Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Merging Causes Problems ❯ What Messy Misuderstandings ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Eight: What Messy Misunderstandings

Tony Draeger
Tony Draeger

Chapter Eight: What Messy Misunderstandings

*Serena was in
almost unbearable pain. "Ouch! Stop! Duo!" after Relena had messed
with her hair, Serena went to Rita to get it out. Rita couldn't do it without
cutting it, so Serena said no quickly. After Rita, she had tried Marie. Marie
had wanted to put peanut butter in her hair, but Serena said no to that idea
too. She had even gotten so desperate as to have Mika try to remove the hair
thing, thinking that her small fingers could do it, but no, she was wrong in
that idea too. Finally, she spotted Duo. He had a long braid, so he must have
had her problem some time or another. She let him go to work on the infamous
hair tie less than five minutes ago, and so far, she thought they were getting nowhere.

"Have no
fear, pretty lady, for I, Sir Duo Maxwell-o-lot, have done the impossible!"

"What would
that be? Flown? Sorry, it's been done, oh mighty knight." Serena joked
with him.

"Um, no. I
was thinking more along the lines of getting your hair tie unstuck without
cutting your hair or putting any goop in it."

"Oh, Duo,
thank you!" She cried, turning around and giving him a small peck on the
lips. When she pulled away, Duo sat motionless. Just as he opened his eyes, she
began to speak. "Oh, I'm going to go find Hiiro. I have a few things to
say to him. Bye!" She ran off. Duo still stayed perfectly still. 'She
kissed me. Ok, so it was just a friendly thank you kiss, but it was still a
kiss. Oh, wait until Hiiro hears about this! He'll go nuts!' And with that in
mind, he ran off in the opposite direction of Serena, knowing exactly where
Hiiro already was.


"...right on
the lips! On the lips! Can you believe it! An angel just took on a one second
tour of heaven, and I loved every minute of it!" The five pilots were
sitting in the backroom of the arcade discussing 'things' as they called it.

Hiiro listened to
Duo's story. He couldn't believe it. Had Serena really kissed Duo? Of course,
he had known about the hair problem. And he had known that when he laughed,
well, smirked at her, she had gotten angry. He could tell she was very proud of
her hair the way it was, and didn't take kindly to people laughing about it.
But to go and kiss Duo because he had gotten the hair tie out? Had she done it
just to spite him? To make him jealous? Or had she really meant she liked Duo
more than himself? His head was spinning with all of this new information.

Duo was glowing.
He was on top of the world. He couldn't believe that she had pecked him on the
lips! He wondered if any of the other
pilots were jealous. 'Well, being at the right place at the right time does it
every time. I wonder if I could get her to do it again, and actually mean
something by it this time?' He scanned the faces of his comrades. Trowa held an
indifferent look. Quatre was somewhat in a trans, Wufei could care less, but,
wait, was that jealousy written on the face and in the eyes of the Perfect
Soldier? 'I could play this one for all it's worth. It's party time!' He

"So, Hiiro,
what do you think about her kissing me?"


"Come on, be
honest. You don't like it very much, do you?" Suddenly the other three
pilots were very interested in the direction the conversation was heading.

"Yeah, Yui.
What do you think about her and Maxwell hooking up?" Asked Wufei.

"Hiiro? Don't
you think we'd make a cute couple? Ah, I can see it now. Mrs. Serena Duo

"Hnn. First
of all, her name is Serena Usagi Tsukino. Secondly, I doubt she cares for you. And thirdly, omea wa

"How did you
know her full name Hiiro?" Asked Quatre.

"I asked

"Well, don't
you think it has a nice ring to it? I mean, Serena Maxwell. In fact, I'm going
to go find her right now." With that, Duo spun out of the room. Hiiro shut
his eyes and put on the face of an annoyed person, when really he was ready to
chase after Duo and knock him out so he could take Serena far away from here.
But of course, in being the Perfect Soldier, one must abide by all of the
rules. 'Damn protocols.' He thought to himself again.

Serena had been out looking for Hiiro for an hour. She
couldn't find him anywhere in the area. She was ready to transform and go
searching for him, but then she spied a happy looking Duo.

"Hey Duo!
Listen, have you seen Hiiro? I really need to talk to him about

"Babe, why
talk to him when you can talk to me?"

"Because it's
just something that I started to get into with him and now I need to finish

"Well angel,
you started something with me, and now I'm going to finish it."

"Huh? What
did I sta..." Serena was cut off by Duo's lips hitting hers. As he tried
to deepen the kiss, she lightly responded, still in shock. She finally pulled
away form him and caught her breath.

"Duo... I...
I mean, I, just...."

"Say 'wow'.
Come on, you know that's what you want to say." He grabbed her arms and pulled
her into an embrace. She pulled away.

"Duo, that's
sweet and all, but I can't."

"Why not? You
told us yesterday that your boyfriend died a month ago."

"Yes, but I already have another... Duo, I just can't
right now, ok. Look, you're a very sweet guy and all, but I just don't think
you and I..."

"What about
this kiss earlier?"


"You know,
the one after I fixed your hair?"

"Duo, that
was a 'thank you peck,' not an 'I'm trying to lead you on kiss'"

"Oh. Sorry. I
feel stupid."

"No, it's my
fault, I should have pecked you on the cheek anyway, you're just too

"Duo? Come
see this!" Called Sammy from down the hall.

"Coming kid! Got to run, bye!" And with that, a
very red Duo ran down the hall to see what his younger friend wanted to show


Two minutes after
Duo left, Hiiro went after him. After much inner debating, he decided 'all was
fair in love and war', so he was going to go find Serena right away and tell
her he was sorry. He entered the arcade's main room, and saw two figures in the
corner on the room. Stepping in closer, he saw Serena's hairstyle, and the
other one's braid. Duo had found Serena first. He watched the interaction. It
was too bad the lighting was so poor, otherwise he would have been able to ready
their lips. He watched as they spoke, then Duo kissed her. That was all he
needed to see. Feeling rejected, he walked back into the backroom and out the
back loading door.

Hiiro figured a
walk would clear his mind. 'When did I become such a weak person that I fawn
over girls?' He thought to himself. 'Since when does the emotionless Hiiro Yui,
the Perfect Soldier care about anything anyone does if it's not part of the
mission? He doesn't.' He stopped. Trying to make himself think differently
wasn't helping. He still had Serena on the brain and Serena in the heart. He
got to the end of the main street and turned. Seeing Tokyo Tower light up in
the dusk, he decided he would head that way for a stroll.


"Have any of
you guys seen Hiiro around? I haven't seen him since he shot Relena."
Serena was really getting worried now, and she wasn't afraid to show her

"Yeah. He was
in here three minutes ago. Didn't you see him? He was in the main room of the
arcade looking for you and Duo." Answered Quatre.

"The main
room? Three minutes ago? Where is he now?"

"He came back
in here and left without so much as a word. But he had a wild look on his face.
He doesn't show emotion that often, but when he does, you can see it in his
eyes. He almost looked dead." Said Trowa.

"Oh no. I'll
bet he saw Duo and I kissing. On no, what have I done?"

"Serena? What
do you mean?" Asked Quatre.

"Well, Duo
came in three minutes ago and kissed me senseless, and when I told him no, I
just wanted to be friends, I came in here to ask you guys. Hiiro probably saw
Duo kiss me. Oh no! He'll never trust me now. He'll hate me forever." She
sat down and began to cry with her head buried in her hands.

cry." Quatre wrapped his arms around her in a hug, but she pushed him away.

"The only
person I want to hug me is Hiiro. Oh Selene. While you were all gone this
morning, Hiiro and I had a little chat, and we were so happy, but now look what
I've gone and done! I've spoiled everything now."

happened between you and him this morning?" Asked Duo, who had joined the
group in just enough time to hear Serena begin to cry.

"Well, he
asked me if I was scared of Chaos, and I said no. He asked me if I missed my
parents, and I said yes and started to cry. He hugged me, and then kissed me,
and well, I don't know... we just sort of fell into place."

"You mean you
and Yui got together... this morning?" Asked Wufei. Serena nodded, unable
to speak.

"No wonder he
stormed out like he did." Said Trowa.

"He saw me
kiss you and thought... oh, man! I shouldn't have teased him!" Cried Duo.

"What do you
mean, teased him?" Serena asked.

"I told him
you kissed me, then I was messing with his mind and calling you Serena
Maxwell... he looked so jealous, but I honestly didn't know you, and he, had
already, you know, gotten together." Now Duo's rage matched Serena's.

Duo..." Sighed Serena. "I'm going to find him. Stay here incase he
comes back."

"But Serena,
it's beginning to storm outside. You're afraid of..."

"I'm afraid
of losing Hiiro. Thunder or no, I go out. Tell the other not to worry, and take
care of Sammy for me." She ran out the back door, hoping, praying she
would find Hiiro.*