Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Made Me Break ❯ Like Running Very, Very Far Away ( Chapter 2 )
Disclaimer: *sniffles into her hankie* They just told me... I don't know how to tell you, but they've said... they said... I don't own Gundam Wing! Why! Heero, Why!?
Here it is, the long awaited Chapter 2. Thanks for all the reviews. The chapter thanks you as well, as it didn't take kindly to being held hostage.
Duo handed me a warm fluffy yesterday, but it turned out to just be a dust bunny, and I cried.
But it was okay, because Quatre gave me a hug, and then I felt better.
But then I felt Quatre, and Trowa wasn't too happy.
So then Trowa felt Quatre, and then Quatre was real happy.
Why? Don't the authors deserve to feel Quatre, too? When you prick us, do we not bleed, like Trowas? I'd settle for feeling Duo, but Heero would probably kill me.
Goddess Blue
Made Me Break
Chapter 2 ~ Like Running Very Very Far Away
* * *
Everyone was looking at him. And smiling.
Duo grinned and poked him in the side. "That was adorable. Tro-man hit on someone. You like him. You liiiike him."
At this point Heero reached up a hand and slapped it over Duo's mouth. Trowa sent him a thankful glance.
Noin snickered and Une smiled. "Perhaps you should ask him to dance?"
Duo fought to get his mouth uncovered. "Oh come ooon, Trowa! Blondie was practically begging you to drag him to the nearest closet!"
Trowa calmly sipped at his champagne and fought the unexpected rising of a blush from his face, ignoring Duo. Une shifted around in her purse, pulling out a twenty from its depths and handing it to Noin. Trowa quirked an eyebrow at her in question.
Une shrugged in answer, "We had a bet going to see wether you were gay or not."
Trowa couldn't hold back the flush this time.
Noin waved her twenty in his face. "Yes, and I won. Odds were on my side, though. I mean, of the other Gundam pilots, two out of three were." With this she sent a leer Duo and Heero's way, and much to Trowa's surprise the two weren't paying attention to the conversation anymore, eyes locked with one another.
Une and Noin leaned forward and let out romantic sighs.
Trowa rolled his eyes.
* * *
"So, you think Trowa's cute, huh?"
Quatre lost a step and the pair struggled to regain their rhythem.
"That's what I thought. And I bet you're going to do the same thing you did last time you had a thing for a guy."
Quatre did not deign to answer her.
"That's right. Nothing."
His eyes narrowed and he gave her a half-assed attempt at a glare.
"You're such a coward."
"A coward?" He rose both eyebrows and watched her, amused.
She snorted delicately and rolled her shoulders. "Sure, you can pilot MS..."
"Relena," Quatre hissed, "that's a secret."
She nodded sagely and put her finger to the side of her nose for a moment before patting his cheek. "-but you just can't move past your upbringing to hit on a guy."
There was a short silence in which he stared down at his toes.
"Geez, Quatre. Sorry. Look, you like him, he likes you, and someday you're going to have to just give into your instinct and act on your feelings."
"And it'll happen when it happens."
"Why not let it happen now, with mister I'm-such-a-sexy-mysterious-stud Barton?"
Quatre growled at her and pulled to a stop with the music. "Go mingle, Miss Peacecraft. And come say 'bye to me later."
With that, he turned on his heel and thread his way through the crowd to the balcony doors, disappearing into the gardens.
Relena sighed and went to go mingle.
* * *
"Section 3b of territorial rights in space clearly dictates that the earliest probe to discover new and suitable territory to install a sixth Lagrange point would automatically assume territorial rights to said area."
"But in the case of terra forma by a colony unable to fund construction at said Lagrange point, private corporations have the right to help fund the construction, thereby taking part ownership of the colony into their own portfolio. As in the case of Lagrange 4."
Wufei scowled at Sally Po and the crowd around them seemed to silence at the momentary pause in the heated argument.
"That's an entirely different situation," Wufei shrugged it off, "Winner Enterprises completely funded the construction of L-4, and it was meant to remain only a company holding. A corporate headquarters of sorts. If they had wanted to retain control of L-4, instead of handing it over to its 'people', they legally could have."
"Gee, someone should have told me that." Twitters at the back of the group had everyone turning to welcome a short blond into the discussion. Sally Po made a high pitched, gleeful sound and Wufei watched in silent horror as she wrapped herself around him.
"Quatre! How's Iria?"
That was his woman.
"She's fine. She's heading up a recovery team in L-2 right now. They've apparently found traces of the Metra Virus in some of the less populated areas."
"I heard. It's going to take a lot to get that colony back on its feet. I've heard of Winner Enterprise's efforts to fund charitable foundations to work directly with the homeless on L-2."
Quatre made a weary sound in the back of his throat and gave Sally another quick hug. He turned and gave Wufei a short bow. "Quatre Reberba Winner."
"Chang Wufei." He bowed just a bit lower and held back a bitter glare. "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Winner."
"I'm afraid I'd have to claim that honor, Chang Wufei. You're spoken very highly of."
The two studied each other, before the blond gave Wufei a disarming smile. He was good.
"You can call me Wufei."
"You can call me Quatre."
The two boys smiled at each other, before Wufei recovered his menacing countenance. "Are you saying that you were unaware of your ownership rights pertaining to L-4?"
Quatre chuckled. "Perhaps I had poor lawyers? No offense meant, gentlemen," he nodded to a small, vicious looking group to his left who gave him sunny smiles and assured him none were taken. "It seemed in the best interests of L-4's people and Winner Enterprises to let the 'corporate headquarters' go."
"A good business decision, then?" Wufei smirked.
"Well, we couldn't have all of our employees going on strike to arrange the freedom of their colonies, could we? Bad business sense." Quatre offered, serious look on his face.
Sally chuckled and ruffled his hair, earning an annoyed look. "Liar. You want your people to be happy, dontcha you little angel."
Quatre rolled his eyes and smiled at Wufei. "What I wouldn't give sometimes for darker hair."
At which the entire group laughed.
"Your hair is beautiful," that stirring, alto voice interrupted the laughs, and it was proven for the gathering that pale skin was very susceptible to blushes. "And 'angel' is an apt description."
Everyone but Sally, Quatre and Wufei found something else to do as Trowa appeared in their midst.
Quatre cleared his throat and fought his thrice bedamned ivory skin for control of the blush, before smiling radiantly at Trowa. "Thank you for the compliment."
There was a short silence, and Wufei noted that Trowa seemed to be working up to something.
Two voices interrupted each other, "Would you like to dance?"
They both blushed and Trowa smiled, reaching out a hand. Quatre hesitated for a moment before stepping into his grasp and guiding him out onto the dance floor.
* * *
Relena sighed again and watched the stars dance, putting an old crush to rest after shoving one of her closest friends back into the ballroom on the promise that she wouldn't push him into anything he didn't want to do.
Her back stiffened as the uncharacteristically solemn voice broke her reverie. She didn't answer.
There was a soft sigh and he braced himself agains the railing beside her, facing the ballroom and staring up into the same twinkling sky, braid falling down over the ledge of the grantite fencing.
There was silence for a moment, and she fought the urge to run.
"Look, I'm sorry, really I am. I know you like him."
She looked down at her gloved hands and closed her eyes at the honest remorse in his voice. They said Duo never lied. "But he didn't like me. It's not your fault."
Duo looked over her and smiled. "Hey, I know what it feels like to fall hopelessly in love with the stubborn bastard. I have every feeling of empathy in my soul for you."
She smiled in spite of herself. "You love him?"
He lost his joking look and leaned in to whisper to her, "I try not to think about the depth of my feelings for him, because it brings me chills to rival a seizure, and makes me feel like running very, very far away."
They smiled openly to each other.
"Oh, that's so sweeet."
He grimaced. "Pretend I didn't say that."
"But it's so sweeet!!"
"Stop it!"
* * *
Well, this time I won't hold the next chapter hostage, and I'll promise that it will be out promptly in two to three days. However, I will bribe you to go visit my website, which already has chapter three up. *grins wickedly* I have to get visitors to my website somehow, don't I?
Goddess Blue
P.S. This fic will contain a 1x2 lemon and a 3x4 lemon. However, while I disagree with's revoking of NC-17 material, I respect the site's authority, and will therefore not post the lemons in this fic to this archive. The 1x2 lemon will be in chapter 4, which will be posted in its entirety on my website. The 3x4 lemon won't come until the end of the ficcie, and will be posted in its entirety on my website. Sankyou.