Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of a Courtesan ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I own nothing, I only own a bottle of Snapple, and a Snickers bar.
Note: Here is the chapter I Had promised. And to all who have read my authors note like I asked you to. OK technically I am not even supposed to be posting this until summer! But for fear of this being deleted by my computer (and it has happened), or having problems with my internet..again. I have posted this very early. Please enjoy.


The first week of my apprenticeship was reasonably easy. All I really had to do was sit to the side as I watched other students. My first lessons and favorite to this day was calligraphy. It was not a lesson that was usually taught to us, but we had have some background in it. In order to read, and write appropriately. We were taught the one of the basic styles of calligraphy that even peasants would understand. The reason for this was because there are so many forms of calligraphy, perhaps a few dozen or more all together. That my head aches just thinking about them. And were not exactly training to be scholars. Next came music and dance, which consisted of at least four different lessons in the whole.

Some dances were performed as a group including every one the class, other were done with only one person. Those dances were reserved for senior apprentices only. I should have been a senior by then, instead of sitting in the back with the younger ones. But seeing as I started nearly two years later then I was supposed to, nearly five years later then what was required. Then that was simply the way it had to be.

Watching Kali dance with the other four seniors of my class was breath taking. Their foot steps fluttered delicately across the wood planks, as they all moved in perfect harmony. When all of them moved together in a group like that it was hard to spot a mistake. Another good reason why most dances were only done in groups, it was very helpful for the more clumsier Courtesan, and there was always at least one.

Next came our afternoon meal were we would all rush off to our rooms were servants would be waiting for us with food. On the third day while heading to our rooms, Angel stood waiting for me in the hall opposite my room. Apprentices whispered excitedly when they saw him, when he looked in their direction they would bow deeply before scuttling off. Around the Harem Angel was a kind of icon, for his huge success at being a Courtesan. He was the literally the best in the of the top ten Courtesan. Kali seemed confused when first seeing him, before bowed deeply as well. Angel nodded his head before addressing me.

“Little one, I have something for you in my rooms. Please hurry along, you can have your meal with me.” by this time I had grown accustomed to him calling me ‘little one’. I knew the only reason why he called me this, was because he could not stand the sound of my real name. I did not have to be a scholar to know this.
“Your friend can come along as well if you like.”

He most have noticed Kali’s down cast eyes, and my unhappy shuffling at not being able to be with each other. Angel lead the way to his room regally with, us trailing behind him. A maid nearly broke her neck trying to see us pass by as she rushed past with a tray of food.

As soon as we arrived at Angel’s room an old man was waiting there, with a wicker basket at his feet. Immediately I recognized him as Angel’s personal semester. A plain looking old man with stringy hair in a little tuft at the very center of his head. Kind of like how a new born baby, except ugly. Like the rest of him his lips were so wrinkled, and the way he constantly tightened his mouth, it looked like a wrinkled little pucker. Years later a good client of mine, made a joke so crude that I nearly choked on my wine. He said that his mouth looked like, well I cant even bring my self to repeat it.

A tall wide mirror had been placed by a window with a small wood step stool. While the other sat and ate, I was to stand on the stool to be fitted for my school kimono. Kali was already wearing his, which was a powdery blue with white lining. Showing that he was a senior apprentice.

Kali would giggled every time I would make a face in the mirror, while Angel looked amused. I could not help it, the old mans hands were so cold against my skin. As he poked and prodded me for my fitting, I had to stop myself from shrieking as one of his icy hands slid up the length of my inner thigh. Angel gave me a stern look over his cup, silently ordering me to stay still. I did as I was told, just barley managing not to slap the man as he parted the front of my simple servant kimono to measure my legs and waist. Kali seemed to be as uncomfortable as me, because he began to glare at the man for my discomfort. This made me smile, despite the fact that clammy hands were prodding the soft spots on my belly.

When the man seemed satisfied he gathered his measurements and made to leave, but not before bowing deeply to Angel. He vaguely acknowledged him, for he was still staring at me intently. As usual his face remained void of any and all emotion as he stood from his place so abruptly he upset the bowl before him. Quietly we watched as he glided across the room past sliding doors leading to his bedchamber, then out of site. We could hear things being disturbed and tossed aside, before all movement stopped for a long while, before the soft patter of his feet became audible once more.

With little careful steps so as not to disturb the bundle in his arms, he glided back into the room and placed the bundle on the low table. Carefully he unwrapped the delicate rice paper surrounding it and unraveled a silk Kimono of silvery blue, with soft realistic pinkish white flowers scattered across the hem with large silvery white swans with spread wings ready for flight covered the fabric up each thigh. It was absolutely breath taking, like nothing I had ever seen.

Lifting the kimono from the wrappings Angel spread it across the table, so that it could completely. An obi of dark blue with smoky lacquered thread in swirling patterns lay folded next to it. When he was finished he straightened and smoothed his hands across his lap before looking at me again. Kali like me had been gawking in awe at the kimono since it had been laid out.

“This was my very first kimono. Given to be by my older brother,” his voice became soft for a moment, almost reminiscent. “I was a little older then you are. I want you to wear it for me.”

When Angel said it was given to him by his older brother. He did not mean brother by blood, it was simply what they called the Senior Courtesan that took them in. In a way Angel was my Older Brother, even though we never had a proper ceremony tying us together. That ceremony was saved for later years when both Kali and I were adopted by Auntie.

Gently he undid my sash until it dropped and pooled around my feet shapelessly, then began to part my robe to push it off my shoulders. Under my robe I was completely naked, this did not seem to bother him a bit. In fact he took a moment to admire my changing body. A blush spread across my neck and cheeks so rapidly I thought my flesh would catch fire from the heat of it.

Turning side ways he gestured for Kali to hand him the robe. With great care he slipped the robe over my shoulders and tied it loosely. With out an under robe it did not hang the way it was supposed to, and I did not feel very comfortable in it. I never would really, Qipao was always more of my style.

Next came the ‘obi’ which Kali had to help tie around my midriff. After they were all done they stepped back to admire their work. Nervously I stood where I was back to the mirror staring at the ground. When no one said anything for a long time I looked up just in time to see Angel reach toward the tie holding my hair. Swiftly he snapped the tie and ran his finger through my hair, and styled it in such a way that I framed my face. Other then that I wore no other enhancements besides the kimono.

Angel smiled in a way that I never seen do before. It was almost lovingly as he brushed his knuckles gently across my cheek. Kali stood behind him, his wide sleeve covering his mouth, as his eyes widened considerably.

“Oh, Fei. Your absolutely beautiful.” he breathed, past his hand.

I said nothing.

“Yes. Look at yourself.”

Gently he turned me, until I faced the mirror, then grasped my chin till I looked forward. Probably the first thing that came to mind was; who was that person in front of me?

Long silvery black hair cascaded over small rounded shoulders angelically. Surrounding a small oval face, with soft delicate androgynous features. Unpainted face, and unornamented hair, but still beautiful. Even though in a way it might have taken some of the beauty away. Slithers of light hit the kimono in all the right places, showing a brighter silver in those places. The obi was not properly tied and drooped slightly but still looked elegant.

Experimentally I turned this way and that, watching as the person on the mirror did the same. It was the first time in my life that I had worn a real kimono of the best silk money could buy. And the first glimpse I would get of the years to follow. This both thrilled and scared me, and I had every reason to feel this way.


Nearly a three days after the incident with the kimono, my uniform came. As expected it was the same color as all junior apprentices. Angel had made sure his semester was the one to make it because he was one of the best tailors in the Harem. Third to only Mistress Melian and Auntie’s.

Running was out of the question, for it was very easy to become winded in our uniforms. Ours was quite different from the other uniforms you would usually see being worn by educated boys and the odd girl. Their uniforms would be a simple yet dull color, with a high collared shirt, simple slacks, and occasionally a cap. We wore three layered light weight kimono of deep crimsons, with a sash of a darker red. Our sash was a very wide length of cotton wrapped tightly about our midriff and back. The entire length came from your navel to above your breast bone, and under the arm pits. It was so tightly bound that at times it was hard to breath, much less slouch. This was the entire purpose of having such a wide sash, it kept our backs as rigid and straight as a wash board. Slouching was frowned upon in the Harem, if an apprentice was caught doing it they would get slapped sharply on the hands. Their saying was that no man wants anything to do with a Courtesan who has a back hump.

After all my lessons were finished in the late afternoon, I would be summed to Angel’s rooms to have my evening meal. While we ate I would tell him all about what I had learned that day and what I would need help in. Then we would practice dancing together.

You might assume that the reason Angel had gone out of his way everyday to help me with my studies, then that meant he had a general interest in me. Well only half of this would be true. By bringing me to Melain’s attention and persuading her into taking me own as an apprentice, he had placed his career in my hands. No one would ever be able to look at him with the same respect if I failed. His judgement would come into question, and Melian would view him differently. That was the real reason he went so far out of his way to help me. I could not for both our sakes fail.
By attending Angel’s second daily lessons, I was able to move quickly to my rightful place in class. Instead of being far behind in my studies I was right were I would have been I had started when I should have. This made both Angel and me very pleased.

Two years passed faster then a year has ever passed for me. Kali had become of possible even more energetic, as he dragged me about the harem looking for whatever mischief he could find. I felt just fine following him, just as long as I was with him. Kali is my exact opposite in every way. While he is bright, self confidant, and openly affectionate. I am subdued, shy, and private. People flock to him like a moth would to a flame, while I rather stay in the shadows. Like the rest of them I was dazzled by his light, and quickly sucked into his web.

Years later Kali said something that I would never forget. He said that when he was very young he learned never to trust anyone, because they might hurt him. His older brother had taught him this. But when he saw me for the first time, it was like nothing he could easily describe. Like he could see right into my soul, and how sincere my eyes were. After this he never said word, and truthfully I never felt he needed to.


Angel supervised my progress with like a mother hawk. Nothing under satisfactory was excepted. For the last few months he had begun to train Kali as well. Everyday or ever other day when Angel had time we would practice in his spacious sitting room. Our folding fans and sleeve ribbons flashing in the light as we moved about. Angel would make me do solo pieces often, commenting were I needed work and complimenting me on things I did right.

One week Angel was not able to give us lessons, because he was called away to Beijing on private affairs. Mistress Melian when asked waved us way like insects as she went about whatever she was doing. Kali I stayed in our rooms or in the gardens practicing until he got back, hoping that he noticed our efforts. Auntie was very busy as well, the plum blossoms had come into bloom giving her plenty of affairs she needed to attended. Even though she was retired she still attended high ranking official parties, or her favorite clients private celebrations.

Us apprentices were confined to the Harem with very little to do. It was not unusual to see one simply wondering the corridors of the Harem looking for something of interest to occupy their time. Ji-li was given an even larger work load, for cleaning the top Courtesan and geisha quarters, and preparing the heavier Kimono and Qipao for the colder weather. Our uniforms had been changed as well to thicker layers of cotton.

Most of time was spent in my room practicing as usual. That was how Angel found me. Sitting rigid back on a low wooden stool, plucking away at the many strings of my Pipa. Kali had been tired lately so he had retired early for a nap. Ji-li had been released from her duties for the day. A feast being held in one of the many private quarters, and they did not want her in the way. She did have a tendency to be very clumsy at the most awkward times.

Angel had slipped in silently like he always did. With his hair let loose in a waterfall of fire down his back. A plain tan kimono hung loosely from his shoulders, most likely for bathing. A servant girl stood behind him a large bamboo basket held in her arms. She looked more then a little nervous as she shuffled about the floor, ducking her head whenever she made eye contact with anyone.

I was never given the chance to bow in the respectful manner I should have. Angel wasted no time in telling me why he came.

“Get your bath things, we need to move quickly.” he paused, obviously considering telling me why he came, because I’m sure I must have looked like a rabbit before it was gutted.

“My zhuang fu has come with me for a fortnight. I want you to meet him before he leaves.”

I tried my best to hide my nervousness.

DestineysMistake: here is one of the two chapters I have promised you. I hope you enjoyed. Please read and review, and thank you so much for the reviews already given. It a, but oh well, Destiney did her best. TA!