Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Angel ❯ chapter eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Midnight Angel

part eight

//What did I do? What did I do? How could this happen? I... I pleasured
myself...?! In the corridor... Somebody _had_ to find me... I'm such a _baka_!!!
... How... Why... Why am I losing my control like this?//

Heero let his blanket slide to the floor, put his clothes onto a stool near the
hand-basin and stepped into the shower, turning the controls to 'hot'. He let
the near-boiling water pound onto him, hoping that it somehow could wash away this
feeling of guilt that had befallen him.

//It's all the dream's fault... //

((No, not only the dream. Remember when you saw him in the forest.))

//What... Who... who's talking to me???//

((Hn, baka. I am you. Your consciousness.))

//Na- nani? What do you want?!//

((*sigh* you are a terrible, stubborn idiot. Why can't you admit that you are
attracted to him?))

//ATTRACTED??? Are you insane? He's male!//

((*snicker* Do you realize that you just called yourself insane? And what does
it matter, if he is male or not? Wufei is male too, and you are attracted to him
as well, though not as much as to Duo. Hell, you even find Zechs more that a
little bit attractive.))

Heero groaned and tried to find a way to silence his consciousness. He didn't
need it to tell him how he felt. He didn't feel for that idiot, he couldn't feel
for him.

"I'm just a sick bastard, that's all. I should kill myself, before I lose the
rest of what little control I have..." he murmured quietly to himself.

"And why would you think such a thing?" came Duo's worried voice from outside
the shower. Heero yelped in indignation.

"BAKA! What are you doing here? Do you always go into bathrooms, even when you
know they are occupied?"

"Gee, do you want me to piss into my pants? And besides, how long should I have
waited? I've been standing in front of that blasted door for a bit over an hour
and you wouldn't come out. Hell, you were obviously so lost in thought that you
didn't even hear me flush the toilet, otherwise you wouldn't have talked to
yourself, would ya?"


"Argh. Have I ever told you how much I _hate_ those fucking monsyllables you
utter? They abso-fucking-lutely grate on my nerves. Have mercy and _talk_ for
the ancients sake. That's the reason why you have voice-chords, ya know? So you
can do this wonderful thing called communication. Look at me, I talk all the

"Yeah. And you wear on _everybodys_ nerves."

He was met with silence. When he opened the shower-curtain, he gazed into a
stare that practically screamed 'hurt', then Duo turned on his heel and left
Heero alone.

"Hello Duo, how are you?" Quatre asked, when Duo came downstairs and joined the
others in the kitchen.

"Fine." Was the only answer he got before Duo went onto the veranda to get his
now-dry clothes and dressed.

"If somebody should feel the urge to let me kill his last nerve, I'm in the
garden." With these words, Duo left the house.

Five minutes later, Heero came downstairs. Shooting a glare into Zechs'
direction, he sat down at the breakfast table and ate some cereals.

"Where's Duo?" he inquired, trying not to sound overly concerned, but failing

"Say, Yui, did you and Duo have a little heart to heart talk up there?" Wufei
asked, ice in his voice.

"Hn, not your concern, Justice-freak" was the answer.

A sudden gasp from Quatre, who had moved to the window to look out for Duo,
interrupted what could have easily become a serious fight. They hurried over to
the golden-haired empath, who held his hand to his heart, and whose eyes were
filled with awed wonder.

Following his gaze, they held their collective breath. Then Wufei spoke up:

"Is that...."

"... a unicorn?" Zechs ended the question.


"If somebody should feel the urge to let me kill his last nerve, I'm in
the garden."

As soon as Duo was outside and breathed in the fresh air, cleansed by
yesterday's downpour, he already regretted his harsh words.

//Saa, I guess his insult really hit home... But after all, I _did_ startle him
... a lot. I guess I shouldn't be so angry that he snapped at me like he did.//

Sighing he settled down on a large stone, close to the little brook he had
taken water from the previous day. He drew his knees to his chest, lay his
head on them and sighed deeply.

::You seem confused:: a gentle voice rang in his mind. His head shot up.

Directly in front of him, a unicorn stood.

::What are you doing in this world? My friends could catch an eye-ful of

::Do you think their hearts are pure enough to see me? They are soldiers with
blood-stained hands after all...:: The unicorn trailed off, uncertain.

A dark chuckle escaped Duo's throat.

::And what do you think _I_ am, my friend? An innocent little fairy?::

::My apologies, sire. I shouldn't have made any assumptions on the purity of
their souls.::

::Yeah, damn right. ... But, I still want to know _why_ you're here, not in
Shijindala where you are safe?!?::

::Oh, I just wanted to tell you that soon there'll be one more of our kind
running free through the forests of your creation.:: The unicorn winked
at the flabbergasted Duo.

The braided one smiled warmly at the mythological creature in front of him.
He slowly lifted his hand and carefully drew his fingers through the mother-of-
pearls-coloured mane.

::It is good to know that your race is slowly increasing in numbers. There were
too few left of you, because of the stupid mortals::

::And our own carelessness. Don't forget that.:: Duo grinned sheepishly.

::Umm... well.. eh heh, I just didn't want to say that to your face, I guess.::

With a soft snort the unicorn vanished, as if it had never been there.

----------------------------------------------------------- -------------

"Merquise, would you please be so kind to pinch me?" Zechs did as requested. Hard.

"OUCH! Kisama!"

"Well, at least we know that this is not a dream."

"Maybe a mass-hallucination?"

"Trowa! This is certainly _not_ a hallucination. My uchuu no kokoro told
me it was real..."

"But I don't understand..." Zechs muttered."We are all men, and _some_ of us
are certainly no virgins any longer. So how could we see such a creature?
Unicorns are said to be only visible to virgins' eyes, or am I wrong?"

Tiredly Wufei rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"To be honest, I don't know what to think or believe any more. Especially after
what Heero told..." he broke off, mid-sentence.

"That reminds me... what _did_ you say to upset Duo so much that he ran...
wait a minute, didn't you say he was burning up with fever, Heero?" Quatre
was worried.

"Yes, he was. Past tense being the key here.I have no idea what his condition is
right now. He might have recovered fully for all I know." Heero replied sourly.

He was still angry at Duo. Or, if he was honest, he was angry at himself.

--------------------------------------------------------- -----------------

When Duo re-entered the house, he was met with five incredulous stares. It
was quite obvious, that his fear had come true - they had seen the unicorn.
But he decided to play dumb first.

"Hey guys, what's up? Is there something at my face?"

"When and how, Duo, did you make the aquaintance of a friggging _unicorn_?"
Trowa burst out.

//Shit. Does he have to be so blunt?//

"Eh... some years ago... by chance. We just met... in some kinda forest..."

Duo was so _not_ going to tell them the whole truth.

The others formed a loose circle around him, and somehow he felt trapped.

"Duo..." Heero's voice was so cold it sent shivers down Duo's spine, his face
dead serious.

"_What_ exactly are you? Tell the truth and don't try to run this time. I
might shoot you."