Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Lyona ❯ Lyona ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Diana watched as Starcrest ate his lunch. She had already finished her own and was waiting for them to finish. She marveled at how he was able to hold his utensils delicately yet steadily. Diana cupped her face in her hands and rested her elbows on the table.
Starcrest looked up and saw Diana staring at him with such an intensity it unnerved him.
" Something the matter?" He asked setting down his fork.
Diana shook her head slowly.
Heero looked up from his food and glanced at Diana and Starcrest. He swallowed his laughter as he looked at Diana, staring at her brother with the blank chicken stare and mouth set in a small O.
" Why are you staring at me?" Starcrest narrowed his eyes and tilted his head to the side.
Diana shrugged and tilted her head.
" Are you sick?"
She shook her head no.
" Are you going insane?"
She shook her head no again.
" What's wrong? Why are you staring at me? What is so interesting about me?" Starcrest sat back and folded his arms.
" You're so delicate with your food." Diana finally spoke. She stood and left leaving Starcrest staring after her, confused and Heero nearly choaking on his food.
" She is so strange." Starcrest shook his head.
" She is your sister." Heero said.
" She's your lover." He shot back. Heero looked up and nodded with pride. The prince sighed and finished eating, not wanting to persue the matter anymore.

Peridot sat in his room, alone as usual. He took up his violin and tuned all the strings. Placing the instrument under his chin, he began to play a song that had swam in his head for the past month. He allowed the tunes to fly, soaring and diving in his mind, taking him far from his prison in the castle to a place only he knew of. Peridot played with the passion of an artist, creating the music and everything that makes it wonderful to the ears. He played with the notes, turning them inside out and playing them like none has ever heard. He stopped when he heard the door shut.
" That was wonderful, I didn't know you could play like that." A woman in a dress colored with the pastel rainbows walked over to him. She had shoulder length platinum blond hair and jewel kissed eyes.
" Thanks, Opal. I've never had an audience willing to listen before." Peridot smiled a little and looked at his feet.
" You play wonderfully. Maybe you could play for Prince Diamond and Princess Serena." Opal smiled.
Peridot lost the tiny smile. The thought of him playing for their masters was a great idea, but ... What if Diamond was guessing that he was planning to go against him? What would he do then? Peridot shook his head no.
" I could never play for them. Diamond would loose taste and Serena ... well, she enjoyed battle, not seranades." He said sadly.
" If you say so." Opal shrugged and opened the door. " And by the way, dear Peridot, Prince Diamond is starting to lose faith in your capability to fight."
Peridot jerked his head up and stared at the grinning Opal. She laughed and shut the door. He frowned and set down his violin. Peridot decided that he had to get out soon or risk getting tortured and killed like the other people they herded onto their ship.

Diana yawned and stretched out. She had a really good training session with Skie, resuming the one that was stopped a few days ago, and she was relaxing at the moment. She turned on her belly and soaked in the afternoon rays. She felt someone step into the sun, shading her from the warm beams of light.
" Do you mind?" She asked not turning over.
" Diana, there's someone to see you." A guard said, curiosity tinting his vice.
" Really? Who is it?" She turned over and looked up at the guard, squinting.
" A ... Hunter." The guard scratched his head.
Diana frowned and stood quickly. She jumped to her feet and strode inside the castle. Diana stopped dead when she saw a pale green haired man with sad looking eyes. He was seated in a chair, across from Heero and her brother.
Diana walked over and stood behind the couch where her brother and Heero were seated.
" You wished to speak with me?" She asked.
Peridot looked up at her and, for an instant, Diana felt like she knew him from somewhere.
" Yes." He stood. " I care not what you make me do or where you put me, I just want to get away from the Hunters. I can not keep living the life they live. I do nt belong with them."
" Then why were you with them in the first place?" Heero asked.
" Because I was taken into their home when I was a baby and raised to be like them." Peridot said. " My heritage comes from this planet. I am Lyona-jin."
" What?!" Diana and Starcrest yelped out.

" What?!" Diamond screamed at Opal. Both Serena and Opal winced at his outburst. Serena looked at him and gulped.
" He ... he's gone, sir. I looked all over for him, but I ... found nothing." Opal gulped. She bowed quickly and awaited punishment..
" Find him! Bring him back to me alive!" Diamond shouted.
Bubble men, the Hunter's creations of an army that looked a lot like sphereical and domed shaped robots, came trotting out in rows, waiting to do their masters commands.
" My army, I want you to attack the Lyona-jin castle. Destroy it if you have to but bring me the princess and Peridot back alive!" He snarled.
The Bubble men saluted and turned, marching off t do as Diamond ordered.
" What are you going to do to him?" Serena asked watching Opal follow the army.
" That is my business, Serena. Keep you nose out of it!" Diamond snapped. He strode off the throne and out of the hall.

Diana, Heero and Starcrest stared at Peridot with slack jaws and wide eyes. Diana shut her mouth and swallowed. She frowned and tried to think of something to say, but nothing coming to mind.
" I suggest that you prepare yourselves for an attack. Opal must've ratted me out already to Prince Diamond." Peridot said.
" Wh-why did you ... um ... go against your ... master?" Starcrest ran his hand through his silky sand-blond hair.
" It was time for a change. I decided to throw away my old life and settle for a new one." Peridot said, not smiling. He was dead serious about that.
" He reminds me of you when we first met." Diana whispered to Heero. He only nodded.
" What were you trained for?" Heero asked.
" Assassinations, battles, the usual espionage stuff." Peridot shrugged nonchalantly.
" Then fight with us." Diana said, her tail flicking out behind her.
" No! I wouldn't dare! If Diamond ever catches me ... he ... " He trailed off, lowering his head, thinking of what his former leige would do to him.
" He what?" Starcrest leaned forward and frowned.
" He will treat me like all the other people we captured and will amplify it a hundred fold. He will not kill me, but torture me beyond anyone's imagination." Peridot looked up, pure and raw fear in his eyes.
Diana took in a slow breath. She folded her arms and looked at Peridot.
" Then it's settled. I fight to protect you and my home." She said simply.
" Diana! It isn't that simple!" Starcrest turned around and glared at her.
" I don't hear you coming up with a plan, 'Crest!" She snapped. " I say we fight and kick these carcasses off our planet! This is our planet we are fighting for, unless you sold it to them without me knowing." She glared at him, turned and left.
Starcrest watched her leave, unable to say anything back.

The Bubble army halted a distance away from the castle. Opal hung in the air above them and frowned. The sky started to cloud over and rain began to fall in heavy sheets. Opal shoouted for the Bubble men to move onward, but they all stayed put. She looked down and saw that most of them were shaking.
" What's you're problem?" She shouted down at them.
" Me!" Opal looked up and saw nothing but stars as she flew down to the ground. She slammed into the muddy earth and glared up through the rain at who attacked her. She blinked, she saw nothing.
" Who's out there?!" She shouted. Opal jumped when she saw the Bubble army scattering and being destroyed left and right. She watched as the men cleared out of the way, running past her in heards. Her mouth dropped open when a bolt of lightning flashed and she saw a figure, grinning maliciously. Small fangs proturded from the figure's mouth as slitted golden eyes glared at her. Spikey silver hair in a high ponyatil dripped with water and a long slate and silver colored slashed through the rain soaked air. Opal screamed and vaulted into the air. She flew as fast as she could, trying to get back to the safety of the black castle.
" Where you going?" The same voice laughed.
Opal screamed again as the silver figure blurred into her vision, right in front of her. She backed up and stared at the female in front of her.
" Wh-who are y-y-you?" She stammered.
" Allwo me to introduce myself." The figure bowed. " I am Diana Moon, princess and protector of this planet. You, I guess, are Opal." Opal nodded dumbly.
" Good, because you are tresspassing on my territory and you are going to die." Diana said and blasted Opal away to nothing but little bits of burnt flesh and clothing.
Diana frowned and turned back into her normal form. She looked behind her at the black castle and narrowed her eyes. She would have to deal with those people sooner or later. Diana turned back around and flew back to her home.

Diamond screamed in rage when less than half his army returned without even getting near the castle. He roared and slammed his fist into the wall, creating a huge crater and crumbling a part of it.
" Diamond, why don't you go get Peridot and that girl yourself? As they say, never send someone else to do your job." Serena said as she flated in the air, arms folded and legs crossed.
Diamond glared up at his younger sister. " You wanted to fight that princess so bad, you can come with me when I lay siege to the castle." Diamond growled.
" As you wish." Serena bowed.

Diana wiped her face off with the towel and sighed. She flopped in front of the fireplace and stared into the orange flames.
" This is going to be harder than anything I have ever fought before." She murmured.
" Harder? Don't you enjoy challenges?" Vegeta snorted.
" I do, but ... " Diana shok her head slowly.
" But you are not sure if you can win." Peridot said from his position against the far wall. " Prince Diamond and Princess Serena are very powerful."
" I know this." Diana opened her eyes and glared into the fire. " That's why I need your help in this fight. I need all of you."
Renkon, Helen, Lupa, Peridot, and Anna nodded. Vegeta grunted and turned his head away, looking out the window. He watched the water fall in blankets across the land.
" Vegeta, I really need you." He looked back at Diana. Her upper body was turned facing him while the other half faced off to the side. Her brown eyes boring into him.
" What about Skie and Cyprus?"
" I will not allow them to engage in this battle. I will not lose another, even if I didn't bear him." Diana's eyes narrwed.
Vegeta nodded and his features softened a bit. " I'll do what I can."
" Thanks." Diana smiled, tears coming to her eyes. " We will be successful and we will keep these beasts off our worlds."

Diamond and Serena watched as their army of Bubble Warriors gathered in the court yard below them. Diamond frowned and folded his arms. Serena noticed this and looked at him.
" What's wrong brother?" She asked.
" It seems all wrong. Something isn't right here." He frowne dand glared at the army. " If Diana was so intent of keeping her planet safe, shouldn't she attack us first?"
" Maybe she's waiting for our first move." Serena said calmly and looked back at the army.
Diamond looked at her sideways and shook his head. He knew that Serena was better at battle than he was, but he was a better stragegist than her. Diamond had a gut feeling that Diana and her comerades were planning something more than a simple attack.

Diana growled as Vegeta hit her hard in the face. She glared at him and wiped the blood off her face. Lunging at him, she speared him and both slammed into the wall.
" Hold it!" Vegeta shouted and shoved her off.
" What now?" Diana huffed and glared at him. " Getting tired already?"
" No. You said no spearing!" Vegeta spat and frowned even more.
" You are such a baby, Vegeta. Renkon didn't care if I speared him or not. Neither did Helen or Lupa or-"
" Shut up and fight, brat." Vegeta growled.
" That's more like it." Diana grinned and got into a fighters stance.

Starcrest went over battle plans with Lunan. He sighed and flopped back against his high backed chair.
" What is the matter, highness?" Lunan asked.
" I don't see why we are going over this stuff. We already know that Diana will do whatever she pleases." He shoved away the papers and sighed agian.
" True, but what about our forces? We will need them to defeat the Bubble Warriors." Lunan said as he pulled another sheet of paper over to him. " Besides, I'm sure Diana will have everything under control."
Lunan and Starcrest jumped as an explosion errupted and shook the castle walls.
" What was that?" Both yelped. The ran out of the study and stopped when they saw Vegeta waving away dust and smoke from his face. A thickening cloud started gathering in the hallways.
" Blast that girl! She used too much power." Vegeta coughed.
" Explain Vegeta." Starcrest said.
" She launced an attack at me and tried to hit me at point blank range. She missed and blew up the controls to the gravity room, thus destroying it completely." Vegeta narrowed his pitch black eyes at the prince and the cat.
" Oh Diana." Starcrest hung his head and shook it.
" Hey! Anyone alive?" Diana's voice penetrated the thinning dust.
" Yeah." Lunan said.
" Oh, good." She appeared beside Vegeta and grinned sheepishly. " Sorry about that. I was in a rush to win the match."
" You need to learn to control your patience Di." Starcrest frowned.
" Well, I'm sorry." She frowned. " I'm sorry that you are too chicken to accept the attack and get a little bruise on your perfect skin." She spat at Vegeta.
Vegeta gawked and roared as he leaped after a retreating Diana.
" Some things never change." Lunan shook his head sadly and sighed.
" True, true." Starcrest agreed.

Diana and the others prepared for the attack. Diana looked at them and nodded. They all faced the horizon, seeing the dark line of attackers. Helen took in a deep breath, Lupa shifted on her feet uneasily, the army that stood patiently behind the main fighters watched and prayed for a swift victory.
Diana's attention was diverted upwards as a power spike appeared. Her brown eyes narrowed at the woman in a black body suit with black skirt. Long blond hair fell almost to her ankles tied up in twin buns. Cold blue eyes met Diana's glare.
" So, ready for your last stand, Princess?" Serena grinned.
Diana growled and took a fighters stance.