Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Merging Causes Problems ❯ Swear not to Tell? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Six: Swear Not to Tell

Tony Draeger
Tony Draeger

Chapter Six: Swear Not to Tell?

*Andrew was with
Rita. Marie was with Nicky. Sammy was with Mika. The five boys and Serena sat
around a booth with their breakfasts, all quiet, ready to begin a long
discussion, but none of them willing to start it.

"So? Why
don't you guys begin. I'm sure my story is much longer than yours."

"Onna, why
should we trust you?" Asked Wufei.

"Look, it's
either trust me, or let Chaos kill you. I'm sure she could do it in one swoop
if she really wanted to, so right now, you don't have much of a choice."

"Fine. Just
tell her." Said Trowa.

Serena, our story is this: We are assassins that were taught how to fight and
pilot giant machines called Gundams. Where we are from, we fought in a war, in
two wars actually. The first one was for the colonies to gain equal rights, but
they turned on us, then Earth turned on us, and it was a big long mess." Explained Quatre.

"Yeah. Not
only did we fight in the war, but we were the most highly skilled fighters on
the battlefield, and since we were rebels, both, sometimes all four of the
powers of war, feared us. But in the end, I ultimately saved everyone."
Added Duo.

"Duo, it was
Hiiro who ended the first war, not you." Said Trowa.

"I can dream.
So what if I'm not the Perfect Soldier, I'm still the great Shinigami!"

"The second
war was the same, just different people with different reasons. Once again, we
all fought, and once again, we restored peace." Said Quatre.

"Wait, let me
get this straight. You're all assassins that fought in wars and saved everyone
on Earth, and these colonies, twice, and now you're here because...?"
Serena said, half skeptically, half- believingly.

while we were at a meeting, Chaos came in and did something. The next thing we
knew, we were here, and had met you.." Said Trowa.

"Huh. I
didn't think it was possible, but the differences, there's just too many of
them to be anything but that..." Serena mumbled to herself.

turn, Serenity." Said Hiiro.

alright. Please don't call me that. That was so long ago. It makes me feel so

Asked Duo.

"My mother
called me that over a thousand years ago. It's so ancient, no one calls me that
anymore. My name is Serena now."

"And I
repeat: huh?" Said Duo.

"Here goes
nothing..." ten minutes later, Serena was finishing up. "but I
thought that I had killed Chaos, and so did the other Scouts. That's why we
thought it was safe for them to go on vacation."

telling us that you are this Sailor Moon girl, not to mention a Princess
incarnate? And that you're not even human? Onna, I've heard some crazy things
before, but you top the cake."

"You don't
believe me? I'll show you then." With that, she stood up, grabbed her
brooch, and called out those oh-so-famous-but -extremely-corny- words:
"Moon Crystal Power!" After the light faded, she was left in her
lowest transformation, her blue miniskirt, red boots, white bodice, white
gloves, pink brooch, and tiara with matching hair pieces. "Anyone not
believe me now?" She asked.

Hiiro was just a
little stunned. Just a little. Ok, so he was in total shock. Magic? Who would
have ever thought it was possible? How did she do it? Did she really fight? How
much more beautiful did she look now that her bulky heavy pants and shirt were
off? Much more. In fact, in that Sailor outfit, she looked downright sexy.
'Damn emotions, damn hormones.' He thought as he looked her over. He knew it
wouldn't be long now before he was so addicted to her that he wouldn't want to
leave her.

The rest of the
boys were in just as much shock. Standing before them was the little girl who
had helped them find their way into the city. They had spent the night with
her, seen her argue with her brother, see her laugh with her friends, seen her
cry at the sound of thunder, and here she was, the one person in the city who
could fight the invading monsters and win. Who would have ever thought it?

Serena liked the
response she was getting. "Take a picture, it'll last longer pilots."
She smirked at them. "I'll bet I know what happened to us and the city.
When I thought I killed Chaos, I really just sent her to a different dimension.
When she figured out what I had done, she wanted to come back to get even with
me and the other Scouts. She probably merged our two dimensions together so
that she could come back here for revenge."

"That would
account for all of the mix ups in dates, years, wars, colonies, and everything
else that is different between here and our city." Said Quatre.

"I have news
for you Quatre. This is your city. I'm betting the colonies are in space right
now too." Said Wufei.

"So how do we
fight Chaos?" Asked Duo.

"We don't. I
do." Sailor Moon answered, returning to her Serena civilian form.

"Onna, you
must be joking. You couldn't fight her."

"Why not?
I've done it before. Given I had the Scouts here for back up power, and Darien
was alive to help me... but still. I can and I will fight her, or die

"Serena, it's
too dangerous..."

"For what,
Quatre? For a girl like me? No. It's too dangerous for a group of boys like
you. I know her style. I know magic. You don't. Hand to hand combat, guns,
swords, they won't do anything to her. Only magic attacks. Don't worry. I'll be

"It's not
fair that you should have to fight alone." Said Hiiro.

"It's never
fair, life isn't fair. But I've given up trying to make it fair, it's not worth
my time anymore. But don't worry. We have a couple of days before I'll go start
anything with Chaos. After all, we all need to gather strength form this merge,
and I need to seriously get back in shape. One month out of training kills your
instincts, you know?" She smiled a fake smile. Four of the boys bough it.

"If that's
the way you want it, Miss. Serena, we'll leave you to it then." Quatre
said, standing up. Trowa, Duo, and Wufei followed him out the door. Hiiro
stayed behind.

"Aren't you
leaving too?"

"No. I want
to talk to you alone."

"About what?
We're alone now, so you can talk."

"Last night
when we saw Chaos, you were scared stiff. When you go to fight Chaos, will you
be the same way?"

"No. Last
night I was taken by surprise. I thought she was dead, remember? It was just
the shock of seeing her alive again that got to me."


Anything else bothering you?"

" Are you ok
with the death of your parents?"

surprised anyone remembered. Even Sammy forgot."

"But you

"How can I?
They raised me. They fed me, gave me clothes, a home, and kept me safe."
Tears threatened Serena's eyes. "I miss them. I loved them." She
broke down, bent her head into her arms that were folded atop the table, and
sobbed. Hiiro came around the table and pulled her up out of the booth. He
hugged her gently, as he had done the night before, but this time it wasn't so
awkward. He revealed in the thought of having her so close to him, but also
felt bad for her.

Soon, Serena
stopped crying. She held onto Hiiro with all she was worth, and looked up. He
was an assassin, so she wasn't supposed to feel safe when she was with him. She
did anyway. He didn't show any emotion, but she saw through him anyway. She
liked how warm he was compared to the freezing cold Tokyo morning. It was
raining again, and though the thunder and lighting were not nearly as bad as
they were the night before, Serena still wanted to feel safe. Her eyes caught
his, and he spoke again.

"I was the
Perfect Soldier. I felt no emotion. I was board with my life, I was board with
protocols. Now I feel non-stop emotion, all of which is caused by you. I'm not
board, but intrigued, and I like the feeling of you in my arms. Stay."
Moved by his speech, Serena felt compelled to make one of her own.

"I like being
in your arms. I feel warm and safe. I hope that you do feel emotion, because
it's not only great to feel loved and important, but nice to return the feeling
once in a while. You know, I think I've fallen for you."

"Funny, I
feel the same about you."


After the last 'really', Hiiro pulled Serena in for a kiss. At first, it was a
gentle one, soft upon their lips, but gradually it became heated and passionate.
Tongue was added, and fire heated their veins straight through to their souls.
When they finally broke for air, they smiled.

"That was
lovely dears. I was wondering how long it would take to get you two
together." They turned to face Marie Kenner, who was leaning against the
door way, arms crossed in front of her,
goofy smile on her face.

please don't tell the others!" Serena begged.

Marie..." Hiiro gave her his worst death glare, but she merely shrugged it

"I won't tell
on one condition. You tell me what this whole 'earthquake' really is. Then
we'll negotiate me keeping your secrets."


"We should
tell her anyway Hiiro. Her and Andrew and Rita, and Sammy and Mika too. It's
time the whole gang knew what was going on around here. Besides, don't you want
to keep that incident a secret from Duo? If you tell him, he'll go ballistic
with ideas and annoy us to all ends." Hiiro gulped at the thought of Duo
knowing what had just happened.

"Sit down
Marie. Ever heard of Chaos?..." He began. Serena giggled, then paid
attention. After all, she would have to tell her part soon enough, and she
couldn't wait to see the look on Marie's face when she found out who Serena
really was.*