Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Lyona ❯ Lyona ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Skie leaped into the sky as Diana flashed past him. He gasped at her speed and agility as she met him in the air. Skie smiled to himself and though how much his genetic mother was looking forward to a good battle. He vowed not to disappoint her.

Lupa looked out the window as she munched on a piece of bread flavored with vanilla and spices. Her jaw dropped when she saw explosions of energy in the distance. Lupa shoved the bread into her mouth and ran to get Starcrest and anyone else who wanted to see this fight. She skidded around a corner and slammed into Cyprus.
" Come quick! Diana's fighting Skie already!" She yelped out and dragged the Tai-jin to his feet. She passed the conference room and saw Starcrest standing alone, going over some papers. She burst into the room and snagged him also.
They ran out into the open air and leaped into the sky. Lupa spotted a place where they could watch safely. They landed and sat to watch the spectacle of the fight.

Diana deflected an energy blast and sent one of her own. She gasped and quickly moved out of the way as Skie slammed right through it and charged her. She watched as he shifted into his blue lyon form, increasing his speed. Diana grunted as he rammed into her, sending her flying a few yards. She dug her feet into the ground and stopped herself. Looking up at the blue haired, curelean eyed Lyona-jin/Saiya-jin, she roared and blasted into her green form, also increasing her speed.
Her hair flared a deep dark green, her eyes shifted into an emerald green, and the tip of her tail blossomed into the same color as her hair. She jumped off the ground and the two got into a race of who was faster.

Diamond blinked when he felt the power spikes. Getting up from the dining table, he walked over to the window and looked out. Where was it? Where did it come from? Was it Diana? He frowned and furrowed his brows as he searched for the energy signatures.
" Prince?" A man with pale green hair and peridot colored eyes stood up. He wore a white shirt with pale green over coat and white pants.
" What is it Peridot?" Diamond turned and looked at the man.
" Are you all right, sire?" Peridot narrowed his eyes.
" Did you feel that energy spike just a few minutes ago?"
" Yes sire. I believe it is from the battle between Princess Diana and some Lyona-jin."
" Oh, really. I would like to see this battle." Diamond smiled.
" Shall I accompany you, Prince?"
" Yes Peridot. It will do you some good to see who we will be fighting sometime soon." Diamond strode towards the door.
Peridot watched him, uncertanty in his eyes. He pushed away his chair and walked after the prince. In his mind, he knew that he was Lyona-jin and that the princess they were after was his true master. But, being raised by the Hunters, he felt obligated to give his loyalty to them. Peridot didn't want to fight the princess, but knew that he would have to or his loyalty to the Hunters would be questioned.

Diana cried out as she fell to the ground and slammed into the hard ground, creating a large crater. She sat up and shook her head.
" Should I go easier on you, Mom?" Skie grinned as he floated above her.
" Should I?" Diana shot back and fired seveal energy blasts at him. She laughed as he tried to dodge them, but found out that they all were trained on him. Diana leaped off the ground and threw punches and kicks.
Skie enjoyed this time with Diana, playing with her and learning from her. He had already mastered seveal of her techniques during the fight and had surprised her on many occasions when he used them against her. He enjoyed her words of encouragement when he was down and struggling to get up. Skie knew that she didn't birth him, but treated him like a son anyways.
" Come on! Stop playing around!" Diana laughed as she caught his fists and swung him to the ground.
" If you'll stop!" He laughed and reversed the momentum to throw her down.
Diana grinned and jerked to a stop, flinging Skie off into the grounnd. She stopped when she felt her skin chill and bubble with goosebumps. She turned and sought out what gave her the chills.
Skie flew up and floated next to her. " What is it?" He asked, watching her searching face with concern.
" Someone is here who is not one of us." She said. " Let's continue this tomorrow. I can't spar properly with someone giving me the heeby-jeebies."
" Alright, let's get some luch, I'm starved." Skie said and the two flew off to the castle. They met up with Lupa, Cyprus, and Starcrest on thier way. They left together in a group, Lupa gushing on how the fight was excellent and intense.

Diamond smiled from their position a few miles away from where they were once fighting. He turned and looked at Peridot.
" Can you tell me why they stopped?"
" She felt your presence." Peridot said in a hushed voice.
" Very good. I do not expect you to fight her yourself, but keep on your guard." Diamond said.
" Are you going to fight her?"
" No. Serena has requested that honor for herself." Diamond turned to fly back to their castle.
" Prince ... " Peridot almost barked out.
" Yes?"
" What ... what would you do if someone betrayed you or Miss Serena?" Peridot asked.
" Why, we would consider them as one of the prey that we hunt and treat them as such. Why do you ask, Peridot?" Diamond turned and looked at Peridot's back.
" No reason sire. Just curious." Peridot turned and faced Diamond.
" Just like a kitten, that's why I like you." Diamond smiled and turned to fly back to the black castle.
Peridot hung back a few moments. If what Prince Diamond said was true, then he would have to try his betrayal out very carefully and plan his escape with perfect details. He didn't know why he was thinking about changing sides, but he knew that if he were to live, that he must. Peridot took in a shaky breath and flew after his master.

Heero woke up in bed alone. He frowned and sat up. Diana would usually be curled by his side, still sleeping. He rubbed his eyes and got out of the bed. He doned a robe and slipped on a pair of house shoes, then stepped out of the room. He blinked in the sun light. He was fully dressed and standing in front of the black castle. Heero looked up, squinting, and to his horror he saw the man in white holding Diana in front of him.
" Do you love her?" He asked, his voice making the clear sky turn black with heavy clouds.
" What?" Heero asked. A cold wind blew and icy rain began to fall.
" Heero! Get out of here!" Diana shouted, wounds appearing on her skin from no where.
" Diana! No!" He shouted and ran up to the castle. " Let her go!"
" Answer my question." The man demanded, shaking Diana.
" Of course I love her! Let her go now!" Heero screamed at the man, tears forming in his eyes.
The man smiled and wrapped an arm around Diana's neck. Her hands tied behind her back, she was helpless to stop him. Heero cried out for him to stop. The man laughed as he twisted Diana's head quickly, a bone chilling snap echoing across the clouds.
Heero woke in a cold sweat. His breath was ragged and his heart rammed against his ribs. He turned and let out a breath in relief when he saw Diana laying beside him, sleeping. He reached a shaky hand towards her and touched her face, waking her.
" Hm? What is it? What's the time?" She asked in a sleepy voice.
" Go back to sleep." He said and lay back down. She nodded and scooted closer to him, her tail wrapping around his waist. Heero smiled and circled his arms about her, keeping her by his side as he fell back asleep.

Diamond opened his eyes and gazed at the canopy of his large bed. He smiled, knowing the perfect bait he would use to capture her.
" The Princess had a love who would go any length for her. Interesting." He said into the darkness. " This will be the best battle yet."

" Why did you wake me up so early?" Diana asked as she spooned cottage cheese into a bowl for Heero. His hands were shaky and he was quite pale. She set the bowl in front of him and scooped manderain oranges into a seaparate bowl for Heero. She slid that next to the other. Diana then took a seat next t Heero and grabbed one of his shaky hands. " Did you dream of that girl again?"
" No, this was worse, much worse." Heero muttered. He was plagued by the dream again and again everytime he fell alseep.
" Tell me." Diana scooted closer.
" There was that man in white. He had you ... and you were powerless to free yourself. He asked me over and over if I loved you and every time I said nothing wounds would appear on you. It started to rain, everything felt so real. When I finally answered, he ... killed you." Heero bowed his head and closed his eyes, trying to get rid of the images of her falling from the top of the castle, her entire body limp and lifeless.
Diana fell silent. Her kind believed in dreams, that any dream could be a possible future. She pulled Heero into a hug and held him tightly.
" Please, don't fight this battle. I beg you, Di. Don't fight." Heero murmured into her shoulder.
" I have to. I have to protect my people." Diana whispered and kissed him.
" You know that my people believe in dreams and see them as visions of the future or possible future. This one, I believe, is nothing but a lost nightmare."
Heero only nodded and prayed that she was right. He closed his eyes and immersed himself with the scent that was Diana.

Starcrest and Vegeta looked up as strom clouds began to gather. The prince of Lyona frowned, whereas the prince of Vegeta always frowned.
" I have a bad feeling about all this, Vegeta." Starcrest said.
" Why? Diana will win and she will destroy the enemy." Vegeta looked at him.
" It's not that simple and you know that. Diana could die and with her Lyona will begin to shrivel and die also. You know that every Lyona-jin royal family has had a female child."
" Why do they? They should be having males, they are much more powerful." Vegeta snorted.
" Lyona royal families have female children because all the females are somehow able to cope with the task of holding the powers of the planet. They are able to harness that power and use it to their advantage. That's why no one has ever heard of an evil female Lyona-jin." Starcrest looked at Vegeta with his gentle blue eyes. " Every evil Lyona-jin was male, am I right?"
" Yeah." Vegeta looked at his feet, accepting the truth. " Do you think that Diana will be able to harness that power? She hasn't trained for it like all the others."
" True. I wish Mother was here to train her, that's the duty of the mothers in the royal families."
" To train their girls to control the power of the planet?"
" Yeah."
" That would make them weak. With that power wild within her, that makes her all the more powerful. Haven't you ever noticed that when the lightning is wild and untamed that it is the most powerful and deadly?" Vegeta grinned and walked away.
Starcrest watched him leave and thought about what he said. He turned and looked into the sky. A lightning bolt flashed down and struck the ground. He realized that maybe it was best to allow Diana to go untrained and untamed. He watched as the tree caught fire and burned with a smile on his face.

Diana frowned and glared at the rain as it pelted the windows. She groaned and dragged herself away. Flopping onto the chair in front of Heero, she continued her moping about.
" Don't be upset, Di." Heero said, feeling better from his talk with her. " Rain is good."
" Not if you wanted to go outside and train." She grumbled.
" What about the training room?" Heero looked up from his laptop.
" Closed for further repairs." She sighed and slumped lower into the chair. Heero couldn't help chuckling at the sight of her. Slouched so low in the big cusiony chair, growling about the rain.
" What so funny?" She glanced up at him.
" Just you." He smiled.
" Eh?" Diana cocked her head to the side, confused.
" You're pouting about the rain when you can go outside anyways. The rain never hurt anybody." Heero said simply watching as realization dawned on her face.
" My goodness! I feel like such a blond!" She jumped up and kissed Heero as she left to go outside and train in the rain.
" Don't forget to put on heavy things." He called after her.
" Why?"
" Get's ten times heavier in the rain." Heero said and laughed as noise burst upstairs as she sought out heavy clothes. He heard the door slam and knew that Diana was outside doing one of the many things she loved.

Serena watched as the rain fell. She sighed and closed her eyes, listening to the light pitter pat as the dropplettes hit the window pane. Serena absolutely loved the rain, but refused to go out in it. She would enjoy sitting in her room, doing something to occupy her. She turned and looked at her door just as Diamond entered the room.
" Hello dear brother." She said.
" My aren't we in a happy mood." Diamond walked over to her.
" I love the rain." Serena said as she turned back to the window.
" I know that. It's going to get worse." He said looking at the dark clouds.
" I don't care, as long as the rain falls."
" You have obviously never been on Lyona during one of their storms." Diamond crossed his arms and looked down at her.
" What's so bad about them?"
" The thunder sounds like explosions happening right next door and their lightning is ten times more powerful than those on other planets we have visited." Diamond said in a low growl. " I hate the storms here."
Just then a bright flash of lighting lighted the sky and an glass shattering explosion of a thunder clap followed, startling both Diamond and Serena. Serena looked up at her brother with wide eyes.
" See." He snorted and walked out.

Diana was reveling in the light spectacle and noise. To her this was the essence of Lyona, wild and free. She laughed up at the clouds, begginng for more sights and sounds. She laughed with glee as a bolt of lighting shot down and wound itself around her, not hurting her one bit. She stroked the length of it, feeling the electricity flowing through it. She jumped up into the air as a thunder blast sounded. The lighting bolt withdrew and beckoned for her to follow. Diana did so with absolute joy.

Heero yawned and stretched out his arms and legs. He looked up and saw Lupa simling down on him. " Oh, hello Lupa." He said relaxing.
" Hiya, Heero. Where's Di?" She asked.
" She went outside, why?" Heero set aside his laptop and stood.
" Oh, no reason." She smiled and bounded off.
Heero frowned and scratched his head. He wondered what she wanted with Diana. He shrugged, thinking it was some girl thing. He looked over his shoulder as the front door opened and Diana walked in, dripping wet and smiling like a cheshire cat.
" What are you smiling about?" Heero asked her.
" I was having fun with the lightning and thunder." She smiled and shrugged out of the heavy clothing she had piled on herself.
" Lupa was looking for you." Heero walked over and began picking up the clothing. He hefted them up and stood, Diana wrapped her arms around him and kissed him full on the mouth. When they finally parted, Heero blinked and stared at her.
" What was that for?" He asked a little breathless.
" That was from the lightning and thunder. They say hi. The rain wished you was out there playing with them." She said and took the clothing from him. She winked and walked off, leaving watery footprints.
He stared after her. Thinking that she was telling him that she wanted him out there with her, he shook his head and followed her to ask how her training went.

Diamond was glad that the last of the storm had passed. He sighed and slumped in his chair, thankful for the silence. He loked over to his side and saw Peridot standing in front of the window, gazing out it and standing there like a statue with arms folded.
" Something bothering you, Peridot?"
" No, sire. I was just watching Miss Diana play with the lighting bolts and rain. She seemed very happy." Peridot said, his face remaining unemotional.
" Why do you care for her? She is going to be our weapon for conquering worlds, she is nothing of importance." Diamond said.
" I'm sorry for angering you Prince. But ... I was wondering what those feelings felt like." He lowered his gaze.
" What feelings?"
" Happiness, peace, love, friendship ... family." Peridot's voice grew quiet.
" Why are you worrying yourself with those things? You have everything here, family, friends, what more could you want?" Diamond stood and frowned.
Peridot didn't answer, but his heart cried out for freedom. He turned and was about to excuse himself from the chambers when he saw Diamonds face. Questioning and curious. Peridot stopped and held his breath, what was he going to do?
" I have given you everything, Peridot. Don't you care for anything?"
" I care for freedom, sire." Peridot jumped at the sound of his voice, hard and threatening.
Diamond started and stared at his warrior. His gaze hardened as he stared at Peridot from his desk. " What is with you? You have never acted like this before."
" I ... I'm sorry sire. I ... don't know what came over me." Peridot shook his head and touched his fingers to his temples. " It will never happen again."
" Make sure that it doesn't. These feelings you have are nothing but a weakness that cana nd will be exploited." Diamond said and walked around his desk. " I would hate to lose you, Peridot. You are an excellent warrior."
" Thank you sire." Peridot bowed. When he straightened, Diamond was standing in front of him, smiling. Warrily, Peridot started to back up. Diamond stopped him.
" Bury these feelings, Peridot. Bury them and forget them." He smiled and patted Peridot on the shoulders. He turned and left the man standing in the silence.
Peridot turned towards the door and frowned, he didn't know what to do and the sight of watching Diana play in the rain was making him think of all the things that he wanted. He looked at his feet and sighed.
" I guess somethings are only meant for those born free." He murmured into the silent room.
Peridot thought that Diamond had left the room, but he was wrong. Diamond was waiting in the shadows and heard what he had said. He frowned and thought to himself, he had better not be thinking of going over to their side. If he does, then his life is over. Diamond narrowed his eyes at the lonely man, hoping that he was thinking better than betraying them.