Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of a Courtesan ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own anything, except this laptop, and my book collection.
Note: sorry it took so long, but my laptop had been taken away from me for some time. I’ll try to update every Saturday for now on though. But I make no promises. I don’t have mush time to type now a days, so as a result the chapters will most likely be short. Please enjoy.
China was everything and nothing I had imagined. It was every thing I imagined because it had many things similar to the things I was accustomed to at my home. For one, as we passed in carriages down dirt roads, I saw farmers bent over there tools as they worked hard on harvesting. Though the harvest looked nothing like the grain we had. Another was a peasant woman sitting outside of her hut nursing her small child. Small and large children alike ran up and down the dirt roads laughing and shouting merrily. Their slightly gaunt faces smudged with dirt, as well as their well worn clothing. I vaguely noticed that they didn’t wear shoes.

It went on like this for a while as the carriage rattled down the road, until the landscape became bumper. And Auntie had to place both Kali and I in her lap so we wouldn’t be jostled to badly. When I peered past the gauze curtain covering the windows of our carriage I noticed two things. The first being, that we where no longer passing small villages. In fact I couldn’t see any houses at all, or people all I could see was sky. The second being, that we where going up, and around, like we were traveling on the back of a coiled snake. We were going up, the side of a mountain. Kali grabbed the back of my shirt so he could squirm closer to me and look out the window. But Auntie held up a hand and slid the curtains shut. Her eyes twinkled mischievously as she rearranged us in her lap. In her soft voice she explained to us that we were not to see where we were going until we got there. It was a surprise. However she did take the time explain about her home.

When Auntie was still very young, her family had been attacked by a near by clan. In China people where set mainly in clans at the time. Well her clan lost, and nearly everyone was slaughtered. Except for a few women and children. Auntie was among the few children. She was allowed to live because she was so pretty. The clan that had taken over her ancestors lands had sent her to sold her off to slavery. The slave driver had taken her and some other slave children away to be auctioned off. That was when Miss Melian came in. By the time she came across Auntie she was already in her late 30's. For years Melian had traveled all over China and part s of Europe looking for the prettiest boys and girls. When she saw Auntie, she knew she had to have her.

Following the years after auntie was sold to Melian, she was taken to a place far up in the mountains. Where she and a few other girls were to live. Even though Auntie was Chinese she was taught in the ways of a Geisha. Because Melian was Japanese and had been one on her younger years. raised her to be a geisha. Luckily auntie had done well in her studies, and became a favorite at the Imperial Court. It was lucky because the girls that did not succeeded in being a geisha we forced into Melian Harem. We’re they were to spend their lives as Prostitutes.

Now to get one thing clear. A Prostitute is very different from a Courtesan. Well it is at least in my case. Being a male I was not able to receive the title of Geisha. Even though a Geisha and I would share similar talents; such as dancing, singing, even dressing in similar ways. But Geisha, or at least self respecting Geisha do not sell their bodies for money, only their time. A prostitute would sell her body to any man, no matter what the price. But only a Courtesan like myself sold themselves to the very highest bidder. In truth during my career as a courtesan I only had about 5 customers. Among them where the highest men in the Imperial court, the only ones that could afford my services. I even got as far as to attract the emperors eye himself. But that was much later in life. Almost the same could be said for Kali, who had at least a few more customers then my self.

At the age of 23 Auntie was able to retire from her work of a Geisha. The only reason why Melian allowed this was because of the amazing income Auntie had managed to make during her career. At the time of Kali and my arrival it had been the only thing keeping Melian and her Harem afloat.

After explaining Aunties childhood to us, she told us stories of her home land before the attack. Her voice seem to grow even more musical as she described the valleys and forests surrounding her village. Both Kali and I had fallen into a light sleep at the sound of her voice during the carriage ride. So when it finally did come to a stop, we had to be gently prodded by auntie to wake up.

Before when I had said that China was every thing and nothing like I had expected it to be I meant it, because when the driver of the Carriage set me on the ground, then turned to do the same for Auntie and Kali. I stood in awe of all the beauty around me. The mountain we had traveled upon had a valley just out of site of the villages below. In this valley was a water fall that flowed into a river leading to the lake at its base. The very top of the mountain was capped with snow, but the valley was a wonderful spring like feeling most of the year. Along one side was a incredible palace, with doors and shingles glazed with gold, the floors and stairs made of marble. Behind it was smaller houses along the ridges of the cliff, none of them as magnificent as the palace, but each held there own charm. Castles and places back in my home were almost always made of hard thick slabs of stone, and gave of a foreboding feeling. I had never thought they were pretty. But this made my breath halt. I thought it was a palace.

During the course of a week I learned that earlier thoughts where not far form the truth. It had in fact served as a palace at some time or another, but the king that had owned it lost all his people and land during a war. At the time the village at the base of the Mountain as well as the one on it were all the kings kingdom. The conquering kingdom had no desire to keep the land, and left it for several years. Slowly the community began to build it self again, but for some reason or another the palace remained deserted. Local folklore claimed that the palace was haunted by the former kings ghost.

Melian had taken advantage of this when she bargained for it. She knew that the villagers were more then happy to simply give the palace away at a cheap price. So when she finally did get it, it was cost her nearly no money at all. In the end, she had turned it into a Harem. Were she placed all the most exotic and desirable boys and girls. It wasn’t long before her Harem was known all over China and Japan as well as Europe.

Auntie took my hand into her own, and did the same to Kali at her other side. I won’t lie and say that I didn’t feel a certain amount of fear and anticipation as we walk up the huge marble stairs leading to front doors. In front of the doors, was the old woman from the house near the docks. I cringed when she looked in my direction. No matter how old I became I would remember what that old woman did to me. Auntie nodded at the old woman once, and pushed Kali toward her. For a moment Kali looked confused, then turned to me, hoping I would explain. I tried to reach toward him, but the old woman took his hand and lead him into a room. Nearly 10 minutes later Kali rushed out, with tears in his large eyes. I knew then that the same thing that happened to me happened to him. Auntie spoke on the side with the old woman for a few minutes, every few minutes the woman would look over at Kali in obvious appreciation.

After a few more moments Auntie came back to us, and took or hands leading us to through the high double doors. Years later I would look back on that day, as one of the worst days of my life. Because after that day, for nearly 2 years my Kali had been taken away from me. Melian had seen Kali as a rising star and me as a shadow. For nearly 2 years I was kept in exile in the farthest room from Kali because I wasn’t pretty enough.

Steam rose in wispy little white clouds, from huge wooden bath tubs. Nearly a dozen or so tubs lined the dirt path out side of the linen wash houses, some were topped on top of each other to make more room. Elderly servants women leaned over their individual tubs, back stiff, and muscles soar, with plump faces bright red from the heat. In hushed voices they gossiped amongst each other, little titters would break through the silence every now and then.

For some reason this comforted me that they were th same as the woman from the manor. Every once and a while they would call on me to fetch them special soap for hard stains, or to collect another load of linen. I was not allowed to wash the linens my self, even though other children even younger then myself had been given the duty of scrubbing. The head cook had explained to me that my hands were simply to self and pretty to be forced to do hard work. Instead I was assigned the time consuming chore of watching over the little ones.

After the death of my brother the eldest boy, us younger children were expected to pick up the slack with out complaint. My job as one of the young ones was to watch after the babs, cook, clean, and run errands. I enjoyed sitting in a corner watching the little ones babble in their secrete languas and crawl about looking for new adventures. Usually I would watch them in the late afternoons while their parents were most busy.

During the day I would wake early to clean the harems entrance. Afterwards I was sent to the harems top Geisha and Courtesan quarters to clean. Have you ever seen the private rooms of a Courtesan? Well they have to be the filthiest creatures to ever exist. By time I arrived in their rooms in the late morning it would be in complete disarray. One Courtesan in particular lived in the same manner of a piglet. His name was Angelicas, Angel for short. His young sister was a very unattractive concubine in the low ranking part of the harem. He like his sister had hair, the color of dark cherries, with slanted eyes of deep gold. For his sister it was most likely the only attractive trait about her.

Every day was the same when I arrived in his rooms. Face paint bottles lay spilled or shattered on the floor, his futon completely rumpled, kimono scattered, and trash all over. Sometimes I could see his little efforts at tidying up after himself. But it I still dreaded cleaning his rooms the most. It was a very time consuming task that left little time to clean all the other rooms before the other Courtesan retires for the day. Luckily for me I had an assistant. Her name was some flower that I do not remember. When she arrived at the harem she was given the name of Ji-Li for the way she looked. It was hard to tell which sex she was by looking at her. Her hair had always been cropped short to keep it out the way, and her body remained boyishly flat, instead of growing the supple curves of a woman. Ji-Li was a simple name, and a fitting one, considering that it meant unisex.

Ji-li usually tagged along beside me as I went from place to place. Her constant optimistic chatter became a soothing background noise as I went about my chores. In a way she reminded me of Kali, who I had not seen in nearly 6 months. All hopes of finding him in the huge harem was quickly squashed by mistress Melian, who’s word was law.

During those times I missed him terribly. Nearly all my thoughts revolved around seeing him again. Some times when Ji-li spoke to me I would pretend she was Kali to ease my pain. I knew it was wrong for me to do such a thing, but it felt as if the real last remainder of my family had been taken from me. Auntie would visit ever now and then, at times even going as far as to request for me to clean her rooms. Of course when I arrived at her rooms she would not let me do anything involving cleaning. It was her little cover up to spend time with me. If it were not for her I honestly don’t know how I could have coped in those days.

One day as I cleaned the mess in Angels rooms, the door had slipped open with out my noticing. I had been cursing under my breath as I scrubbed the floor. Honestly, cleaning up after Angel was like cleaning up after a whole group of infants. Silent foot steps padded behind me, before they stopped just next to my bent form.

Some one cleared their audibly, startling me out of my daze. Hastily I began to bow in apology and greeting, my eyes trained on the wood floor. During my short time in China I learned many important things. If I hadn’t I would have lost my mind. Servants taught me the correct way of speaking in Chinese. It seemed so musical and elegant, compared to the thick slurred words that us serfs often spoke. I was also taught manners that all servants must know. Like how to bow, never to long your better in the eye, so forth and so on.

Daringly I had raised my eyes just high enough to see the long graceful legs of one Angelicas. It was clear that he had just came from the bath house, by the soft cotton robe tied loosely about his slim waist. Wet fiery red hair dripped water all over my hard work as he padded past me to his futon. Leaving me to frown at my ruined cleaning efforts. Taking a rag from a basin I rung it before wiping down the floor boards once more. Behind me I heard Angel shuffle about, ruining more of my hard work.

“You little boy, please help with my hair.”

Angel knelled before his mirror and stand, already dry and wearing a silk robe of pearly white. After choosing which comb and brush he wished me to use, I set about combing the tangles out of his damp. It flowed like water through my fingers fascinating me into an almost trance like state. I was so absorbed in my task that I had not noticed deep golden eyes examining me closely in the mirrors surface. When a slim hand shot up to grip my hand I started so badly that I dropped the combs on the floor. Angel ignored this.

“Your not the one I usually see cleaning my rooms.” my eyes flashed toward the mirror instantly meeting inquisitive golden ones before lowering again. Slowly the hand holding my limp wrist brought it around to his face. Fingers rubbed thoughtfully over my palms, and knuckles.
“Your hands a much to soft to be a servant. And your face,”

My flushed pink as soft hands cupped it, bringing it close to Angels own face. Immediately I lowered my eyes to the Courtesans lap, following the soft simple pattern patterns embroidered in the fabric. He whispered for me to look at him. Hesitantly I allowed my eyes to travel up his lithe form to his round face. Golden eyes stared unwaveringly into my face, as his soft hands traced the line of my jaw to my ear. Something flashed in his eyes, before he let my face go, which had begun to burn a light red. Nothing gave away what he thought as he turned from me, and took his comb from the floor to place it on his stand.

“You can leave now, your job is done little...” he glanced at my face in the mirror as my name fell short on his lips.

“Wufei” I whispered so softly that is was hard for my own ears to hear. He repeated my name slowly, grimacing when he finished as if he had a bad taste in his mouth.

“You may go Wufei.” another grimace of distaste.

Bowing deeply I collected my things and was gone in only moments. All thoughts of what took place in that room were quickly forgotten. Little did I know that it was the exact moment my life began to turn in motion.

It was nearing my 8th birthday when it happened, almost a year after my chance encounter with Angel. I had been scrubbing the planks lining the patio in the garden. That particular day I was busy cotemplating my life before the fire. Thinking about my home always made my chest clench painfully, reminding me of my loneliness. A maid by the name of Ji-Li was on her knees next to me, her rag held limp in her hand, because every few minutes her eyes would fall on me. I knew for a while that Ji-li had an infatuation with me, but I paid it no mind, she was only a friend to me.

I was just rinsing my rag, when a concubine came rushing out of the house. Her long hair in disarray around her face, completely undone from her startling hairstyle. In both the years I had lived in the Harem I had meet many boys and girls but I had never seen this one before. There were simply to many to remember. When the girl stopped in front of us, her face had bright red splotches on the cheeks making her already pale skin look pasty. She wasn’t the prettiest I had ever seen but her hair was a lovely shade of red, it was about the only attractive thing about her, but it was enough. At a later time I found out that she was Angels twin sister. In her hand she held a note, that she handed to me, her breathing still wheezy and uneven. Standing from my kneeling position I dusted off my simple peasants clothing. I had grown a bit during the last 2 years, I noticed my body going through the beginning stages of developing. Taking the note from the girl I bowed in thanks before opening it. Ji-li being her naturally noisy self, read over my shoulder. It read for me to meet in Melian’s private rooms, in the better side of the house far away from the peasants quarters where I resided. Assuming that I was being summoned to clean her office, I grabbed my bucket and rags. As a second thought I told Ji-li to stay behind, as she gathered her things to follow.

Melian kneeled by her low table in her sitting room, a cup of steaming tea held in her wrinkled blue veined hands. I had been in China long enough to know that tea was major part of life, and that a tea ceremony was conducted at least once everyday. When I slid the door open, form my kneeling position at the door and gave my bow, I heard Melian set her cup down with a click. I remain in the door way with head bowed for what seemed like forever, until Melian thick husky voice beckoned me forward. Seating my self in front of her I bowed once more and waited for her to tell what she wanted to be cleaned. To my surprise she told me to rise and turn in a full circle. I did what I was told, feeling my face burn at her intense gaze.

“You’ve changed.”

I bowed my head, looking toward the floor boards, not knowing how to answer. Reaching in one of her kimono sleeves she extracted a handkerchief and wiped her face, using her free hand she gestured carelessly for me to look in the mirror. I did as she was told, moving toward the small mirror at Melian’s makeup stand.

My hair which hand lengthened over the last few months, had turned a soft Hematite-black in color. My skin was a naturally golden color, making my round little mouth seem pinker in color. My face which had always been a perfect oval, had gained some definition, by high cheek bones stood out more, as well as my slanted almond shaped eyes. Sighing I looked toward Melian again, who had been examining my features just as closely as I had. She continued to stare at me for a moment, before beckoning me toward her again.

“I expect you to have all your things in your new rooms by tomorrow. You are to start your lessons as soon as you settle.”

Melian looked at me impatiently for a moment having already expecting me to have left. But no matter how hard I tried I could not force my limb to move. My bemused expression most have triggered some bit of sympathy, because she took the time to explain.

“I am taking you in as a Courtesan in training. You can thank a certain Courtesan for bringing you to my attention. After you settle in you will begin your training”

I remained frozen where in was in shock until she glared at me in rising anger. Catching my self I began to bow many times in gratitude. As I walked down the corridor leading to the servants quarters I let my mind fly free. For a long time I felt numb to thought of staring my training. I had no real interest in becoming a Courtesan, but then I hit me so hard that I had to stop my progress down the hall. This meant I would see Kali again. After 2 years I would finally be reunited with Kali and Auntie. Bracing my self, I held a trembling hand to my lips, in attempt to hide my delighted smile. A few passing servants glanced in my direction before shuffling off to their chores. I almost floated to my room, my head feeling as if it had a hundred butterflies in it.

Nearly a week after my apprenticeship began I learned who had brought me to Melian attention. It was not Auntie like I had suspected. Angel had been speaking having tea with Melian one afternoon when he casually brought up the subject of a servant named Melian. He had been planning for a long time for the right chance to bring that subject up. All his planning turned out to be successful. For his efforts I would be in his debt for the rest of my life.


Kali stood in the corridor where my room was. He had been told the were the room was by Auntie the day before. He stood ringing his school kimono in his small hands, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth. I never saw anyone eyes become so wide before, as he laid eyes on me for the first time in two years. I remember feeling tears run down my cheeks as I moved toward him, my arms outstretched. Kali had grown taller then me by a inch and a half, but still felt snug in my arms as I held him. Pulling back he cupped my face in his hands, rubbing the pads of his thumbs across my cheeks and chin. Leaning in he pressed his lips against mine, the same way I had done to him that day on the ship. Not one word was spoken, they weren’t needed. All that mattered was that we were back together.

“I thought I would never see you again.” little pinks lips trembled as his eyes filled with tears. Gently I wiped them away with the sleeve of my kimono. Fresh tears collected and fell, only to be wiped away as well. He opened his mouth to say something else, but I kissed him into silence.
That night we slept in his rooms, or arms wrapped around each other as if the other would disappear again if we let go.

DestineysMistake: read and review please.