Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of a Courtesan ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in Gundam Wing.
Note: this is very short I know. But I plan on making the chapters longer as I go. Though this particular story is harder to write then others. But I’ll try to update as soon and possible. Please enjoy.

For my entire life I had lived in a small village. One of many villages all belonging to one manor. To me there was no outside world beyond the forest surrounding my home. So it came a great shock to my system when I was introduced to a world I never knew existed. I never knew what the ocean looked like. In my early years of life I remember playing by a stream near the forest, when I happened to hear a conversation between a knight and a mercenary. The mercenary had boasted about traveling by boat to far away lands, and how the ocean was so big it seemed it would never end, and how it shined in the light like a giant crystal. The knight had called the man a liar and demanded he leave his property at once. I was not able to hear the rest of the conversation because the knight had spotted me squatting behind a bush near by. I barley escaped a beating as I ran home, back to families small hut.

For a while it confused me. What was the man talking about when he said traveled by boat. I had only heard stories about boats, and that was when the elders of the village told stories of their people coming here in boats. How they weren’t actually born in this place, they weren’t all born as servants. As a child I only thought it to be a story and nothing more.

But when I laid eyes in the ocean for the first time, my breath actually caught in my throat. It was even more amazing then all the stories combined. I remember it being dusk when I first saw it, the water had been reflecting the suns orange-reddish glow, making it look like an huge amber crystal. It was the most beautiful thing in the world to me at the time. Even the air smelt different. Instead of the stinking smell of manure and disease it smelled crisp and salty, with a hint of fishiness. Standing on the dock I watched in fascination as fisherman cast their nets into the water, and pulled back live fish. The only time I had ever seen a fish was when the lord of the manor was in a generous mood, and had given the villagers preserved fish to eat. And at that time all the fish were very much dead. So to see an actual live fish, wiggle around on the planks of the dock, made me giggle and clap in pure giddiness.

We stayed there until the woman who had found me took my hand, leading me up a hill. The climb upward was long and hard for me. My young body had only been used to flat plans, my legs felt like lead block half way up, so the woman had to carry me the remaining way. When we got to the hut on top of the hill, I had expected the woman to come in with me. Instead she placed a soothing had on my back, pushing me forward. With out a word I passed the curtain that had served as a door to the house, and into a small room. It was a room of no real significance, it had a simple chair and table on the far end of it. An old woman sat on the chair, her spider like hands folded in her lap. She like the room was less then remarkable, her face was withered and old, deep wrinkles made her look more like a balled up wad of cloth then a women. Dull brown eyes stared at me from across the room, pinning to the spot with her intense gaze. Her colorless lips turned up in a toothless smile, as she beckoned me forward with one skeletal hand. With great hesitation I moved toward her, until I was right before her.

Her hands were cold and clammy when she touched me, her skin felt as leathery as it looked. First she looked at my face, tracing her bony hands over my mouth, lips, nose, and jaw. Turning my head to the side she pinched each one of my ears, before running her hands through my filthy hair. Next she lifted my arms making me turn in full circle as she examined me. The whole time she hummed in the back of her throat, shaking her head in appreciation. Next she took off my stinking rags, the ones that I had worn during the fire. She picked me up and sat me down on the chair she had just occupied. With out a word she spread my legs, placing her clammy hands between my legs and giving me a pinch. I jumped in alarm, not because of the pinch, but because no one had ever touched me there before. I felt violated, and humiliated. But the old woman didn’t seem to notice my distress, because she made me stand again, her leathery hands glided over my back to my bottom. Where she gave a light grasp. After this she finally seemed to be satisfied with her examination and let me go. She never noticed my humiliation.

When I tried to put back on my rags, she smacked my hands sharply. She took my arm guiding me to a room behind the room we were already in. In side of the room stood a simple wooden tub, already filled with warm water. A young woman stood next to the tub, the old woman nodded to her before leaving, slamming the door closed behind her. I stared at the bath tub in awe. The only baths had ever taken were by the well in the middle of the village. They well we used to wash or clothing in. Every Sunday everyone in the village gathered around to collect water in buckets to bath with. Even then the water was never warm, and it certainly wasn’t put inside of a tub. Every one in the family would take turns going out side and washing in the cold. We didn’t have soap either, we planks and hand fulls of gravel to bathe. Only nobles had fancy things like bath tubs and hot water to bathe in.

So all I could do was sit back, as the young woman placed me in the tub, and began washing me. She used a soft rag to clean me with, sweeping across my skin in large circles the same way my mother had when she bathed me. I preferred this woman’s touch much more then the old woman’s, at least the young was gentle, and she didn’t pinch me. The young woman used pretty smelling soaps to wash my hair, they smelled kind of like the wild flowers that grew in my mothers secret garden. When I was all clean the woman dried me off thoroughly before rubbing a thick cream on my skin. That too smelt like wild flowers. The outfit she had put me in resembled the one, that the mysterious woman wore, the one that found me. But it was much simpler, made of a soft fabric woven tightly together. This new fabric was called cotton. It was a plain color, more of a dull gray, but was still the finest thing I had ever worn. In the future I was to were things much finer, but just them I felt like royalty.

The woman that had bathed me gave me a pair of small sturdy shoes (I had never worn shoes either) before taking my hand and leading me back outside. Where the old woman and the lady that saved me stood talking to each other in hushed voices. The old woman looked twice as ugly and old compared to the mystery woman’s fine clothing and enchantingly beautiful face. The old woman whispered something to Mystery woman one last time before bowing and entering the hut again. Mystery woman bowed back, then took my hand leading me down the hill once more. On the way she explained to me in her soft melodic voice that I was going on boat for the first time in my life. Excitement and anticipation washed over me as I watched the docks come closer into view. That night I was to be sent in a boat to China.

DestineysMistake: here’s chapter 2, it took a while but hey what can I say. This is a different style of writing the what I’m used to doing. Please read and review.