Now, tell me what has been going on since I was gone."

Starcrest woke to find a pair of large brown eyes staring back at him. He first thought that T.J. had come back, then he stopped. T.J. had left a few months ago. He leaped up and stared at the grinning face of his younger sister. " D-Diana?"
" Yes?" She smiled.
" You're supposed to be in the hospital!" He scolded.
" Ah, you know me. I hate hospitals." She shrugged.
" Hate is such a strong word."
" I know, that's why I used it." Diana sat on his bed. " They insisted on giving me a few shots to make sure that I wasn't infected with some virus, but I would know that now wouldn't I."
" And you hate anything that resembles a needle." Starcrest nodded and grabbed his robe.
" Bingo." She smiled. " Don't worry about filling me in with everything. Vegeta and Heero already too the liberty of telling me everything. Seems like I got rid of Freiza for good, huh?" Diana winked and jumped off the bed. She laughed and left the room.
Starcrest smiled, it felt good to have her back. Looking outside, the land seemed to glow warmer with her presence around. Starcrest got up and wrapped his robe around his body and opened the windows. A sweet, delicate scent blew in. He frowned and thought of where he had smelled that scent before.
" Diana." He named the honey scent aloud and smiled. Lyona-sei has acknowledged that its life source has returned.

A whole month passed until Diana was all the way back to normal. She was outside, sitting in the sun, when Lupa walked over.
" Hey." She said and sat next to her.
" I don't blame you."
" What?"
" I don't blame you for fighting me. Although, you were the hardest to fight. I admit I had to stop playing around when I started to fight you." Diana looked at Lupa and smiled.
" Well, I wasn't exactly playing either." Lupa laughed.
" True, sorry about knocking you senseless when Vegeta joined the fight. I was kinda hoping that he would stay on the side lines before I had to take you out."
" You were fighting in your silver form the entire time until you transformed into your scout uniform. How did you manage to do that?" Lupa asked laying back andgazing at the sky.
" I'm not sure, exactly. I just held onto the fact that I had to keep going until Freiza dropped his guard. Unfortunately, I nearly had to kill my brother because he was going wild."
" Yeah, you broke his arm."
" He broke my ankle." Diana retorted.
" Oooo, you two are so mean to each other!" Lupa laughed with Diana.
" Well, what can I say. I get it from Vegeta." She shrugged, both laughed again.

Helen watched Diana from a distance. She was happy that she was back. Vegeta was back to normal, not walking around the palace with a frown on his face and looking to the sky all the time. He acctually sometimes smiled whenever her name was mentioned. Helen started when she saw Diana lift something up. It was Vegeta's pendant, his royal pendant! Helen looked behind her to see a ship land and something fly out of it before it even touched ground.
" GIVE ME BACK MY PENDANT!!!" Vegeta shouted.
Diana and Lupa jumped and looked back. Immediately, Diana jumped into the air and sped off. Lupa watched her go and Vegeta zoomed over the air above her, after the mescivious princess.
" FLY FAST!" Lupa shouted after her laughing.
Helen ran up and stopped beside her. " Shall we follow and see what happens?"
" Let's." Lupa smiled at her and they leaped into the air after the others.

Diana dove into the water. The currents swirled around her and pushed her faster through the clear-blue water. She smiled and shifted into a dolphin, swimming with the tide and leaping into the air gracefully. She flipped into the air and over Vegeta as he flew by. She laughed and splashed back into the ocean waters.
When she surfaced again, Vegeta was waiting for her. She smiled and blasted into the sky. Clouds swirled and covered her. The wind blew and formed the clouds into a white, gold-rimmed form of her. Diana came out of the clouds and tossed Vegeta his pendant. She turned and looked at the clouds as they slowly dissapated.
" What's with this place?" She looked around. The water lurched towards her, as if begging her to come back into the water. The wind brushed through her hair like fingers. Diana turned and looked at Vegeta, who merely shrugged.
" Seems as if your planet loves you and welcomes you home." Helen said as they caught up to her and Vegeta.
" Who would welcome her home? She's a pest." He grunted and flew off.
" Well, why don't you tell us what happened when you were gone?" Lupa said and pulled them to an island.

" First, I remember getting sucked into a hole. Light of all colors swirled around me and I got so dizzy from spinning, I passed out. Next thing I knew, I was face first on the ground with little blue creatures around me. I was happy that I was alive and all but sad at the same time. The little blue people, Hast-jins, took care of me. They thought I was some goddess that had fallen from her perch in the heavens. They healed my ankle and gave me food. Then I was fighting beasts that could shape shift like I could. They came from a mountain that was nearly covered in snow." Diana said.
" Wow. What did you do then?" Helen asked.
" I fought them of course. The Hast-jins are weak pathetic creatures." Diana minicked Vegeta's voice, sending them into laughter. " But, anyways. I shifted into my dragon form and blasted them back to the mountains with one good beat of my wings."
" So, it was pretty boring, huh." Lupa grinned.
" Yep." Diana nodded.
" Where was this planet?" Helen asked.
" Farther than I could ever imagine. Trust me, I had to pilot my way across space and worm hole to get here. It wasn't fun." Diana warned.
" Wow." Helen and and Lupa said. Diana nodded and smiled.

It was late before they returned home. Helen stayed at Diana's palace for a while, Lupa went to her own room, but Diana went to the library. She wanted to look up the planet she was on. She wanted to see if it was on the start charts. Diana jumped when she heard the door close and lock. She turned with the charts clutched close to her and gasped to see Heero smiling at her.
" Oh, you scared me." She breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't say anything back. " Can you help me? I'm looking for a solar system with the a planet called Froge-sei." She turned and opened a chart.
Diana froze. Something wasn't right. She turned and dodged a shining knife. She flipped away and stared at Heero, or who she thought was Heero. The moon light splashed over dark, dark blue hair.
" You're not Heero!" She gasped.
" About time you figured that out princess." The voice was cold and it sent chill racing up Diana's back.
" Who the hell are you?!" She demanded and took a fighters stance.
The man straightened and lowered the knife. " My name's Saphire. A Hunter from across the galaxy who was sent to kill you." He bowed gracefully.
" What?" Diana gulped and tensed.

Heero yawned and closed the book. He got off of Diana's bed and wrapped a robe around him. He walked down the stairs to the library toget another book to read until Diana decided to come to bed. He stopped when he heard a yelp and a crash following it. Heero ran to the doors and tried to open them only to find them locked. He growled and started to slam his body into the doors like a battering ram.

Diana leaped aside and shot an energy blast at Saphire, who dodged it nimbly.
" I've heard rumor that you are stronger than anyone that have ever lived. Show me that power." He smiled and sliced at her with the knife. He started when she didn't dodge, but caught the knife with her hand. Blood dripped onto the floor in small droplettes. Saphire looked into her eyes and saw his death waiting there.
" You don't want to know my power. Trust me, someone almost died trying to figure it out." She growled low and flung him away.
Saphire caught his balance and blasted the doors open with his own energy balls. Diana's sensitive ears hear a scream. She roared and energy blasted all around her as she launched herself at Saphire. Her fist plunged into his stomache and out his back. The last thing his fading eyes saw was a golden being with the eyes that struck fear deep within him, a fear he had never know and will live with in the afterlife.
Diana withdrew her hand and the blood melted off her golden glowing skin. She turned, her fire tipped tail swaying out of the way as she walked up to Heero.
Heero opened his eyes and groaned. He stopped and stared at the creature who seemed to move like water. He saw the flame tipped tail and the long golden hair.
" D-Diana?" He gulped as she knelt.
" It's ok. Everything is ok." Her voice was soft, yet brought fear clawing up his throat. Heero watched as Diana went back to her normal form, dark brown hair, no golden glow of any sort. Her tail curled around his wrist, soft, fuzzy, and not on fire.
" Who was that?" He asked as she helped him up.
" A nobody." She said and growled at the dead body. They turned and walked back up the stairs to the room they shared.

A form with orangy yellow hair slipped through the window. Its yellow oragne eyes found the dead body of Saphire and picked it up. Grunting with the weight, the bodies moved quickly and silently through the night and vanished in the shadows. The only sign that something had been going on in the library was burned carpet and floor and the drying pool of blood near the cabinets.

Diana and Heero were back at the library the next morning. Diana frowned when she found out the body was gone. Heero explained to the guards what he had seen and everyone went dead silent when he told them that Diana had gone gold again. The guards looked at the frowning princess and slowly backed away.
" Di?" Heero walked over and touched her shoulder.
" Someone came and got the body. I can smell it." She growled, her tail lashing back and forth, tapping his calf. " Who ever it was will be back and I will be waiting for them."
" You can't go and fight something you don't know about Di. What if these people are stronger than you?" Heero asked looking at her seriously.
" Well, we'll just have to see who is stronger. Trust me, I won't be fighting alone."
" What happened? The whole castle is in a craze!" Helen trotted down the stairs and saw the broken doors of the library and the mess within. " Diana ... explain."
" Someone came last night when I was looking in some star charts. His intention was to kill me. Unfortunately he got the worst half of me." She shrugged nonchalantly and turned to walk off. Heero and Helen stopped her.
" Explain!" They said firmly.
" What is there to explain? I killed the guy after he tried to kill Heero, someone got the body sometime last night and this was left! What else is there?!" Diana huffed and fisted her hands at her hips. The gaurds back even more away.
" Who was the person that tried to kill you?" Helen asked.
" Um ... he had dark blue hair, and dark blue eyes. He work a very dark colored suit, why?" Diana looked at Helen as she walked quickly away. " Helen! What's going on? Who was that? Who are the Hunters?" She shouted after her.
At the word ' Hunters' Helen froze. Diana and Heero stopped and looked at her strangely.
" Helen, I want an explanation right now. I want to know who these Hunters are and why they sent Saphire to kill me." Diana's voice grew very cold.
Helen turned and looked at her, tears of fear in her eyes.

Starcrest' heard about what had happened and the mention of the Hunters. He frowned and looked at the guard who reported to him.
" So Diana hit the gold level again and the Hunters have returned to Lyona-sei." He steppled his hands and rested his chin on them. " We have to send Diana away and make sure the Hunters will not find her."
" But what if she resits?" The guard asked, worried.
" Sedate her. Tranquize her. Do what ever you can to get her off Lyona-sei for at least a year or so." Starcrest snapped and slammed his fists on the diamond desk. Small cracks appeared and the guard saluted and walked out quickly.

" The Hunters are an exiled band of Terak-jins who had a bloodthirst that couldn't be quenched. The were exiled to a dark planet and that's when they started to create gadgets and tecniques for torture. Their queen, Queen Terquin, was put in a place of eternal sleep by our people." Helen motioned to her and Diana. " They created a way to travel the universe in these space ship like castles. With those they land on planets and capture as many creatures as they want and torture them, sometimes to death. They found a way to revive their queen, Diana."
" And how's that?" Heero asked.
" They need the blood of the royal Lyona-jin. That's why your brother has been sending you off planet all the time. He's protecting you."
" But he's royalty. Why aren't they taking his blood?" Diana asked, confused.
" Because they need the only Lyona-jin who can move the elements to her will. And a large emphasis on her." Vegeta walked up. Diana didn't bother to turn around.
" Will you sell me away again to save you cursed hide, Vegeta?" She asked coldly.
" Never in a million years." Vegeta said.
" Princess, you brother-" A guard ran up.
" Wishes to send me away to another planet for my safety. Well, tell him I'm staying and fighting! I will not allow these tyrants to torment my people any longer! It stops here!" Diana shouted, her anger boiling up.
The guard stopped and blinked, bowed and went to tell Starcrest what she said.

" Are you mad?! They will kill you and Terquin will live again! You are giving them what they want!" Starcrest snapped at his little sister as they walked down the hall.
" Darius! All my life I have been running from these people and you all have been suffering from it! I will not run any more. They want my blood? They will have to die for it." She growled.
Starcrest stopped and stared at her. " Di, please. You are the only one to give this planet life. If you die, Lyona-sei dies with you. Di, I am begging you to please leave and protect yourself than stay here and risk loosing your life to people who are ten times stronger." He grabbed his sister and pulled her into a tight hug. " I love you, Di. You are my sister and it would tear me apart to loose you."
" Don't worry, Crest. I know what I'm doing." She smiled and hugged him back.
" I hope so." He kissed the top of her head and pulled away. He led her down the hall and they talked of happier things.

Heero watched as Duo and Quatre argued back and forth. He sighed and leaned back. Wufei and Trowa wern't even paying attention.
" We must stay and protect the princess!" Quatre argued.
" This isn't Relena!" Duo snapped.
" Thank the heavens." Heero muttered, getting a short chuckle from Wufei and Trowa.
" Besides, she can fight and she knows what she's doing." Duo said and leaned back.
" Well, Miss Diana will be out of her league with these Hunters. We can help her by getting all the civilians out of the major cities and-"
" It's a little late for that, Quatre." Lupa walked in. " Some of the people have already been taken."
" Does Diana know?" Heero asked.
" Hell no! If she found out, she'd have a hissy fit so big that Vegeta-sei will shake and tremble." Lupa shook her head.
" So what are we going to do?" Quatre ased.
" Stay here and stay out of sight as much as possible." Wufei said. " As long as we stay out of sight, Diana will stay put."
" Right. What about Sky? She sees him as her long lost son." Duo said and leaned back.
" Well, we'll just have to keep him under wraps also." Wufei shrugged.
" I'll go tell him and Cyprus." Lupa said and turned to leave.
" Is T.J. here still?" Trowa asked.
" Nope. He left a long time ago." All the boys heaved a sigh of relief.

Diana lay on her bed, napping peacefully. She sighed and rolled over on her side.
Her window opened and a figure stepped in. White shoes touched the soft rug and walked quietly over towards the bed. The being leaned over and looked over the sleeping girl with pale blue eyes. Feathery white hair fell over one eye, giving the intruder a mysterious appearance.
Diana turned over and opened her eyes slowly. She gasped and scooted out from under the stranger in her room. Her back hit the wall as she stared at the man in white.
" Who are you? How did you get in my room? What do you want?" She stammered out.
" You are an interesting girl." He smiled charmingly.