Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Angel ❯ chapter nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Midnight Angel

part nine

Duo stared at Heero as if his friend had grown a second head.

"You wouldn't... you wouldn't shoot a _friend_, an _ally_
would ya?" Duo fidgeted.

//on the other hand, why don't I just tell them bits and pieces and
hope it's enough?//

((because, you twit, they would know you're not telling the _whole_ truth))

//oh, you again... Yeah, I guss you're right... //

Not knowing what to do, he decided to use the last resort; he fainted.

"Oi, you scared him half to death!" Quatre was _not_ happy.

"Hn, nonsenese. It's just the fever that caught up with him."

Carefully Heero picked his unconscious friend up. He carried him upstairs
and gently lay him down on their shared bed.

Downstairs, Zechs and Wufei started an argument on how rice tasted better;
plain with just a hint of lemon juice, or as a paella, when Trowa suddenly
noticed that Quatre was sitting huddled on the sofa, clutching his heart, the
face drawn in a pained/worried expression.

"Little one?... Are... are you alright?"

Quatre looked up, startled. "Huh?"

"I said, are you alright? You're so pale all of a sudden..."

"I... no... I'm... it's my uchuu no kokoro. I have a very bad feeling, but I just
can't wrap my mind around what's bothering me... you know?"

//Am I even making sense here, or am I just babbling? I'm so confused...//

"Is it about Duo?" Wufei inquired, obviously tired of the rice-argument.

"I... I don't know... I never felt something as overwhelming as this before.
I just cannot tell where it comes from... I felt something similar when one
of you was in danger but... never this intense... It feels like the whole house
is ducking in... fear... pain?..."

Suddenly, tow things happened simultaneously. While Quatre collapsed, his face
ashen, a scream dying unheard on his lips, a violet-black flame appeared in
the middle of the living-room. Small first, like a candle's, but rapidly growing
until there was a flame-pillar that almost reached the ceiling.

When th fire died out, a man stood there, garbed in a robe of the darkest
black, his hair just as dark, framing an snow-coloured face. The tall stranger
_glared_ at them from crimson-glowing eyes.

//Maybe he's a sorcerer... or the devil...// Trowa thoght, only peripheri-
cally wondering about his calmness. The stranger then raised his voice:

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SON!?!" Lucifer (of course it's him, who
else) bellowed from the top of his lungs, his voice booming through the room
as if magically amplified.

"Excuse me... but who the heck _is_ your son, anyway?" Zechs found the
nerve to answer the enraged stranger.

//Is that mortal stupid or what?// Lucifer mused, too angry to realize
that these young men indeed had no way of knowing that he was the father
of their friend, who had claimed to be an orphan.

"My son Azrael of course! He is somewhere in this house, and he is suffering
from terrible pain, you twit!!!"

"*hickup*AZRAEL!?!" All eyes wandered to Trowa at this sudden outburst,
except Quatre's since he was still out cold. "You mean, Azrael... as in
'the bringer of death'?"

"Who else should I be talking about, you stupid mortal?"

Ignoring the insult, Trowa answered:

"In that case, I think you _might_ be talking about our friend DUO, and I
assure you, none of us would _ever_ do him any harm. He's our _friend_, you

Lucifer stared incredulously at the young man with the weirdest haircut he had ever
seen - on a human at least. A vein slowly began ticking at Lucifer's temple.

"And who are _you_, daring to call me, the morning-star, a _feather-brain_? I
rebelled against the Lord, led an army against my fellow angels... was cast out
of the heavens for many millenia because of this crime... and you _dare_ calling
me a feather-brain!?!"Lucifer ground out between clenched teeth, his eyes
gleaming dangerously.

Quatre came to slowly, moaning pityously.

"Little one!" Trowa hurried to his beloved's side, Lucifer forgotten for the
moment. The young Arabian stared at him with wide, unfocussed eyes.

"Duo!" he exclaimed, "he's in so much pain! I can't stand it, Trowa!"

All stared at the blonde empath, unwilling to believe that over their quarrel
they had forgotten the reason for Lucifer's arrival. As one they thundered up-
stairs, heading for Heero's and Duo's room. And as one they blanched to chalk-
white when they entered.

Heero lay on the bed, bound and gagged securely by something that resembled
living vines - or tentacles - unable to move.

And Duo... Duo was hanging at the wall - literally, nine-inch nails driven
through his wrists and ankles.

//... crucified... // Lucifer stared in shock at his only child, the beautiful
loving son his dearest India had born.

Duo was bleeding terribly, the cold iron nails hurting him more than anything,
due to his part elven blood he had inherited from his mother. A crown of iron
barbed wire dug it's thorns deeply into Duo's sensitive scalp, dyeing his hair
crimson with his blood.

"Azrael! My baby-boy!" Lucifer rushed to his son, ignoring the staring eyes
of Duo's friends. Carefully he tried to pull the nails out, but only succeeding
in hurting his child even more.

//If I move them, I cause him more anguish... but right now he's unconscious...
and sooner or later I _have_ to remove that iron, or he will die for sure...//

Cursing the lineage of whoever was responsible for this - and he had a fairly
good imagination on whom he had to blame - Lucifer carefully examined Duo's
body, trying to figure out how to remove the nails and 'crown' without causing
more pain than absolutely necessary.

Letting his eyes wander, not really focussed on what he was seeing, he suddenly
snapped to attention when he noticed a green slimy dildo lying on the floor,
Duo's blood slowly drying on it's surface.