Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of a Courtesan ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own anything, except this laptop.
Note: this chapter was written faster then I expected, I still hope you like it. Please enjoy.

With every wave that crashed against the side of the boat, it rocked. Tilting back and forth like a cradle. It made my sick. I had never been on anything bumper then a mule in my short life, and most recently a carriage. But even then the bump in the road were tolerable. But being on a boat made my stomach flip flop in nauseating circles. The woman who had saved me who, who had told me to call her Auntie, brought me broth to ease my belly. It turned out it made it worse. The broth was far richer then anything I had ever had. After only a few sips my stomach had reacted violently, and I ended up vomiting all over Aunties pretty dress. She did not get angry like I expected her to. Instead she apologized, saying it idiotic of her to ave given me something I was so unaccustomed to. For my next meal she had given me boiled vegetables, my belly soothed immediately after eating it, at finally having something in it that it was familiar with.

Most of the day I was left to my own devices. Auntie disappeared quite often during the day, but was always in our small cabin by the sunset. I never questioned were she went, I was always told never to question my better. And Auntie was most defiantly my better. Instead I watched from my place on our shared bed, with a cool damp cloth pressed against my forehead as she, dressed in her strange but beautiful dresses. These dresses were very different from the dresses at the manor. For one at the manor, the noble woman wore dresses of pure velvet, with suffocating corsets that pinched their waist, and lifted their bosoms. The collar of the dresses would cut short to reveal the swell of breast, that drove the noble men insane with lust. On their heads they wore head dresses, usually lined with jewels that had been sewn into the fabric, their hair would be tucked in the head dresses leaving a few well placed curls of hair to frame the nape of their necks and temples.

When Auntie put on her dress she put on a kind of robe, that she tied securely around her waist. It was her under robe, you had expected that seeing as this robe was to go under her out fit that I would be plain. But it was far form plain. Like her outer robe it was decorated in beautiful designs, that varied from swimming fish, to the blossoms of a cherry tree. When she moved the silk would swish this way and that, making it seem as if the creatures on the robe came life, each one of them would dance and twirl, as if they were real. Next came the outer robe, it would have contract perfectly with the inner robes, because when she walked she lift the left side of her at the knee, showing the inner robes. The collar of her dress was slung low over her shoulder, revealing her long swan like neck, and the curve leading to her shoulder. It turned out that necks in China as well as feet, served as a aphrodisiac, for men. The same way breast did for the men at he manor. Next came the bow around her waist, that I later found out was called a ‘obi’. When I first saw it I couldn’t help but giggle uncontrollably. When Auntie asked what was so funny, I had explained that she looked like a present, because of her bow. She had thrown her head back and laughed at this, to me her laugh sounded similar to my mothers, kind of like the chime of bells.

It took two of Aunties serving ladies to get her ‘obi’ on, next came her hair style. As soon as Auntie woke up in the morning she and her serving women set to work on her hair. In the whole it took about 3 hours to get it right. Every day it was done in a different yet beautiful style, as the finishing touch her hair would decorated with hair ornaments. Once when I had just arrived on the ship I had looked longingly at one of the hair ornaments, it was a long and curvy like a snake, with jeweled eyes, and tassel of perfectly made faux cherry blossoms. It was so hypnotized by its beauty that I had not noticed Auntie enter the room. Her warm hand covered my own, and I was sure she would strike me. But she took the ornament from my hand and placed it in my hair, then kissed the top of my head. It was the first present I was ever given, and even now years later I cherish it with all my heart.

Sitting at the table in the furthest part or small cabin, she would put on her make up. To me it was like she was putting on her mask, she used to hid behind. It turned out I wasn’t far from the truth. Her make up consisted of rouse for her cheeks and mouth, kohl around her eyes, and more kohl to darken her eyebrows. Their was a jar on her stand full of white powder, that she mixed with water to make a kind of paste. She would use this paste to spread it all over her face like a mask, she only used his paste when she went some place very special. So while were on the boat it was never used. After she applied her makeup she would stand up and come over to my place on the bed, to hold out her arms expectantly. It was like a routine with us, she held out her arms, and would crawl over to her and climb in them. Auntie would kiss my head, and give me some vegetable broth. I would stay in her lap until I finished the broth, then she would give me another kiss and leave.

I hated the times after she left the most, because it left to my thoughts. For some time it had never really hit me that my family was actually dead. I knew that I would never see them again, and that I was far away from them now. But it was never fully explained to me that they were dead, like my brother. When it had finally hit me, that I would never feel my mothers gentle touch, or my fathers soft lullabies, I cried. I cried until I passed out, every moment felt as if I was being stabbed repeatedly in the chest with a hot poker. Never again would I see or play with my siblings, or help my family in the fields picking the harvest. I was truly alone. The very thought of never seeing my mother again caused me the most pain. Since I could remember I had always been at my mothers side, but now I would never hear her soft laugh, or gentle hands as she lulled me to sleep every night. My grief was so strong I came down with a fever for a long time. For 4 days I was bed ridden, after a while I got tired of sitting in the cabin and brooding. So I decided to explore.

The boat it self wasn’t very grand, it was actually served as a fishermen boat at one time. But when I explored the deck I thought it was the finest thing I had ever seen. The crew and other travelers bustled about the deck, straightening things and looking for their friends. I stayed to the edges over looking the water, and generally staying out the way. Back home the elders always taught the children to stay as small as possible while adult were about. They mainly ignored me, preferring to go about their business, then spare a second glance. Except for one man, he was like any other man you would see on the street. His features were sharp but warm as he looked down at me. With out a word he crouched before me, tilting my down cast face upward to get a better look at me. In a soft husky voice he told me, that such a pretty little face should not have a frown upon it. I was so startled at being ig knowledge that stared at him for several moments, before giving him a shaky smile. It seemed to satisfy the man because he smiled at me and let my face go, with in a moment or two he was gone.

Pretty. Pretty was not a word I had in my vocabulary. Especially when describing my self. Come to think of it, I never noticed any of my features until that man said that I was ‘pretty’. I vowed that I would look in Aunties mirror when I went back to the cabin. A loud crash ripped from me out of my thoughts, it was followed by a high pitched whimper. In curiosity I made my way toward the noise. What I found or should say who I found, would change the rest of my life. I think that at the moment, the very moment I saw him, was when I fell in love. Every thing about him seemed to be perfect, he was what you would call pretty. But the first thing to catch my eye, above
all things, were his eyes. They where the most amazing shade of violet I had ever seen. His face was so small and heart shaped, high cheek bones, little button nose like my own, and a little cupid bow mouth. He was truly beautiful. For a long time we simply stared at each other, until he gave me a blindingly bright grin, he always grinned. In later years I learned that was his special mask for the world, his hiding place, just like how Aunties hiding place was behind her mask of makeup. I remember him saying to me once, when I felt like there was nothing left in the world for me, he said; ‘smile baby, if you don’t keep smiling you cry’. He was right, and that was how we fooled the world. Because we were always smiling so brightly, that they never saw our tears.

It turned out the crash had come form him tripping over some rope. He hadn’t been paying attention to his surroundings, he did that quit often. I had helped him up, brushing some dirt from his simple peasant clothing. When I asked who he was, and where he came from, smiled shyly and began to wiggle away from me. He wrung his hands in front of nervously, ducking his head low when ever some one passed. Sensing his nervousness I took his hand and lead him to my cabin. It occurred that I knew nothing about this boy, or even what his name was, and yet I was allowing him into my private rooms. But something deep inside me called out to him, and I felt that I simply could not leave him.

When we reached the cabin, I closed the door behind us, if only to give him so extra reassurance, and locked it. I was forever grateful that Auntie wasn’t there at the time, I didn’t know what her reaction would be if she saw me bringing a complete stranger to our cabin. Turning to him, I gave him a smile of reassurance, and for the second time I asked where he had come from and what his name was. For a long time he fidgeted in his spot near the door looking down at the floor, until I cupped under his chin tilting it upward. It was a move my mother had done to me all my life, and I was simply mimicking it. Thinking of her made my heart ache, but I pushed it aside for the moment, focusing instead on the boy before me. His voice was soft and light, with a whisper of an accent, but nothing that could trace him to one place.

“Please don’t tell on me. I’m not supposed to be here. But my mother and father are dead, and a few weeks ago my big brother died, and I’m alone. So I snuck into the ship because it had food. No body know’s I’m here, they would make me go back if they did. Please don’t tell.” huge pearl like tears fell from his large violet eyes, making them seem more like jewels then before. He was even more beautiful when he cried.

A part of me sang, as another part sobbed. I was happy because I had found another child that knew my pain. That was all alone in this world like I was, another child that understood. The other part of me sobbed because of his pain. I was torn between bursting into tears, and hugging
him. When an idea came to me. We would take care of each other. He could be my family, and I would be his. In one spontaneous move I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his in a chaste kiss. Then gave him a hug, whispering into his ear that I would not tell on him, that he could stay with me. I didn’t know how it would work out, or how Auntie would react, but at that moment I didn’t care, because I finally had someone who understood. At first his body remained stiff from shock, but he soon relaxed and hugged me back, with as much enthusiasm as I had given him. When we finally pulled apart, his eyes were wide with trust that only a child could have, and as extra reassurance I kissed him again. From then on we where closer then twins, later on people had often joked about us being joined at the hip.

For the first time as I held him, I noticed how frail he was. I could feel everyone of his ribs through his thin shirt, and speaking of his thin shirt. I knew there was no way I could have kept him warm, it was quit chilly on the sea. The first thing I did was get him some broth. I told him to stay in the cabin, as I rushed to the ships kitchens. The women at the kitchen, knew me quite well because of my stomach problems, and were more then happy to make me a bowl of broth. As an after thought I stopped by the laundry room to get some thick clothing, like my own. When I arrived back at the cabin, he nearly asleep on a big pillow near our futon. After waking him up, I gave him the broth and clothing, waiting like Auntie did until he finished it all. As it took the bowl away from him, it finally hit me that he never told me his name. When I asked he simply bowed his head and said he didn’t have a name. It puzzled me to know end, that he had no name. Where I came from everyone had a name. So I decided to name him myself. Thinking hard, I came up with the name Kali, it was a name Auntie had often called me, as she lulled me to sleep. I believe she said it meant beautiful, and that was what I thought Kali was, so I saw it fitting. Kali repeated his name, rolling it around with his tongue experimentally, and beamed at me. He liked it. But sleep suddenly became to much, and he fell asleep. I waited by his side, deep in thought, until Auntie came back.

At fist she seemed surprised, but warmed to Kali instantly, the same way she warmed toward me. And soon all three of us were of to China. I had my own little family, and I couldn’t have been happier. For the first time since the fire I felt true happiness. It was rather short lived though.

DestineysMistake: this is the fastest I have ever updated something, I hope you like. Please read and review.
Oh, and I hope I got the whole Kali thing right. I think it means beautiful. Kali is also Duo, which means I have chosen Wufei to be my courtesan. The rest of the pilots will come in later, I promise, as well as some other Gundam characters.