Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mea Culpa ❯ Confession 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mea Culpa
Confession Six
By Devon Masterson
Victoria sat on a lounge chair by the balcony furiously sketching. It was the only way she could calm herself. She was an absolute mess and she nearly loss her composure. Everyone in the house knew what the problem was and managed to stay out of her way, but that did not sway the fact that she still couldn't get in touch with Heero. He should have been out of the dead zone by now. She preferred to tell him he was to become a father in person, experience made fearful. What if she lost him before she could tell him? She couldn't take it.
She threw her sketchbook on the floor in a fit and began to pace. That was how Duo found her when he walked into the room with his hand over his eyes. “Are you decent?”
“You are becoming quite bold these days, Duo,” she replied raising an eyebrow. “Do not forget…”
“That you used to be my superior, that you could kill me or just my place in general?” he supplied being facetious. “Hey remember you asked me to rush over. I was busy you know. I passed up another chance at good sex plus a meal for you.”
“Aaah, spare me your details. You are my younger bother mind you,” she commented in disgust.
Duo smirked. “That's the first time you ever called me that. I'm growing on you, I knew it!” he hopped on to the lounge chair and patted the space beside him. “Now tell Duo all about it.”
Victoria arched an eyebrow. She couldn't believe that she was about to confide in him of all people. How far had she fallen! “Stop being facetious! I need to know the maximum amount of time it would take to get through the dead zone, even with slight engine trouble.”
“So you'd rather talk to him, I see,” Duo commented. “Just so you know I don't approve him shacking up with you without a ring on your finger.”
“Duo,” her tone warned.
“He should be out of it in an hour and half, four if he's drifting,” he answered.
“He should be passed it then, even if he had trouble,” she commented as she started pacing.
“What's the big hurry?” Duo asked. “Did he knock you up or something?” Victoria's head turned quickly towards him in a look of shock. Violet eyes widened as they read the truth on her face. “Hmm.” He was annoyed now and he didn't know why, or least he would not admit why. “I'll get on it,” he said before leaving the room.
“Thank you,” she replied curiously. If she didn't know better, she could have sworn that he was mad.
Heero stepped out of the shuttle and started towards his car. He changed his mind about going out to the colony for right now. Something was not right and he had to make sure everything okay before he traveled light years away from the most important aspects of his life.
He placed his bag in the car and was about to get inside when a familiar buzzing sounded. Heero opened a compartment and pulled out a cell phone. Four years ago, he would not have bothered owning one or at least keeping it on. But now, with all the business meetings and reports on Victoria that he was kept abreast of regularly, it became a necessity. Now he knew why Quatre was never without his. “Lowe here,” he greeted simply.
“Where are you?” Duo asked.
“Leaving the shuttle port,” he answered as he steered the car towards the exit. “Is there something wrong with Victoria or Andrea?”
“Everything is fine, but you have something's to clear up with my sister,” he said in a serious tone.
Heero raised an eyebrow. “What's wrong with you?”
“Nothing,” he answered trying to sound his usual self. “I just think that you and Vic need to stop messing around.”
“Hmm. I'm on my way home, ETA twenty minutes,” Heero replied before hanging up. Dark eyebrows furrowed slightly in worry and a frown nearly marred his glacial features. There had to be something wrong. Apparently, Victoria coerced Duo into not saying anything. He was going to get to the bottom of the situation.
“Odin-sama,” Aki greeted, “you're supposed to be on your way to L-2 but no matter Victoria-sama is up stairs and she'll be surprised.”
Heero nodded and started up the stairs. He could hear the whispers from a few of the servants. Something was going on, and Victoria and he were at the center of it all. “What's going on?” he asked as Duo once he reached the top of the stairs.
The braided man merely shrugged as he leaned against the wall. “I'm going to go check up on Andrea,” he replied before walking away.
“Hmmm,” Heero grunted as he turned the knob and walked inside. He stood for a moment and watched Victoria stand by the window looking out se rang her hands as she looked out.
“What's wrong?” he asked moving forward.
“Heero?” she threw her arms around him and held him tightly. She would be given a chance.
Heero held her close to him. “What wrong?”
“There's nothing wrong I just…”
“Oji-chan,” Serena called through the door as she knocked.
“I'll be back,” he sighed pulling away. He opened the door.
“I thought I saw your coming back to airport. Is there something wrong?”
“I just needed to take care of some things.”
“I see,” Serena commented her eyes cutting toward Victoria. “Oji-chan, can I speak with you a minute?”
Heero looked towards Victoria and she nodded. “I'm going to go check on Andrea,” she commented before leaving.
“I'm getting older, Oji-chan,” Serena began, “and I want to see settled before I get too far in years.”
“No more blind dates,” Heero replied promptly.
“Then go with me to a few social…”
“I'm only interested in one woman,” he interrupted.
“What do you see in her?” Serena asked in annoyance.
A dark brown eyebrow raised in annoyance. It was only out of love and respect that he was entertaining these questions. “She and Andrea mean everything to me.”
“What about me?”
“You're my mother. Your importance is separate from hers. This is not competition.”
A soft flush crossed Serena's cheeks. “Hmm.”
“Victoria and Andrea will be part of my life with or without your approval,” he stated letting his countenance.
“Don't expect us to be best friends,” Serena comment crossing her arms. “It's difficult for two head strong women to get along.”
“And if she hurts you…”
“She won't,” he replied.
Serena sighed and ran her hands through his hair affectionately. “You were going to ask her to marry when I interrupted?”
“You're too much like him for your own good, though you have my temperament. You father never married me and kept me at distance until you came along. He gave our family a chance until that day Omega tried to have you killed.” Heero's eyes widened that was not the way he remembered it. “You were still young. I pushed you out of the way in time. That day changed every thing and your father sent us away.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
Serena hugged Heero tightly. “I may not like it but you're a grown man and I had nothing to do with it, but I want to be a part of your life now. Here's a little advice don't keep her waiting too long.” She commented before pulling away. “I'm going to leave you alone…for today. I'm going to run a few errands.” She kissed him on the cheek. “Bye, Oji-chan.” She opened the door and left the room.
Heero waited a few seconds then opened the door only to find Victoria waiting for him. “Heero,” she began as she walked inside the room. She shut the door. “Marry me.”
A look of shock passed over his eyes then he walked over to his night stand. He pulled out a velvet box. A smirk formed as he rubbed the top of the box with his thumb. “She was supposed to have this years ago.” He turned towards Victoria. “Only if you accept this.” He opened the box and took out a ring.
“I accept,” she replied. He slipped the ring on her left hand then kissed her deeply. Victoria could feel herself pulled into him as the kiss grew deeper and lead to other things.
Some time later, Heero ran his hands through her hair. There was something wrong. “What is it?” he asked lowly. She took his hand and squeezed it gently.
“I'm pregnant.”
The look on Heero's face was priceless. Not even Kodak could have done it justice. “I want to get married tonight.”
“Hello,” Ami yawned into the phone. She looked at her clock, 10:00 p.m. after a full day of excitement and disbelief, she turned in early. She just wanted to put Duo and images of last night out of her mind. Unfortunately the more she tried the more she thought about the closeness they shared. Part of her wanted to let it go, but it was all too provocative and unlike her. This was her chance at dropping old patterns and forgetting regrets.
“Hey, baby, you missed me?” Duo's lively voice said into the phone.
“Du…Duo,” she stammered trying to collect her cool. Yeah she was thinking about him, but she didn't expect to actually hear from him any time soon. He seemed like the type to bounce from woman to woman.
“I like it when you say my name,” he replied flirtatiously. His voice dropped a pitch. “But I love it when you scream it.”
Ami's face burned. It seemed even on the phone he could strip her feelings down to the barest of wants, lust and desire. She had to maintain her guard. Guys like him dazzle and awe one minute and run and hide the next. “What is it Duo?”
“I need a date for my sister's wedding.”
“Victoria?” Ami asked sitting up. Her brows furrowed in confusion. “Tonight?”
“Yeah. They got together. They broke up. She married someone else. He died, we were sad. He knocked her up and she had my niece. Heero knocked her up and now they're getting married, that's the short version. You want the long one, you're going to have to marry me and enter our sick world.”
Ami rolled her eyes. “I think I get the picture.”
“You don't know what you're missing,” he teased. “So are you in or out?”
“I am not going to marry you,” Ami declared still flushing.
Duo smiled on the line. He imagined she was quite flustered and blushing furiously while wearing something slinky. “That's up for debate, but I was talking about tonight. My mother would love it if you came.”
“I…this is short notice. I don't have a dress…”
“The blue one in the back of your closet,” Duo replied. “I'll see you in 15 minutes.”
“Wait!” she cried out as the dial tone sounded. She hung up. For a minute, she was tempted to just lay there then excitement took over. She knew all about Heero and Victoria from the Countess, except the latest developments, and she was happy for them. “Now if I can find some happiness for myself,” she thought. She jumped out of bed. “I think it's time for a little pay back.” She pulled a dress out the back of her closet. She had to admit he chose well for her. The sundress was perfect for an evening wedding in a garden or something and she looked phenomenal in it.
Twenty minutes later, Duo and Countess pulled up in her limo. “You didn't have to come with me,” he whined.
“You are my baby and in my eyes you could do no wrong, that's why I close them in matters like this,” she teased. “I also enjoy good sport. Heero and Victoria are on hiatus for right now. I would like to see my boy I action.”
Duo's eyes narrowed in annoyance briefly. “Now I know where I get it from.” He smirked and opened the door.
“A word of advice. Ami is an intelligent and sensitive woman; do not make me out to be a liar when I say you are good for.”
“Yes, general,” Duo saluted then turned serious. “I just want to get to know her. I can't promise anything.”
The countess touched his shoulder affectionately. I thought you were going to marry her?”
Duo flushed. “Yeah, but I didn't say when.” He got out of the car and walked to Ami's front door. At first he was a bit annoyed that the Countess wanted to join him, but he had a feeling they would be late if he had come alone. He rang the bell. “I'm here. Are you ready, everybody's waiting?”
“I just need to get my bag,” she said through the intercom. A few seconds later, the door opened and for the first time in his life, Duo was speechless. Ami was a vision in blue with her hair in an upsweep with little white flowers amongst her dark locks. A powder blue tea length sun dress with a wrap around collar graced her figure and ballet shoes, with straps that wound around her ankles, encased her feet. “How do I look?”
“Like a goddess,” he replied. He moved toward her and touched her gently then kissed her. He flushed when he pulled away. She was affecting him entirely too much.
“We better go before we're late,” she suggested. She was clearly pleased with his response.
Duo smiled to hide his disappointment and offered his hand to Ami. “Your carriage awaits.”
To be continued….
© 2004 Devon Masterson-Bond.
Yeah, I know I am twisted, but I still don't own the Gundam and SM characters. I just own the entire Wagner family, associates, all gundam children, and the plot. No money is made by me so don't sue me.