Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Merging Causes Problems ❯ She's Ba-ack ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Seven: She's Ba-ak

Tony Draeger
Tony Draeger

Chapter Seven: She's Ba-ak!

*This time it was
five pairs of eyes staring at both him and Serena. He did the math. That was
ten eyes, all staring at him. 'And people say a little pressure never hurt
anybody?' He thought to himself. Hiiro and Serena had just finished explaining
what the 'earthquake' really was, who they really were, and all about the
problems with Chaos. Considering the situation, he thought they were all taking
it pretty well. Once they had seen Serena's transformation, they had been more
willing to accept the story as the truth.

"My sister is
Sailor Moon? How cool is that?" Serena's brother chanted. 'Boy oh boy, is
he having a field day with this information.' Thought Serena. Everyone had
taken the news rather well, she thought. Andrew, of course, already knowing of
the Sailor Moon thing, was the calmest of all. As for the others, Rita had been
mad Andrew has known and she hadn't, Sammy and Mika thought it was the coolest
thing since sliced bread, and little Nicky, he was too young to understand
anyway, so it really didn't matter much to him. But now the problem: getting
them to keep the secret to themselves.

"Guys, you
can't tell anyone about us, you know, the whole Gundam Pilot, Sailor Scout
thing. It could get us into a lot of trouble."

Asked Sammy skeptically.

"If the media find out about us, they'll do a
total photo op story on us. That means that future Nega creeps will know who I
am and will be able to attack me without me having a chance to defend

"And there
are some very dangerous people who are mad at us pilots for ending the war and
having the outcome turn out as it did. They find my identity, and they kill me
in my sleep. Or they could try anyway, I doubt they would live long enough to
follow through with the deed." Hiiro smirked lightly as he patted his gun
that lay on the table in front of him.

"Hey every
one. What's going on?" Asked Quatre. He and the other four pilots had just
walked through the door.

Trowa, Duo, Wufei, we told them all about the real cause of the earthquake; and
all of the rest of the information that came with it." Said Hiiro.

why?" Asked Wufei, obviously mad at their decision.

"Because they
needed to know Wufei. They won't tell anyone, I trust them, and so should
you." Said Serena, defending both hers and Hiiro's decision.

"Onna: you
trust us, and we're assassins. What does that say about your judgment?"
Wufei countered.

"You're not
bad assassins, you fought for peace. You can't be evil when you fight for
peace. Besides, just because I trust you with this doesn't mean that I'll trust
you with something else. It depends on the situation." She stuck her
tongue out at him and Hiiro nearly laughed. She had won that fight, and Wufei
knew it, making his face turn an indescribable reddish color. It just made
things twice as funny when Serena topped it all off with her tongue. He felt
good inside, lighter some how.

"So what do
we do now? Just sit here and wait for this Chaos woman to make the next
move?" Asked Rita.

"It's the
only thing we can do." Answered Trowa. Silence filled the air for a solid
five minutes of tension until a beeping noise broke them from it. Looking
around, no one could see where the noise was coming from, but Hiiro noticed
Serena digging in her bag.

"It has to be
in here somewhere, I checked before we... here it is!" She triumphantly
held up a pink watch. It was the place where the beeping noise had originated.
She pushed a button and an electronic voice transmitted through the watch.

"Youma in
Central Park." Was what it said.
Giving a huge sigh, Serena didn't even bother to tell the guys where she
was going. She pulled her locket out, transformed, and ran off down the street,
leaving behind three confused kids, three confused adults, four confused
pilots, and one pilot who was worried and confidant.


Racing as fast as
she could through the debris filled streets, Sailor Moon made it to Central
Park in under five minute's time. As she searched the area, she heard scream
coming from the left, so se ran in that direction. When she came upon a clearing,
she found a bunch of terrified people,
all dressed in nice old -fashioned suits cornered by the youma. One woman in
particular was in front, yelling and screaming something about pacifism to the
bloodthirsty youma.

"Hold it Nega
trash! I am..." She began her speech, and then attacked the youma in a
full frontal barrage of blasts from her scepter. She thought she could use her
weaker weapons first and make the youma think she was easy, then go at it all
the way and kill it when it was off guard. Her plan worked, and within a matter
of ten minutes, the youma was gone. Out of thin air appeared Chaos.

"Moon brat!
You'll die the next time we meet!"

Separate the worlds again!"

"No! Now I
have twice as much to conquer, twice as much to play with, and twice as much to
destroy! Rahh!" She screamed as she once again disappeared into thin air.

After recovering,
Serena returned to her civilian form and went to check on the people Chaos had
been threatening with her youma.

"I am Relena
Peacecraft, former queen of the world and current vice foreign minister and
advocate of complete and total pacifism. Who are you little girl?" Asked
the woman who had been preaching pacifism to the youma when Serena had arrived
on the scene.

"I'm Serena,
I just wanted to make sure you were all alright. If you are, and it seems you
are, I'll just be getting back to my friends now. Bye." She turned and
began to walk off.

"Wait, little
girl! It's getting dark, and it was so cold last night. Do you know of a
hotel?" Asked one of the other men with the crazy woman.

"Sorry. All
of the hotels I know of were destroyed in the earthquake, and Hiiro said it
wouldn't be safe in them anyway because of the structural damage to

"Hiiro, Hiiro
Yui? You know Hiiro Yui?" Asked the crazy woman again.


"Hiiro! Come
and kill me! Please! Where is he? Is he near by?"

"Um, no.
Sorry. He left. Bye now!" ' That must the one Hiiro had to protect, Poor
guy. Pretty girl, but totally insane.' Serena thought to herself as she left
the group of delegates behind. As she walked home, she felt strange, almost
like someone was watching her. She turned around and checked for someone, but
no one was there. When she finally reached the arcade, Hiiro was outside
standing and leaning against the wall
with his arms folded. His eyes met hers and they had a glare contest. Just as
she broke it with a fit of giggles, he walked up to her and hugged her. Then,
pulling apart, he went over her for any injuries.

"I'm fine. I
didn't even get dirty. Though I did meet some interesting people. One woman in
particular that you might find incredibly interesting."

yeah?" He managed to grunt out, standing and holding her in his arms

"A woman by
the name of..."

"Hiiro! I'm
back now! Now you can kill me, just like old times!" Relena Peacecraft,
who was standing in front of the two, cut Serena off mid -sentence.

Peacecraft." Finished Serena.
Hiiro mentally groaned and physically shuddered at the thought of being
anywhere near the pacifist- preaching bitch.

"Go away
Relena." Hiiro managed to squeeze out without killing her.

"But Hiiro, I
missed you! Please threaten me again! I love you, please kill me!"

Relena, is it? I don't think you quite understand. Hiiro asked you to leave.
Now I'm going to ask you to leave. Please leave. Thank you, bye now."
Serena said, as nicely as she could. Even if this girl was totally crazy, she
didn't want anyone to not like her.

"Who are you,
little girl? Go home to your mommy and daddy; I'm sure they're waiting to tuck
you in. Go on, go home to mommy." Relena answered. If it could have,
Serena's jaw would have hit the floor. How rude could this Relena get?

"Omea wa
koruso. Get lost Peacecraft. Now." Hiiro was really getting mad. He knew Relena
had just hit Serena's sore spot, and wanted her gone. The problem was, he
couldn't figure out why Serena didn't stick up for herself.

"Oh Hiiro,
you do care! Come back with me!"


"Now little
girl, step away from my man and leave us alone, we have some catching up to

"Relena, I
don't think you understand. Both Hiiro and I are asking you to leave. Now if
you don't, I won't stop Hiiro from pulling the trigger."

"I don't
think so. Get away!"

Hiiro's hand came up, gun loaded and safety off; he was ready to move in for
the kill. He rewrapped his other arm around Serena's waist and pulled her in
closer to him.

"Hiiro, let
that little girl go. Why do you want her with you? I could be holding you in my
arms as we speak."

"I want her
because I love her. Get lost." He shot at the ground in front of Relena's

"What? You,
you can't mean that!"

"He does. He
really does. So here's a tip for you, Miss. Relena: go away before he really
loses his temper." Serena sighed. 'Well, can't be nice to everyone all the
time, and I certainly can't say I didn't try.'

"You brat!
How dare you steal my Hiiro away from me! How dare you! I am Relena Peacecraft.
I was the Queen of the World!" Relena began moving in towards the two,
then, in one quick motion, she grabbed Serena's long blonde pigtail and pulled.

Was the only word Serena got out of her mouth before a loud noise covered her
whimpering. She looked to see Hiiro's
gun still smoking. Then she looked to see Relena Peacecraft, grabbing her shoulder and screaming bloody

This time, Relena
took the hint and left, running and crying all the way. Hiiro smirked. He was
glad he had finally been able to fulfill his dream. When he turned to check on
Serena, he saw that she was fine, but was still holding her head and wincing.

"Are you
alright?" He asked, with a very slight touch of concern in his voice.

"Yeah, but
she did something to my hair tie, and now it's stuck in my hair."


'Hnn' me, mister. You try getting a hair tie getting stuck in your hair, they
hurt." She saw Hiiro smirk. "Well I'm glad you think it's so funny.
Oh, ouch! Never mind. I'll get Rita or Marie to get it out." With that,
she stormed into the arcade.*