Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Memory of a Lost Soldier ❯ Chapter three ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey everyone! I've finally returned from vacation! Ugh, I should be in bed now cuz I'm sick, but I have to write my fan-fics as promised. That just shows how dedicated I am to my fellow readers. Well, new stories will be up soon as soon as i finish writing the chaps. ENJOY!!!


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Trowa stood in a cheerful room filled with bright lights. With him was a blonde-haired boy standing next to a intricately decorated flower vase, playing a beautiful tune on the violin. Trowa looked next to him and saw a case with other instruments inside. He opened it, took out a flute, and began to play with the boy. The harmony sparkled throughout the room and Trowa felt a certain bond grow with the boy. The music then ended, and the boy smiled up at him.

"That was really good Trowa."


Trowa awoke after those words were spoken to him. He realized it was a dream, but it seemed so real and that boy seemed so familiar. He then recalled the previous day when he met that girl. What was her name? Adina? Yes, that was it. He wondered if she would ever appear to him again.

It was so strange that he felt like he could trust her. After all, he only met her yesterday and they talked only for a few minutes. Why didn't he just take her for a nut-case? She was claiming to be his "Guardian Angel" for goodness sake! Then again, normal people don't turn into shadows and appear and dissapear on a breath of wind.

He got up, got dressed, and headed towards the animal tent for his chores. Once again, he was by the lion's cage when a fierce wind blew. When he looked up he saw the girl again, standing in the shadows.

"Good morning Adina," he said to her.

She came out from the shadows and stood next to him. "Good morning Trowa. I'm glad you remembered my name."

"Remember you spoke of me remembering something?"

"Yes. Have you?"

"I don't know." He sat down next to the cage, and she also sat. "I dreamed something last night that seemed so familiar to me." He told her exactly what he dreamed. She looked at him, nodding every once in a while, with understanding. When he finished, she nodded once more.

"Yes, Trowa. That was something that happened to you in your past. That boy was your best friend. His name is Quatre Raberba Winner. If he by chance comes here, would you recognize him?"


"Why not?"

"All I could tell was that he had blonde hair. I didn't see his face or anything. It's still a lot hazy."

"Yes, I suppose it still would be."

"Trowa?" called Catherine. She came in to the tent and Trowa and Adina stood up. "Trowa, who's she?"

"This is Adina. She's helping me with my memory."

"No! She cannot be here! She's telling you lies."


"I am not!" Adina protested. "I speak the truth!"

"Trowa go see if you can help the manager."

"But Cathy-"

"Go now!"

Reluctantly, Trowa left the tent. Adina started to rush after him, but Catherine stopped her.

"I don't want you to fill his head with these thoughts."

"Why don't you want him to remember?" Adina asked.

"I don't want him to go to battle again! I don't want to see him hurt!"

"Do you think I like to see him hurt? You have no idea how bad it hurts inside when someone you care about has something terrible happen to them! It breaks your heart!"

Catherine slapped her angrily, tears stinging her eyes."Don't you dare say that to me! Trowa is my family, and I will do whatever it takes to protect him. He will not fight. If he remembers his past, that's fine. He doesn't need you to help him."

"Don't you see it will be more painful for him if he remembers by himself? I'm trying to help reduce the pain. If you want to help him them tell him the truth!"

"Adina, don't come back anymore," Catherine said harshly.

Adina stepped back, hurt in her eyes. She rubbed the side of her cheek and began to shimmer. The shimmer seemed to express the sadness she felt and her flowing tears. Then, she disappeared right before Catherine's eyes.

Catherine stood astonished at the disappearance of the girl. Who was she? A ghost? A reperchaser of souls? Catherine went out and saw Trowa outside the tent. He walked up to her.

"She just...just-"

"Disappeared?" Trowa asked.

"Yes. Listen, I want to know exactly who that girl was."

"She's not dangerous or anything. We met yesterday." He told her everything that occurred the previous day. Also what Adina had told him about her being his guardian.

When Trowa finished, Catherine now understood what Adina had meant when she said that it pained her for Trowa to be hurt. She thought that Adina had meant that she was a close friend or something like that. Catherine then tried to think of a way to tell him to stay away from her. She didn't want him to be in anymore battles. "Trowa, stay away from that girl."

"Why must I?"

"Because you have to listen to what your sister tells you."

Trowa became furious. How come she was making all the decisions for him? It should be his choice whom he can and can't speak to."How do I know you're really my sister? How do I know you're not just saying that for your own good?"

Catherine gasped and looked at him deeply hurt. She turned around with tears filling her eyes in disbelief that Trowa would actually say that to her.

"Cathy, I didn't mean-" he started.

"No Trowa. Just stop."

"I'm sorry."

"It's too late for that," she said as she walked away.

Trowa watched her go, not knowing how to confront her again. He thought it wise to let her alone for a while and went back to the park, back to the lake, back under the tree. A wind blew.

"I shouldn't have said that," he said.

"No you shouldn't have," Adina said in the tree. "However you do have your reasons to think that way. Like I said, you don't fully remember your past. In the state you're in you're liable not to trust anyone."

"I trust you," he said looking up at her.

"Do you?" she asked looking down. "How do you trust me? We just met yesterday."

"I know, but it's funny. I don't know exactly how to explain it. It's kind of like you're a part of me or something."

"Well, not exactly, but something like that. It's because I've protected you for all these years. I will keep on doing so, until you die. The only reason for you dying will be when you're old of age. That's my limit."

"Yes. I trust you, but Cathy wants me to stay away from you."

"You're sister is only trying to protect you. You can understand her view point as well, can't you?"


"Later tonight, go talk to her and work things out. The longer you wait, however, the more pain you both will suffer when dealing with your relationship." Then, she disappeared once more.

Trowa stared up at the empty tree, with her words in mind. He hoped she would come back. She was the only person that truly understood his pain. Catherine did too, but she didn't know things that Adina did. After a while, he then stood up and went back to the tent.

That night they had a show. Trowa had finished his act and was sitting backstage with a warm drink. He had worked things out with Catherine. She apologized for yelling at him, and he apologized for saying that she wasn't his sister and not trusting her. He was starring at his reflection in the mug when Catherine walked in.

"That was wonderful, Trowa."

"How'd I do?"

"The crowd loved you out there."

"That's good."

"Trowa?" a voice asked. A boy with a long braid came in through the flaps of the tent. "Hey, is it really you?"

"Excuse me?" Catherine protested. The boy paid no attention to her and walked right past her to Trowa.

"Trowa? I can't believe it's you! How long have you been here? Where's Heero?" the boy asked shaking his shoulders.

Trowa looked at him with blank eyes and then turned away, not knowing how to answer him. He then dropped the mug on the floor and it broke. He collapsed on the floor, shivering uncontrollably. Catherine pushed the other boy away from Trowa and knelt beside him.

"Get away from here!"

"Huh? Who are you?"

"You must be an acquaintance from his past. Well Trowa will not be doing anymore fighting so he's not coming with you!"

"Trowa? What's gotten into you?"

"Go! Please, just leave us," she said. She held Trowa, trying to control his shivering. Trowa looked at the boy with scared eyes.

The boy turned and left. Outside, he walked thinking what could have happened to him. He stopped short, for he heard someone in the shadows.

"Who's there?" he asked. He looked in the shadows and saw the figure of a person.

"Trowa is unable to fight at the moment, Duo."

"Come out and show yourself!"

"My name is Adina." She came out into the light, but Duo could not see her face for it still was in the shadows. "Trowa has lost his memory. In the past battle, the explosion of the Veigh-eight caused him to not remember anything of Oz, the battles, or Gundams. I am trying to help him regain his memories the least painful way for him. However, it is taking longer than I thought for him to remember. Of course I also have the problem that Catherine is in my way. She tries to protect him, but one day he'll leave and she knows it."

"How do you know all this?" Duo asked.

"I know, because I am the one who protects him. I am his guardian."

"His guardian?"

"Yes. Tell Quatre that you've found Trowa. He's blaming himself and is very distressed."

"Should I tell him that Trowa lost his memory?"

"That's something you can decide." Then in a shimmer, she disappeared on a breath of wind.

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Do your thing! R&R!! While your at it, I'll either be getting other fics ready, or getting some much needed SLEEP!!!! -_- zzzz

~*~Lady Pheonix~*~