Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mea Culpa ❯ Confession 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mea Culpa
Confession Five
By Devon Masterson
Victoria sighed inwardly as Heero left for the airstrip. Even though he would be gone only for a few of days, she was already trying to figure out how she would cope. She had grown quite accustomed to him being around and stalking in the shadows. It was kind of pathetic. But since they had gotten back together, she had become quite possessive of him and she still didn't know their status. She had been too nervous to ask him exactly what their relationship was going to lead to. Rocking the boat too soon could damage things between them and not only would she suffer, but so would Andrea.
The toddler saw Heero as her father and she would take it quite hard if her mother screwed things up. “We'll discuss it when he gets back,” she decided as she walked down the stairs. She had a doctor's appointment. She had been feeling a little under the weather lately. Normally she would have ridden the virus or bacteria out, but Aki brought out two important points. One if Heero found out he would blow things out of proportion and then she would be miserable, and two she might give it to Andrea, so she made an appointment.
Shinji would be accompanying her as always. She knew he would rather be by Heero's side especially with him going out on remote mining colony L-4. But Heero made it abundantly clear that looking after her was the same as looking after him. She had been out in the garden when he told Shinji that. She also understood the silent threat within that statement that if something happened to her he would surely go off and do something crazy.
He loved her so much, but he still didn't ask her to marry him. She wondered why en route to the doctor's office.
“You must have a lot on your mind,” the doctor said breaking into her thoughts.
Victoria blinked and looked at her watch. She had been fading in and out of her thoughts for the past two hours. She always hated it when that happened. That was the only side effect of the mental breakdown she had during the war. After she came out of the coma, it seemed as though she was reset, but there were still periods where she could not account for time when she was in deep thought. Fortunately, she did not give the impression that she was acting out another personality, only in deep thought like a daydream. “I'm fine,” she replied. “So can you tell me why I've been feeling sick. Is it the flu?”
The doctor shook his head. “It's not the flu,” he answered. The doctor smiled. “According to the blood work you're very healthy and very pregnant I'm sure Odin-sama, will excited about the birth of his first child.”
“Thank you, Doctor,” she said as she stood.
“Are you alright?” he asked getting to his feet. Her catatonic state was not what he expected.
“I'm fine,” she replied as she started for the door. Before she could put her hand on the doorknob, it opened and Shinji put his arm around her to lead her to the car. Once she was inside the car, she sat for a moment and rubbed her stomach. Andrea was going to have a little brother or sister. Heero was going to be…a father. “I need to speak with Heero as soon as he gets out of the dead zone. And I need Duo.”
“Oh god,” Ami sighed as she reached over and picked up the ringing phone and threw into the trashcan. She put the pillow over her head and tried to turn over, but she felt too heavy. A sigh passed over and sat up slowly. She groaned as she held her head. “I am never going to get drunk again. I can barely move.” She pulled back the covers. She just needed some coffee then she would be able to function. At least it was nothing like what Mimi described, she was positive that she would be fine in a couple of hours. “Oh no,” she gasped suddenly realized the weight across her body was not induced by her hangover but an arm.
“I am too afraid to look,” she thought as she looked under the covers. A look of relief passed over her features as she saw the peaceful satisfied on Duo's handsome face.
Fuzzy memories of last night washed over her and she felt her cheeks grow warm. She had to be mature, it was her fault though her could have fought a bit more. Without thinking, she ran her hands through his chestnut locks. She had always been curious about what looked like with his hair unbraided and now she knew.
“Ami,” he whispered as he started to stir. His lips curled into a smile as if he were dreaming and he snuggled closer to her warm body.
She could not help but smile as he laid his head in her lap affectionately. He was just like a child. It was nice seeing the innocent side of him, this must have been what the Countess saw.
Duo open his eyes and yawned. “Morning, Lucy,” he greeted rubbing his eyes.
“Morning, Ricky.”
He sat up and looked at her. He did not expect her to get the allusion. He kissed her deeply. Ami found herself responding too well to him. It was when she moaned out loud, that she stopped him. She pulled away breathing hard. “What's wrong?”
“Too fast,” she said simply. She pulled her sheet around her and attempted to put some distance between them. “Get off so I can get dressed.”
“I've already seen it all,” he replied stretching out on the sheet. “I wouldn't mind seeing it again though.”
Ami blushed and looked away. “Fine,” she replied. She yanked the sheet as hard as she could and pulled him onto the floor. She laughed as she watched him get to his feet.
“You're going to get it now,” he growled playfully.
Ami gathered her sheet to her body and ran into the bathroom. She shut the door just as he got to her and leaned against it. She laughed as she listened to him pound on it in `anger.' It was when she caught sight of her reflection that she paused. It has been quite some time since she laughed liked this. That warm feeling was settling in her heart again and she looked away. “Don't even get any ideas Ami. He's a flirt and will never be able to settle down.”
“Are you alright in there?” he asked, concern was apparent in his voice.
“I'm fine,” she replied opening the door clad in a bathrobe. She was surprised to see him dressed though his hair was still spilled across his back, making him look almost angelic. Except she knew better. “I'm going to make breakfast.” She walked past him.
Duo grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close to him so that their faces were nearly touching. “You take a shower and I'll make breakfast.”
“It's alright, besides you don`t know where everything is,” she said feeling affected by his closeness.
“I'll figure it out,” he replied, “besides, there will be other times.”
Ami blinked feeling herself drawn into his spell. She moved away, she would take him up on the offer of breakfast. “You assume a lot.”
Duo smirked. “I `m just confident when I pursue what I want.”
“Well you know what they say,” she said seductively as she loosened her robe slightly. Amethyist eyes immediately took in the sight as his imagination started to work in over time. “You make an ass of you not me.” She shut the door behind her.
“Yeah, I'm going to marry her,” he chuckled as he stood in front of the door collecting himself for a moment. He turned to leave when a familiar ringing of his cell phone caught his attention. “Pool hall, cue ball speaking.”
“Duo, Victoria-sama, needs to speak with you right away.”
“I'm kind of busy,” he replied. “What kind of face was she using?”
“I believe you would call it the `haul ass face,'” he replied quoting the braided man directly.
“I'll be there,” Duo commented just before hanging up. He knocked on the door but was not able to compete over the shower running. A mischievous smile crossed his features as he opened the door and walked inside. She was quite a sight clad in soap through the translucent shower curtains. Lust was stirring within him again, but duty called. “Ami, I got to go. There's something up at the house.”
Ami popped her head out in surprise. She should have locked the door. He may have seen it already, but she was still a lady. “You could have told me through the door.”
“But then I wouldn't get to see you wet,” Duo smirked as he moved closer. He touched her chin and kissed her deeply.
“Bye” she whispered lowly.
Duo smiled and pulled back the curtain. He sighed. “You don't know how much it hurts me to leave you like this.”
A warm flush spread across her cheeks and she pulled the curtain back to hide herself, but not before throwing the soap at him. “Baka,” she muttered.
Duo ducked then grinned. “I'll call ya.'”
© 2002 Devon Masterson.
Yeah, I know I am twisted, but I still don't own the Gundam and SM characters. I just own the entire Wagner family, associates, all gundam children, and the plot. No money is made by me so don't sue me.