Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Lyona ❯ Lyona ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Diana held her breath and curled her legs against her chest. She had no idea who this man was and why he was in her room. Her instincts told her to attack and possibly kill him. She stiffened when he took her hand and held it near his mouth, not touching it with his lips.
" Tell me, does an angel with your beauty have a name, or do they only have beautiful faces to tempt men into their splendor?" He smiled and kissed her hand.
Diana snatched her hand back and rubbed it viciously on the covers of her blanket. " I have no idea who you are, but I know one thing."
" And what is that, sweet angel?"
" This!" She punched him hard across the face and leaped out the open window. She immediately flew down to the ground and raced as fast as she could go to her brother.

Starcrest was nodding off when Diana burst into his study, scaring him almost half to death.
" Crest! There's a strange guy in my room!" She slammed the doors shut and ran over to him.
" Angel, where did you go?" A voice called out.
Diana yelped and dove under the desk, accidentally stepping on Starcrest's tail. He gasped and Diana made a quick appology. She jumped when the doors opened and someone strode into the room.
" Where did Diana? She's late for sparring!" Vegeta barked.
Diana instantly flew out of the desk and snagged Vegeta. She dragged him out of the room and down the hall.
" What is wrong with you woman?" Vegeta tried to wrench his arm free.
" There's this guy-"
" There you are, angel." The man in white smiled at Diana.
" Oh, no." She gulped and ran off with Vegeta in tow.
" Let me go woman!" vegeta yelled at her.
" You are going to get that guy to leave me alone!" She shouted at him and dropped him. Diana ran outside and saw Heero walking up to the castle. She smiled in relief and started for him. She screamed when the man in white grabbed her from behind and spun her around.
" You like to play hard to get, don't you?" He smiled and drew her closre.
" Let go!" Diana squirmed and shoved him away. She stumbled backwards and fell into Heero's arms.
" Mind explaining?" He asked.
" With pleasure." She sighed and turned around and kissed Heero full on the mouth. He started at first, then got to kissing her back. When they stopped, the man in white was waiting patiently for them to stop.
" Now, may I please have what I found?" He asked calmly.
" I am not something to be passed around." Diana growled.
" Really, then who are you?"
" Di, no!" Heero whispered to her.
" I am Princess Diana of Lyona-sei and I demand that you leave this planet and Vegeta-sei alone or I will have to get physical on you and your cronies." She growled and glared at him.
" So, you are the one we have been searching for. I am Prince Diamond, son of Queen Terquin. It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess." He bowed and smiled at her.
" That's it." She rolled up her sleeves and started towards him. She stopped when she sensed something else. Diana looked up and saw a girl dressed in a long black, strapless dress with a black choaker on. She had on black lipstick and her blond hair was tied up in two buns at the top of her head with long pig tails coming out of them. Her cold blue eyes gazed down on her and Heero. " And who might you be? The grim reaper?" She asked raising and delicate eye brow.
" That, Princess is my dear sister, Serena." Diamond smiled at the blond.
" Wow. She must not be too smart with all that blond hair." Diana comented and Heero tried not to laugh.
" What was that?" Serena growled.
" How do you kill a blond? Put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool!" Diana smiled and her and Heero burst into laughter.
" A joker, huh?" Serena growled. She looked at her brother, who was snikering. " Stop that Diamond!"
" What's another way to kill a blond?" Heero asked.
" What?" Diana looked at him.
" Put spikes on her shoulder pads and ask her a question!" They rolled with laughter.
" I know another way to kill a blond!" Diana said.
" What?"
" Have her hang off a cliff with one hand and wave to her!" They collapsed with laughter. Even Diamond was laughing out loud.
" I've had enough!" Serena snapped and lunged at the two hyenas. Her fist hit solid ground and the laughing stopped. She looked over to her side and saw Diana with Heero standing a distance away.
" Impressive." Diamond smiled.
" Shut up." She snapped. " Fight me like a man."
" Excuse me? When did you have a sex change?" Diana gave her a funny look, Heero gulped down his laughter.
" Fight me!" Serena barked.
" Um ... nah. I don't feel like it today." Diana smiled and teleported away, making it impossible for Serena to track them down by sensing energy.

They reappeared in th city. Diana and Heero looked at each other and burst out laughing. The poeple around them looked at them and kept walking.
" Where did you hear of blond jokes?" Heero asked her.
" Oh, I picked them up last time I was on Earth." She shrugged and the two walked around the city.

Starcrest yawned and stood. He shook his head and walked over to the windows and looked out. He could see the dark castle in the far distance and frowned. He had lived with those terrors that lived in the castle and floated from place to place, never seeking out their own home. He sighed and turned his back to the window, not wanting to look at the blemish that dirtied their planet.
He strode out of the study and met up with Prince Diamond.
" What are you doing here?" He asked.
" I want to know more about your darling sister." He turned and smiled at Starcrest. " Her attitude and actions are ... quite adorable."
" Um, that's because you haven't known her ture self." Starcrest said walking past him and heading towards the kitchen area.
" That's why I want to talk to you about her." Diamond followed him.
" What is there to tell? She can be violent and brash at times and also loving and kind, on rare occasions." He snatched up a piece of fruit and bit into the sweet meat.
" So, she has frequent mood changes."
" No, she decided what her mood is when she wants to be a certain way." Starcrest corrected around a mouthful of fruit. " Why am I talking to you anyways? Go back to your castle and do your thing there." Starcrest waved him off casually.
Diamond frowned and reached for him. He gasped when a small concentrated energy blast whizzed by and blasted a hole in the wall. Both he and Starcrest turned to see Diana and Heero standing in the door way.
" Don't touch my brother." She growled.

Diana left her hand aimed at Diamond. She gave Heero a gentle shove back, telling him to leave. She had scanned Diamond earlier and knew that his power was exceptional, but still. She didn't want anyone getting hurt in a fight, no matter how small.
" Get out of my palace now." She demanded.
" Such a fire ball." Diamond grinned.
" Don't make me repeat myself." Diana narrowed her eyes.
" What will you do?" Diamond taunted.
" What will we do, you mean." Lupa appeared in the door way behind Diana. Helen right beside her.
Diamond looked at them, a frown on his face. He suddenly smiled and bowed low to Diana and her friends.
" As you wish, my lady." He said and vanished from sight.
Diana still wore the agitated look on her face. She had a feeling that these Hunters would be more than a normal pushover.

Heero waited for Diana in her room. In the mean time, he gazed out the window at the setting sun. Its light splashing the sky with rose reds, pale oranges, and faded yellows. He turned when the door opened and Diana stepped into the room.
" Hello." He said.
" Hey." She muttered and flopped onto the bed.
Heero walked over and sat next to her. He placed his hand on her back and smiled. His hand trailed down and stroked the soft fur of her tail. Diana shuddered.
" Something bothering you? Or is it that someone." Heero said playing with her tail.
" Some ... one ... in specific." Diana managed to sputter out.
" Really. Then forget about him. You can defeat him, I'm sure about that." He said and kissed the tip of her tail.
Diana turned over and looked at Heero with that certain gaze. " You sure?"
" Absolutely." Heero nodded.
Diana grinned and pulled Heero down to her.

The next month, Diana trained all the time and harder than she would normally train. She had visited Vegeta-sei and had removed her power shield around her, allowing the gravity to help her train. Helen, Lupa and all her other friends had stopped training with her after the first week. They stopped because she was training so hard and so long that they even breached their limits and had to stop. Even Vegeta said that he had enough of her training. So, Diana trained alone for days on end.
" Why is she training so hard?" Vegeta asked his brother Renkon.
" I have no idea." Renkon shrugged. " Maybe she finds herself lacking in training and is recompencing for the lost time."
" Ha! She fights me and her friends almost every other day." Vegeta snorted.
" VEGETA!" Diana's voice roared from the gravity room.
Vegeta and Renkon jumped at the sound. They looked at each other, shook thier heads and ran for a really good hiding spot.

Diana stormed out of the training room and glanced around for the one she called on. She found no trace of him. She strode purposefully towards a room and threw open the doors, startling Shae.
" Where's Vegeta?" Diana demanded.
" I have no idea. Probably licking his wounds." Shae said and got back to her work.
" From what?" Diana blinked.
" From you! You have been fighting him and everyone else for the past month, Diana. Take a break for crying out loud." Shae glared at her.
" I'm sorry if they are weakling, but I have to train because I have a gut feeling that getting rid of these Hunter people will take a whole lot more than a simple trick. This will be all out war against them and they need to start training to help me!" Diana fiolded her arms and glared at Shae.
" Weaklings?! Excuse me, princess, but we have been getting along quite well, until you decided to stay and fight them. They would take a few people here and there, not harming the main body of us. You have disrupted all that by being here." Shae stood and matched Diana's hard gaze.
" Oh, so you make bargains with the enemy and go on with your lives like nothing is wrong. I'm sorry that I don't share your views." She snapped and strode away.
Shae frowned, thinking hard on what Diana had said. She knew that what they did was like sacraficing their own people to save ther skins and here was this girl, a princess that the Hunters wanted, challeging the enemy to fight for the right to be here. Shae sat down and looked at her hands. They should be training, getting ready for the fight that will eventually come. She closed her hands and balled them into tight fists, hating the feel of cowardism that Diana had revealed to her.

Diana flew back to Lyona and landed on the ground. She glanced up when she saw Skie flying twards her. Diana sighed and forced herself to be calm.
" Hey! What are you doing back so soon?" He asked as he landed, his dark colored tail flicking in the breeze.
" I thought that I might take a break from all the training." Diana shrugged and smiled.
" Well, don't take too long of a break, I would like to spar with you sometime." Skie smiled and winked.
Diana smiled and laughed. He had no idea what he was getting into. She agreed to the match. She and Skie flew off to the castle for some good rest and relaxation.

Starcrest drank his soup and watched Diana as she shoveled food down her trap. He had nearly gtten used to seeing her eat like that, ever since she started training like a mad man, or woman. He ducked as a piece of meat flew over his head.
" Diana, slow dwn before you choak." Starcrest suggested.
" Hm? !!!!" Diana gulped and started to pound on her chest. She snatched up a cup of water and drowned it down along with the reluctant piece of food. She sighed and looked at her brother. " What were you saying?"
" Nevermind." Starcrest sighed and waved her off.
Diana shrugged and continued to eat rapidly. When she finished, she left the table and ran off towards her room so she could take a long hot bath. When she got to her room, she found Heero already making a hot bath. She smiled and gazed down at him.
" Well, making this for me?" She asked, startling him.
Heero turned and looked at her. " Well, I was originally planing to take a bath alone since you were training so much." He shrugged and turned back to the bath water. Heero stiffened when he heard a shuffling of clothes and soft foot falls coming closer. Diana wrapped her arms around his neck loosely and purred in his ear. Her tail tickling his thigh.
" Then shall we take a bath together?" She nibbled on his lobe, sending shivers up and down his back.
Heero could do nothing but agree to what she suggested.

Serena glared out into the darkening sky. She wanted the blood, but knew that that task was going to be more difficult that it sounded. She turned and glared at her brother, who sat in his chair, casual and calm.
" Diamond, don't you understand that we need to kill her in order to raise our dead mother?" She snapped.
" Of course, I understand your point of view, but why settle for just out right killing her when we could milk her of her blood whenever one of our kind gets placed under that spell." Diamond looked at Serena with a grin. " She could serve us more than just one way, my dear sister."
Serena blinked and stared at him. She frowned and folded her arms. " Why are youso calm? Haven't you scanner her power? Don't you know that she's training and gaining more and more power?"
" I know. But you have only scanned the surface as I have. She is holding back an enormous amount of power. I have no doubt that she can and will defeat us if she really concentrated on the task." Diamond stood and walked over to his sister. " She is more than she seems, Serena. I have talked to some of the people, under cover though, and they say that she has controlled her dragon side."
" So? Big deal." Serena huffed.
" It is a big deal, Serena. None of the other Lyona-jins are able to do so, only her. A dragon is a powerful beast and under our control, she could be our ultimate weapon." Diamond smiled.
Serena stared at him, confused.
" You think to small, Serena. If we have Diana, not kill her but only take a small amount of blood from her, then we can and will rule the universe. Everyone will bow before us and our power. No one will be able to stand against us."
" What about her cunning? She outwitted Freiza and look what happened to him." Serena said, not liking her brothers idea.
" Yes. That will be ours as well if we are able to control her. She will be swift, crafty, and powerful." Diamond smiled as he gazed out the window. " And most of all, she will be ours."

Diana brushed out her hair and sighed. She had been training non stop and she was pooped. She looked behind her and watched as Heero toweled off. A smile crept to her lips and she thought of how lucky she was to have someone like him around. He always understood what she talked about and he was always there to listen to her problems. She did the same for him, but something stopped her.
If she fought these Hunters and lost, what would happen too Heero? What would happen to her brother? What would happen to her planet?
The brush fell out of her hand and crashed onto the floor. Heero jumped and turned to look at Diana. She was sitting at her dresser, clothed in a large shirt that nearly engulfed her, staring off with a look on her face that froze his blood with fear. Heero wrapped the towel around his waist and walked over to Diana.
" What's wrong?" He shook her gently.
" I ... I was thinking ... " Her voice was very quiet.
" Thinking of what?"
" What would happen to you and everyone else if I failed?" She looked at him, her eyes filling with tears. " I will not be able to stop them from harming you all if I did fail."
" You won't fail, Di. You will beat them and send them back to where ever they came from." Heero pulled her into his arms and held her close. " You will defeat them, I know you will."
" But they are so powerful! What if-"
" Hush. Don't start to doubt yourself. Believe you will win and you will." Heero stroked her hair. He kissed her head and held her close. Heero knew she would win. She had to in order to keep peace on Lyona and Vegeta. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the beating of their hearts.

The next day, Skie and Diana faced each other on Lyona-jin soil. She wore a black shirt with dark blue pants and her favorite brown boots. Her hair was tied up in the usual pony tail, but this time a black ribbon adorned her head. She stood a distance away from Skie, smiling at the thought of a really good fight.
Skie, dressed in Saiya-jin black spandex with a large white over shirt and pale gray boots, stood facing his opponent. He was sizing her up, knowing how strong she was and how quick her actions were. He would have to dig deep into his store of power to actually beat her in this match. Skie took a fighters stance, signaling the start of the fight. His tail curled around his waist for protection.
Diana crouched and grinned. " This is going to be good." She murmured as she launched herself at Skie in all out attack.