Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Memory of a Lost Soldier ❯ Chapter four ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]



Just a few days later Quatre did come to the circus tent. He truly hoped that he would be able to see his comrade again. However, Duo failed to mention to the arabic prince about Trowa's anmesia. He just didn't have the heart to tell him of the latino's terrible fate. He simply said, 'Be careful. Don't get overanxious.' Quatre wondered what Duo had meant by it, but all thought escaped him once he spotted Trowa feeding the animals.

"Trowa? Is that you?" he asked him with hopeful eyes.

"Sorry, do you know me or something?"

"Trowa! Don't you remember me?"

Then, a sound of a pail falling on the ground was heard. Both boys turned to see Catherine standing to the right of them.

"Trowa, get back to the tent!" she said urgently.

"Sure sis, but-" started Trowa.

"Move it!" she yelled. Then once regaining composure, said calmly, "I'll look after the animals."

"Sure." Trowa cleaned off his hands and walked past, without a second glance at Quatre.

"Sis?" Quatre asked. "Wait Trowa!" he headed after him, but Catherine stopped him.

"You've come to take Trowa away to fight again, haven't you? Well he's not going to fight anymore battles!"

"What happened to him?" the boy asked.

"Trowa lost his memories of the past. He can't remember anything's too painful for him."

"It's my fault. It's all my fault," said Quatre fighting back tears. "Trowa risked his life to prevent me from making a mistake. It's my fault. I'm really sorry. I know I can't change anything..."

"Well if that's the way you feel about it, then leave Trowa alone! He's much happier here at the circus with us!" With that she turned around and left Quatre standing there.

Quatre looked back at the tent and whispered, "I'm so sorry Trowa." He walked away letting his tears fall freely down his face.

Meanwhile, Trowa watched the boy leave from behind a tent flap. Within an instant, he began to shiver again. He held his head as he cried out in agony. "What's happening to me?! I...I know that guy!" he cried. "I've met him before."


Meanwhile, Adina too appeared to Quatre. She explained the situation clearly to him. Quatre held back tears from what he heard.

"There's got to be something we can do," he said.

"I'm afraid not. I'll keep on trying to improve his memories, but it's taking longer than I had anticipated. I'll keep trying."

"OK. Thank you Adina."

"Quatre, listen to me." She gently touched his face and wiped his tears. "Don't be too hard on yourself. You made a mistake. People make mistakes for none of us are perfect. What matters at the moment is that Trowa's alive. And what we have to concentrate on is the enemy and getting Trowa's memory back."

"You're right, and thank you once more."

Later on that day, Trowa, Catherine, and others were cleaning out the tent. Then, the ground began to shake, and an explosion was heard. Things in the tent were crashing everywhere, and people were screaming in chaos amidst the confusion.

"Trowa look out!" Catherine yelled.

Trowa looked up and saw the stage lights coming down at him. He would have been hit if Catherine hadn't come and pushed him out of the way. Trowa looked up at her to thank her, but once again started shivering.


"There, there. It's all right now," she said consolingly. "I'm by your side."

"What are you doing here?" a voice said. Quatre came into the tent. "Oz is attacking the colony, so you've got to find a shelter!"

"Why? Why! All we are trying to do is live in peace! I don't want to loose anyone else that's important to me." She started crying holding Trowa close to her.

Trowa got up from her and brushed away a tear from her face. "No need to cry Cathy."


"I don't want to loose anyone important to me either," Quatre said. "Trowa, you saved me. I thank you. That's why I must fight. To protect the ones I care about." With that, he turned and left.

Quatre took Sandrock outside the colony and into battle. He was fighting of mobile dolls, again. However, his fighting ability for some reason had not been getting him anywhere. Quatre wondered why this was happening, and then realized that Sandrock wasn't equipped for battles out in space. He was losing, and the mobile dolls were closing in on him. He cried out in anguish from the blasts.

Meanwhile, back in the colony, Trowa stood outside the circus tent alone. Adina spoke to him in his mind.

`What are you thinking of Trowa?'

`That guy. I know him.'

`Do you remember where?'


`He's the boy in your dream.'

`That's him?'

`Yes. Listen.' She opened his mind so he could see the battle going on in space. She let him see Quatre trying to fight. She let him hear his cries.

"Trowa? What's wrong?" Catherine had come out.

"I can hear him. He's calling me."

"I don't hear anybody." Trowa started to walk away. "Wait! Where're you going?"

"In the far corner of my mind, I can remember someone telling me that the only way to live out a good life, is to act on my emotions."

"You're nuts. You're absolutely nuts." Catherine watched tearfully as Trowa left. Once he was out of sight, Adina appeared next to her. "You knew this would happen, didn't you?"

"I tried to tell you," Adina answered.

Catherine sighed and turned towards her. "Look after my brother."

"I'd give my life for him."

"I know you would."

With that Adina disappeared.

The mobile dolls were closing in on Quatre and fast. He held them off as best as he could, but nothing seemed to work. Then, shots were fired and two mobile dolls were destroyed. Quatre looked off to his left and saw his savior. It was a shuttle, and inside it was Trowa. With his help, they were able to defeat the rest of the mobile suits.


All right, of 39 hits only one person had the guts to write a review. It only takes ten seconds to write one people! No more of this story unless I get at least four more reviews!

~*~Lady Pheonix~*~